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IT TAKES GREAT PEOPLE TO MAKE GREAT MOMENTS We are thrilled you are interested in joining the Golden Lion Team. We are a group of unique and talented individuals, who take pride in creating an environment filled with exciting opportunities. It is our hope that our team members will achieve, and even surpass their personal and professional goals. If you are ready to be part of our growing pride, then we invite you to learn more about us by exploring our recruitment website and reviewing our current job vacancies. Please be sure to check our website often as it is frequently updated with new opportunities.

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Macau, Macau
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Funcionários da MGM MACAU


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    MGM and MSC jointly launched the "Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology and Green Skills Education Campaign" In a concerted effort to advance sustainable development, technological innovation, and green technology education, MGM and the Macao Science Center have launched the "Sustainable Development Innovation & Technology and Green Skills Education Campaign." Officially inaugurated on July 16 at the Macao Science Center Convention Hall, the event drew 200 students and industry professionals to attend. As a company dedicated to promoting green, low-carbon, and sustainable development, MGM shares a common vision with the Macao Science Center. Over the next three years, this partnership will facilitate science popularization activities, workshops, national science and innovation competitions, and establish Macau's first educational space focused on "Youth Green Skills." These initiatives aim to cultivate the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes necessary for a sustainable and resource-efficient society, thereby contributing to the green transition. The campaign's inaugural project is a national youth science popularization competition themed "Shaping a Green Life Together." Organized by the China Green Building Council of CSUS, this competition targets students from the second year of junior high to the second year of senior high nationwide. The aim is to deepen students' understanding of the current environmental situation, the harm caused by plastic waste, and the classification and recycling of plastic products. By applying the "4R" green concept—Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Replace—in their daily lives, students will be encouraged to cultivate a green, low-carbon, and healthy lifestyle. On the event day, our primary aim was to deepen the students’ understanding of sustainable development principles. To this end, in addition to arranging visits to the Sustainable Development Gallery at the Macao Science Center, MGM also hosted a workshop at the Macao Science Center focused on "Plastic Upcycling," where plastic bottle caps were creatively upgraded and transformed into unique living goods. This hands-on activity allowed students to experience the joy of turning waste into valuable products. The workshop not only educated students about the current trends of solid waste management in Macau but also emphasized the importance of reducing unnecessary waste and pollution in our daily lives. It encouraged students to adopt sustainable habits in their everyday activities, encompassing eating, clothing, housing, and commuting, thereby fostering a sense of responsibility as global citizens. Over the next three years, we will work hand in hand with the Macao Science Center to promote the mission of sustainable development, empower youth with green skills, and contribute to Macau's decarbonization goals. #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    Unlock your potential! Join our dynamic golden lion team 🦁

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    我們誠邀澳門本地非凡人物與我們一起成就璀璨事業旅程。請即申請加入金獅團隊,與澳門美高梅及美獅美高梅綻放非凡潛能! 立即掃瞄以下二維碼申請! We are looking for Macau local talented people like you. Apply for our team and join in our pursuit of greatness as you explore your career interests at MGM. Act now! Please scan the QR code to apply now! #美高梅事業 #澳門美高梅 #美獅美高梅 #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    我們誠邀澳門本地非凡人物與我們一起成就璀璨事業旅程。請即申請加入金獅團隊,與澳門美高梅及美獅美高梅綻放非凡潛能! 立即掃瞄以下二維碼申請! We are looking for Macau local talented people like you. Apply for our team and join in our pursuit of greatness as you explore your career interests at MGM. Act now! Please scan the QR code to apply now! #美高梅事業 #澳門美高梅 #美獅美高梅 #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    我們誠邀澳門本地非凡人物與我們一起成就璀璨事業旅程。請即申請加入金獅團隊,與澳門美高梅及美獅美高梅綻放非凡潛能! 立即掃瞄以下二維碼申請! We are looking for Macau local talented people like you. Apply for our team and join in our pursuit of greatness as you explore your career interests at MGM. Act now! Please scan the QR code to apply now! #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    MGM Supports "Forum of Portuguese Speaking Engineers" to Boost Sino-Portuguese Cooperation MGM proudly sponsored the " Forum of Portuguese Speaking Engineers," organized by the Macau Institution of Engineers and supported by the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute. The forum was successfully held on June 21 at the MGM COTAI Ballroom. Themed "Macau’s Role in the 'One Platform'—Engineering and Technology," the event attracted numerous engineering and technology experts from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Portuguese-speaking countries to engage in discussions and exchanges. In his opening remarks, Wu Chou Kit , President of the Macau Institution of Engineers, emphasized that Macau should align with international engineering and technology exchanges and develop into a key player in the Sino-Portuguese investment cooperation platform. By establishing an international exchange and cooperation platform in the Greater Bay Area, and capitalizing on the opportunities presented by high-quality development in international infrastructure investment and construction, Macau can leverage its strengths to enable the Sino-Portuguese platform to achieve broader and higher levels of development. As a vital platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, Macau plays a crucial role in fostering engineering and technology innovation and resource sharing. The successful hosting of this forum not only bolstered exchanges and cooperation in the engineering field between the Greater Bay Area and Portuguese-speaking countries but also reinforced Macau’s role as a bridge, promoting regional economic development. Looking ahead, MGM is committed to furthering Sino-Portuguese cooperation, working hand in hand with all sectors of society to create a better tomorrow! #MGMCareers hashtag #MGMMACAU hashtag #MGMCOTAI

