Mazhab Frankfurt
Mazhab Frankfurt (bahaso Jerman: Frankfurter Schule) adolah istilah nan diagiah ka pamikiran nan dihasilkan dek kalompok filsuf nan masih mamiliki afiliasi jo Institut für Sozialforschung di Frankfurt, Jerman, jo pamikir-pamikir lainnyo nan dipangaruhi dek mereka. Tahun nan dianggap sabagai tahun awal dimulai Mazhab Frankfurt iko adolah tahun 1930, katiko Max Horkheimer diangkek sabagai direktur limbago riset sosial tersebut. Babarapo filsuf tanamo nan dianggap sabagai anggota Mazhab Frankfurt iko antaro lain Theodor Adorno, Walter Benjamin, jo Jürgen Habermas. Paralu diingek bahasonyo para pamikir iko indak pernah mandefinisikan diri mereka surang di dalam sabuah kelompok ataupun 'mazhab', dan bahasonyo panamoan iko diagiah sacaro retrospektif. Walaupun kabanyakan dari mereka punyo sabuah katertarikan intelektual jo pamikiran neo-Marxisme dan kritik terhadap budaya (nan kudian hari mamangaruhi munculnyo bidang ilmu Studi Budaya), masiang-masiang pamikir maaplikasikan kaduo hal iko dengan caro-caro dan terhadap subyek kajian nan babedo.
Katertarikan Mazhab Frankfurt terhadap pamikiran Karl Marx disebabkan antaro lain dek kaindakpuehan mereka terhadap panggunoan teori-teori Marxisme dek kabanyakan urang lain, nan mereka anggap marupoan pandangan sampik terhadap pandangan usali Karl Marx. Manuruik mereka, pandangan sampik iko indak mampu maagiah 'jawaban' terhadap situasi mereka pado maso itu di Jerman. Sasudah Perang Dunia patamo dan maningkeknyo kakuatan politik Nazi, Jerman nan ado pado maso itu sangaiklah babedo jo Jerman nan dialami Karl Marx. Dek mangko itu, jalehlah bagi para pemikir Mazhab Frankfurt bahasonyo Marxisme musti dimodifikasi untuak bisa manjawek tantangan zaman.
Bacoan lanjuik
[suntiang | suntiang sumber]- Arato, Andrew and Eike Gebhardt, Eds. The Essential Frankfurt School Reader. New York: Continuum, 1982.
- Bernstein, Jay (ed.). The Frankfurt School: Critical Assessments I–VI. New York: Routledge, 1994.
- Benhabib, Seyla. Critique, Norm, and Utopia: A Study of the Foundations of Critical Theory. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.
- Bottomore, Tom. The Frankfurt School and its Critics. New York: Routledge, 2002.
- Bronner, Stephen Eric and Douglas MacKay Kellner (eds.). Critical Theory and Society: A Reader. New York: Routledge, 1989.
- Brosio, Richard A. The Frankfurt School: An Analysis of the Contradictions and Crises of Liberal Capitalist Societies. 1980.
- Crone, Michael (ed.): Vertreter der Frankfurter Schule in den Hörfunkprogrammen 1950–1992. Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt am Main 1992. (Bibliography.)
- Friedman, George. The Political Philosophy of the Frankfurt School. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1981.
- Held, David. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980.
- Gerhardt, Christina. "Frankfurt School". The International Encyclopedia of Revolution and Protest, 1500 to the Present. 8 vols. Ed. Immanuel Ness. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2009. 12–13.
- Immanen, Mikko (2017). A Promise of Concreteness: Martin Heidegger's Unacknowledged Role in the Formation of Frankfurt School in the Weimar Republic (PhD thesis). University of Helsinki. ISBN 978-951-51-3205-5.
- Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and the Institute for Social Research 1923–1950. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. 1996.
- Jeffries, Stuart (2016). Grand Hotel Abyss: The Lives of the Frankfurt School. London – Brooklyn, New York: Verso. ISBN 978-1-78478-568-0.
- Kompridis, Nikolas. Critique and Disclosure: Critical Theory between Past and Future. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 2006.
- Postone, Moishe. Time, Labor, and Social Domination: A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Theory. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
- Schwartz, Frederic J. Blind Spots: Critical Theory and the History of Art in Twentieth-Century Germany. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2005.
- Shapiro, Jeremy J. "The Critical Theory of Frankfurt". Times Literary Supplement 3 (4 October 1974) 787.
- Scheuerman, William E. Frankfurt School Perspectives on Globalization, Democracy, and the Law. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, 2008.
- Wiggershaus, Rolf. The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories and Political Significance. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, 1995.
- Wheatland, Thomas. The Frankfurt School in Exile. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009.