Source Title Content yy-mm
Rethink Technology Research (Faultline) Chiariglione clears MPEG air, reveals next standards in MPAI pipeline by Tommy Flanagan X 2024-08
IAM Media Com (US) Meet MPAI, the standardisation body for artificial intelligence data coding X 2024-05
Streaming Learning Center Enhancing Video Quality with Super-Resolution, Author: by Jan Ozer X 2024-04 Book: “Machine Learning, il sesto chakra dell’Intelligenza Artificiale,”, Author: Diego Gosmar X 2024-01
Federica Bressan YouTube channel METAVERSE: Leonardo Chiariglione talks with Federica Bressan X 2023-12
Milano & Finanza (IT) ARISK’s AI mobility prediction models X 2023-11
Tech4future (IT) Data coding using artificial intelligence X 2023-11
Key4biz (IT) MPAI Standards on Metaverse and CAV X 2023-10
IEEEexplore (US) MPAI-EEV: Standardization Efforts of Artificial Intelligence based End-to-End Video Coding X 2023-08
TelematicsWire (US) MPAI issues call for technologies for connected autonomous vehicle architecture X 2023-07 (IT) MPAI and the Metaverse, functionality requirements X 2023-04
EURIX (IT) MPAI organizes the event “A standards body for AI” X 2023-04
AUDIOINNOVA (IT) new MPAI book X 2021-12
Universitità di Padova (IT) AI-based media coding and beyond X 2021
POLIFLASH (IT) Arisk and MPAI standards for the evaluation of business performance and Artificial Intelligence X 2020-12
Data Manager (IT) MPAI, AI as a unifying technology X 2020-12