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    MGM Promotes Vocational Education in Macao and Strengthens the Industry Talent Pool MGM leverages its unique advantages to cultivate local youth in innovative and diversified ways. To supports the integration of vocational education and industry, MGM has participated in the “Creation of Techniques and Capabilities & Diversified Development” Vocational and Technical Education Promotion Day organised by the Education and Youth Development Bureau recently, attracting a total of 800 participants. During the event, MGM's Woodcraft Experience Workshop instructed participants to apply traditional mortise and tenon techniques to make wooden chairs. The workshop not only demonstrated the spirit of craftsmanship, but also deepened the public's understanding of wood crafts. MGM hopes to enhance parents, teachers, students and the public’s understanding of technology and vocational education, and to inspire young people to plan for their future development. During the event, MGM also showcased a variety of crafts made from recycled materials, reflecting its commitment to sustainability. As an extension of promotion day, MGM organised an “Industry Discovery Visit” tour at MGM COTAI for teachers and students of Escola Oficial Zheng Guanying. The tour began with an company overview introducing the key departments and functions, followed by an art tour to explore the MGM Chairman’s Collection. Empowering Youth to Fully Unlock Their Potential In 2022, MGM signed a memorandum of understanding with Macau Federation of Trade Unions (FAOM), becoming Macao first integrated resort operator to jointly promote technical and vocational education with FAOM. The two parties have jointly launched the “MGM Youth Development Series – MGM Technical and Vocational Education School – Enterprise Cooperation” for two consecutive years, to provide internships for students of Macau Kung Luen Vocational & Technical Middle School, benefited over 1,300 students. The internship program covers two core areas of MGM - Digital and Information Technology and Arts & Culture. Recently, the current batch of interns successfully completed their three-month internship journey and held a graduation ceremony at MGM COTAI. Cheng Wa Lei, Digital and Information Technology Intern, said, “MGM provides an excellent working environment and rich learning resources. During the program, I not only improved my professional skills and theoretical foundation, but also strengthened my teamwork, communication skills and problem-solving abilities. I believe that these valuable experiences will inspire my personal and future career development”. #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    美高梅勇奪「員工體驗大獎」10 獎項及榮獲年度總大獎 美高梅一直致力推行務實創新、以人爲本的人資舉措,積極為員工提供全方位的服務。6 月 13 日,美高梅獲亞太區人力資源媒體授予「員工體驗大獎 2024 總大獎」榮譽。該獎項旨在表彰於人力資源領域中表現優秀的企業團隊。 美高梅今年再攀高峰,於來自澳門、香港、台灣、日本和韓國等逾 50 家入選企業中脫穎 而出,以六金四銀的佳績居冠全場,榮膺年度總大獎。獲頒獎項涵蓋僱主品牌、員工招聘、 人才發展、工作環境及福祉、人資科技服務等多個領域,印證美高梅致力打造卓越工作環 境的承諾,樹立了行業新標杆。 美高梅人力資源執行副總裁余婉瑩表示:「美高梅很榮幸能獲頒員工體驗總大獎,開創新的里程碑。這些殊榮充分肯定美高梅在人力資源實踐中堅持不懈的成果,彰顯美高梅屢勇創新猷的堅定承諾。感謝公司對人力資源的投入,未來,我們將繼續賦能員工,為團隊成員打造更多『璀璨時刻』」。 #mgmcareers #mgmmacau #mgmcotai

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    我們誠邀澳門本地非凡人物與我們一起成就璀璨事業旅程。請即申請加入金獅團隊,與澳門美高梅及美獅美高梅綻放非凡潛能! 立即掃瞄以下二維碼申請! We are looking for Macau local talented people like you. Apply for our team and join in our pursuit of greatness as you explore your career interests at MGM. Act now! Please scan the QR code to apply now! #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    我們誠邀澳門本地非凡人物與我們一起成就璀璨事業旅程。請即申請加入金獅團隊,與澳門美高梅及美獅美高梅綻放非凡潛能! 立即掃瞄以下二維碼申請! We are looking for Macau local talented people like you. Apply for our team and join in our pursuit of greatness as you explore your career interests at MGM. Act now! Please scan the QR code to apply now! #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI

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    美高梅及勞工事務局成功合辦《MGM 2049》駐場秀演職人員招募日,吸引大批本地演藝界人才熱烈參與 招募日吸引了約300名本地表演藝術青年人才報名,參加者當天透過美高梅劇院實地導覽,深入了解舞台的工作環境和科技設備。現場更請來美高梅人力資源及可持續發展高級副總裁李建恆先生與美高梅品牌策劃高級副總裁廖頴琦女士探討演藝娛樂行業的發展與機遇;《MGM 2049》音樂總監吳彤先生、美高梅娛樂項目技術總監Mr. Warren Horner分享了自己在該行業的心路歷程。 即場遴選期間,求職者更可與大師級面試官交流並獲得其專業指導,獲益良多。 我們期待與這些充滿創造力的年輕人一起,攀登新世代娛樂高峰。 #美高梅 #美高梅事業 #澳門美高梅 #美獅美高梅 #美高梅劇院 #駐場秀 #吳彤 #澳門 #MGMCareers #MGMMACAU #MGMCOTAI #MGM2049 #MGM #MGMCAREERS #MGMCOTAI #MGMTheater #ResidencyShow #WuTong #MACAU

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