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What hemocaste suits Elle?

  • In considering Legally Blonde within the framework of the Homestuck universe–more precisely, Alternian culture–Elle Woods’ hemocaste becomes crucial to understanding her journey. The film’s core message is that of an underestimated woman defying expectations, which can be mapped onto Alternia’s complex social hierarchy. I’ve narrowed it down to three possible interpretations for Elle Woods: olive-blood, jade-blood, or fuschia-blood, each offering different perspectives on her character and thematic function in Alternian media.

    (This analysis blends elements of both the movie and the musical, so any lore differences between them should be regarded as inconsequential.)

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  • Promotion

  • (Content warning: religion, cults)

    Google Docs

    Characters: Safron Zergaz, Zaros Stellon, Leyraa Azubah

    (Leyraa -> @windy-trickster)


    Your name is Safron Zurgaz, and, for the first time in your stay at the House, you feel trapped.

    Daily life has continued as usual. While you’d been asked a minimal amount of questions regarding Leyraa’s sudden disappearance, they had been of a tame manner. What had the two of you talked about? Had Leyraa been acting strange prior to her disappearance? Did Leyraa ever say anything that may have indicated she was planning on leaving?

    Your answers were easily verifiable via the security cams the Church had variously stationed throughout the House. It helped that you’d never exactly been assigned to Leyraa either, per se, so you were never in charge of her whereabouts or what she did, especially seeing as she was a rank higher than you were. You’d been given… certain relevant information, of course. It had been given to all the other authorities in your sect, solely so those of you who interacted with her knew to be careful.

    She’d had a troubled past, Deacon Zarios had said. It’s best if you avoid mentioning her past at all. At her request, we’ve wiped her memories. Help her start her new life here, Safron. Keep her from making the same mistakes that brought her here. You, of all people, should be able to understand.

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  • The Terror of the Twenty-Seven Seas

  • Part 2: Sentire


    (Content warning: drowning, gore)

    Part 1 // Google Docs

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  • The Terror of the Twenty-Seven Seas

  • Part 1: Divenire


    (Content warning: drowning)

    Google Docs

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    hit me w an example

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    “You’ve never heard of the Purple Uprising, because it never happened. Maybe you’ve heard of Faygo, though.

    Quite a shame about the epidemic it’s caused in our purple youth.”


    “You’ll never get a straight answer out of him. Not that he would tell you the details even if it wouldn’t get him killed. I’m different though and I like talking, so I’ll tell you all about it.

    We’ve all heard about the Sufferer and the mess he made on Alternia. Well, his work just keeps on cropping up again and again throughout time, it seems, wriggling its way in and out of everyone’s brains and planting ideas where there otherwise might be none. Purple bloods started to think about their place in society, you know? Obviously not all of them, but just enough of them that a sort of sentiment started going around.

    ‘Why aren’t we top-dog?’ they started wondering. 'We’re a lot stronger. We have powers that could wipe those fish-fuckers out.’

    Maybe not the most revolutionary. Honestly, the thought is more caste-specific than anything, but, for once, we start seeing some infighting in the upper-classes. These guys get tired of being third-in-command. They get hungry. They start wanting more than what they’ve got.

    The Purple Uprising is probably one of the empire’s best covered-up revolutions, if one could even really call it that. Heck, the uprising doesn’t even have a true name because of how swiftly the pink-nailed hand of the Condesce slapped it down.

    Seadwellers knew how dangerous a revolt could be from their subordinates and it was important to keep that caste complacent. Purples massively outnumbered violets and fuschias combined, and although I highly doubt they could ever overtake the empire completely, it wouldn’t be a good time for anybody. So, Then at the slightest sign of discontent from the purples, Project Mindmeld was ordered.

    Originally, the experiment had solely been studying how different substances might influence people and how that could be taken advantage of. Project Mindmeld, as it came to be referred to in lieu of ”Exploration of Psychotropic Compounds for the Modulation of Psychic Phenomena in Trolls: A Comprehensive Study on the Efficacy of Pharmacological Intervention in Caste-Based Behavioral Modification,“ was a top-secret research initiative led by none other than Gene. Actually, it was the first project he ever spear-headed.

