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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka





  1. afaka ny hahomby (izany hoe, manaraka eo amin'ny toerana)
  2. manaraka, manatona na manaraka, manohy
  3. manatrika, miaraka
  4. miditra, mifanaraka amin'ny



  • Erreur Lua dans Module:R:Perseus à la ligne 164 : attempt to index field '?' (a nil value).Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • sequor in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré Latin-Français, Hachette
  • Carl Meißner; Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book[1], London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to follow in any one's steps: vestigia alicuius sequi, persequi or vestigiis aliquem sequi, persequi
    • to court a person's favour; to ingratiate oneself with..: gratiam alicuius sibi quaerere, sequi, more strongly aucupari
    • to be a lover of ease, leisure: otium sequi, amplexari
    • to adopt some one's opinion: ad alicuius sententiam accedere, sententiam alicuius sequi
    • to try to conjecture probabilities: probabilia coniectura sequi
    • my intention is..: id sequor, ut
    • to be guided by another's example: auctoritatem alicuius sequi
    • to be a follower, disciple of some one: sectam alicuius sequi (Brut. 31. 120)
    • it follows from this that..: sequitur (not ex quo seq.) ut
    • to hold by the letter (of the law): verba ac litteras or scriptum (legis) sequi (opp. sententia the spirit)
    • to strive to attain virtue: virtutem sequi, virtutis studiosum esse
    • to follow fixed principles of conduct: certas rationes in agendo sequi
    • to embrace the cause of..., be a partisan of..: alicuius partes (causam) or simply aliquem sequi
    • to be neutral: neutram partem sequi
    • to follow the standards: signa sequi (opp. a signis discedere, signa relinquere)
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy sequor tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)