The Max Planck Institute for Software Systems

studies the principles of efficient, dependable, secure, and usable computing systems, as well as their interaction with the physical and social context in which they operate.

We conduct foundational research in relevant areas of computer science and beyond, covering theory, empirical analysis, and data-driven investigation. We seek impact through publications, artifacts, and people.

Andrea Lattuada joins MPI-SWS faculty


MPI-SWS participates in 2024 Girls' Day

August 8, 2024
On September 13, 2024, we will welcome high-school girls to our institute, and show them what computer science research is all about.

MPI-SWS researcher receives OSDI 2024 Best Paper Award

July 12, 2024
Andrea Lattuada and his collaborators have received a Best Paper Award at OSDI 2024 for his paper “Anvil: Verifying Liveness of Cluster Management Controllers.”

MPI-SWS researchers receives LICS 2024 Distinguished Paper Award

July 8, 2024
MPI-SWS researchers have received a Distinguished Paper Award at LICS 2024 for their paper "On the Decidability of Monadic Second-Order Logic with Arithmetic Predicates."

MPI-SWS researchers receive PLDI 2024 Distinguished Artifact Award

July 4, 2024
MPI-SWS researcherers have received the PLDI 2024 Distinguished Artifact Award for their paper Quiver: Guided Abductive Inference of Separation Logic Specifications in Coq.

Max Planck researchers publish 7 papers at POPL 2024!

January 11, 2024
Max Planck researchers have authored six papers to appear in POPL 2024.