    With the rise of clown cults and the inherent dangers posed by purple-blooded individuals, the Empire sought ways to control and mitigate their unpredictable abilities. Gene and his team developed a series of experimental drugs designed to suppress the psychic powers and erratic behavior exhibited by purple-bloods and other potentially dangerous castes.

    Prior to the development of Faygo and similar substances, Gene asked himself: 'How does one control a subset of people?’

    The answer, of course, was to control their youth; Get them hooked on whatever you’re offering them, then never let them go.”

  • everyone please welcome into the world my beautiful daughter, bathroom spider

  • perv spider seems to have undergone mitosis, as there is a second spider (Perv Spider #2) now in the ceiling-wall edge

    the next day i came in (Thursday), perv spider was gone from his spot that he’d been in for months (i was always surprised when i saw rare movement from him, as he looked dead the other 99% of the time) and i was boggled. upon further investigation, i discovered perv spider in the corner above the door, away from the shower.

    this was big news, as he hadn’t moved far from his original spot for months on end. he’s built something of a web now and seems a little more active. i know nothing about spiders, so this process has been entirely mystifying to me.

    i hadn’t minded Perv Spider’s original spot, but Perv Spider #2’s spot has me on edge. it’s centered along the ceiling-wall edge with much more territory for peeping tom activities, as this wall runs the length of the shower (opposed to the short length of wall perpendicular to the shower that Perv Spider Original occupied). whereas Perv Spider’s old spot had been somewhat whimsical, a debate as to whether or not he was watching me shower, #2’s spot feels much more aggressive and threatening as there is no question.

    i don’t know Original’s relation to Perv Spider #2–are they enemies or allies? if enemies, i side with Perv Spider Original. #2 is just not as fashionably whimsical, nor is he even original in his idea of residing by the shower. his imitation of the idea comes across the same as a straight person making a gay joke. however, it’s equally possible that they may be allies, which makes me nervous. is he simply a friend? or does Original secretly seek to gain political leverage through increased numbers?

    my stricture so far has been that as long as they stay up there on the ceiling, i won’t kill them. however, i may have to delegate #2’s quashing to my boyfriend. i’m a huge arachnophobe, so having even One perv spider in the bathroom was on the edge for me. i’ve been debating about destroying #2 for that reason (and also because im worried about the possibility of a #3; where does it end?)

    however, Perv Spider Original’s days may also be limited. his move to the corner by the door has implications of tactical aggressiveness and worries me. he grows larger. the sight of his spindly, thin legs jutting like thrusted daggers when he moves frightens me. to add, he’s also actively building a nest there, it seems more likely he may descend upon me during sink activities such as brushing my teeth (even the thought freaks me out). the balance of this truce is wavering and i may be forced to put an end to it soon.

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    You press the button on the historical display, inspecting the order of battle hung behind the glass.

    “The final blow to the near 100-sweep war on Eraniel was dealt by none other than Major General Viktor Kazmir, who commanded the 94th Imperial Division. Although his superiors had their doubts due to his youth and lack of experience, Kazmir did what no other commander had been able to do at the time: he ended the war, finally bringing Eraniel into the league of Her Imperial Majesty’s planethood. For his exemplary service, Kazmir was promoted to Lieutenant General of the East-Malexian Imperial Corps.”

    A rugged looking imperial guard, leaning back on the stucco wall of a long-abandoned building, scoffs under his breath. “The brat w
    ins one war, and suddenly he’s in charge.”

  • Hypoxia

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    (Content warning: violence, drowning)

    Google Docs

    Hypoxia: Noun. Refers to low oxygen conditions


    An inky blackness surrounds you. No light accompanies the burning in your chest. Your chest is burning, your throat is aflame, and your lungs are on fire. Yet as you go to speak, you find you have no voice. No mouth. You try to move but can’t even feel if a body is connected to you. Who are you? Do you have a name? No words come to your mind—if you even have one. What are you?

    Do you even exist?

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  • speaking of writing drabbles on your phone


    is that anything

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    Antemh 😤

  • it would probably be easier to make a list of stupid things antemh hasn’t done

    setting: the outer limits of a city. the real uppity, rich area that highbloods have gentrified.

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  • &. lilac theme by seyche