PNGTube-Remix V1.3.4!

Finally, after so long!

Many bug fixes and good quality of life additions!

First, lets start with special thanks to;

LeoSron for Improving the UI

Guuvita for bug testing and feature suggestions

So lets start with the new stuff!

Assets :

- Now you can add toggle-able assets like hats, glasses, etc..

Zoom and Panning :

- Now camera zoom can be saved and panning got added

Static/ Pause Preview :

- Now you can pause the sprite movements at any moment for easier editing

PNGTuber save file support :

- Due to how Plus and Remix work, some stuff might need to be reconfigured, like bounce/ gravity values and shortcut keys. Other than that, Models can be loaded no issues!

Fix image transparent edges issue :

- Now your model's sprites don't have these strange edge gray pixels that made things look bad.

Record Model :

- Now you can record your models and save as image sequence (default) or Apng (Gif will be added soon). This hopefully will help make it easier to show off your model.

Export Model Sprites :

- Sorry it took so long to add that, but hey, now it is here!

and more! but these are the main highlights of this update.

What might be expected in the next update :

- Proper Lipsync

- Camera states

- A better Background Input capture support

- Fixing freeze on minimize (Sadly this is a Godot issue, will see if by the time V1.3.5 gets released, they would have fixed that issue) ^^;


PNGTube-Remix Windows
33 days ago
PNGTube-Remix Macos
33 days ago
PNGTube-Remix Linux
33 days ago
All PNGTube-Remix Releases (Github)
Feb 15, 2024

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Thank you for the update! I'm looking forward to try it out after getting back home from work

Np!, feel free to tell me if you had any issues or suggestions :D