A downloadable game for Windows

NOTICE:  Istg it is not a malware or fun virus, just a game.

NOTICE 2: Doesn't actually use the terminal (I think).

Early Access

Jump around.


Arrow keys to move.
Space to jump.
(More Soon)

Add Background
Add Levels
Add Enemies
Add Allies
Add Other NPCs
Add A Quantum Computer (Canceled)
Add The Entire Universe (Unviable. Canceled)
Add A Search Engines (Bruh. I'm NOT spending money on servers 💀. Canceled)
(Still not buying servers 💀. You want multiplayer, mod it yourself. Buy your own servers [If online] or make annoying split screen [If you also won't make multiplayer)
Add Everything or Most Things Every Platformer Needs
Add Literally Everything in existence (Onas atá mé ceaptha é sin a dhéanamh, a inchinn? Níl airgead agam le caitheamh ar an tionscadal seo!)

How to mod:

1: Download the attached file called "Terminal Land Files For Modders.zip"

2: Know how to code in GDScript. Or have someone do it for you.

3. Open Godot, install if you don't already have it.

4. Import project.

5. Make your mod (Or have someone do it for you. [Ai is fine idrc.])


Terminal Land.exe 65 MB
Terminal Land Files For Modders.zip 1.8 MB

Install instructions

Play (it's not a zip file, silly.)

Game Files:
Import into Godot