
After MetalLB is installed and configured, to expose a service externally, simply create it with spec.type set to LoadBalancer, and MetalLB will do the rest.

MetalLB attaches informational events to the services that it’s controlling. If your LoadBalancer is misbehaving, run kubectl describe service <service name> and check the event log.

Requesting specific IPs

MetalLB respects the spec.loadBalancerIP parameter, so if you want your service to be set up with a specific address, you can request it by setting that parameter. If MetalLB does not own the requested address, or if the address is already in use by another service, assignment will fail and MetalLB will log a warning event visible in kubectl describe service <service name>.

MetalLB supports spec.loadBalancerIP and a custom annotation. The annotation also supports a comma separated list of IPs to be used in case of Dual Stack services.

Please note that spec.LoadBalancerIP is planned to be deprecated in k8s apis.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: nginx
  type: LoadBalancer

MetalLB also supports requesting a specific address pool, if you want a certain kind of address but don’t care which one exactly. To request assignment from a specific pool, add the annotation to your service, with the name of the address pool as the annotation value. For example:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
  annotations: production-public-ips
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    app: nginx
  type: LoadBalancer

Traffic policies

MetalLB understands and respects the service’s externalTrafficPolicy option, and implements different announcements modes depending on the policy and announcement protocol you select.


When announcing in layer2 mode, one node in your cluster will attract traffic for the service IP. From there, the behavior depends on the selected traffic policy.

“Cluster” traffic policy

With the default Cluster traffic policy, kube-proxy on the node that received the traffic does load balancing, and distributes the traffic to all the pods in your service.

This policy results in uniform traffic distribution across all pods in the service. However, kube-proxy will obscure the source IP address of the connection when it does load balancing, so your pod logs will show that external traffic appears to be coming from the service’s leader node.

“Local” traffic policy

With the Local traffic policy, kube-proxy on the node that received the traffic sends it only to the service’s pod(s) that are on the same node. There is no “horizontal” traffic flow between nodes.

Because kube-proxy doesn’t need to send traffic between cluster nodes, your pods can see the real source IP address of incoming connections.

The downside of this policy is that incoming traffic only goes to some pods in the service. Pods that aren’t on the current leader node receive no traffic, they are just there as replicas in case a failover is needed.


When announcing over BGP, MetalLB respects the service’s externalTrafficPolicy option, and implements two different announcement modes depending on what policy you select. If you’re familiar with Google Cloud’s Kubernetes load balancers, you can probably skip this section: MetalLB’s behaviors and tradeoffs are identical.

“Cluster” traffic policy

With the default Cluster traffic policy, every node in your cluster will attract traffic for the service IP. On each node, the traffic is subjected to a second layer of load balancing (provided by kube-proxy), which directs the traffic to individual pods.

This policy results in uniform traffic distribution across all nodes in your cluster, and across all pods in your service. However, it results in two layers of load balancing (one at the BGP router, one at kube-proxy on the nodes), which can cause inefficient traffic flows. For example, a particular user’s connection might be sent to node A by the BGP router, but then node A decides to send that connection to a pod running on node B.

The other downside of the “Cluster” policy is that kube-proxy will obscure the source IP address of the connection when it does its load balancing, so your pod logs will show that external traffic appears to be coming from your cluster’s nodes.

“Local” traffic policy

With the Local traffic policy, nodes will only attract traffic if they are running one or more of the service’s pods locally. The BGP routers will load balance incoming traffic only across those nodes that are currently hosting the service. On each node, the traffic is forwarded only to local pods by kube-proxy, there is no “horizontal” traffic flow between nodes.

This policy provides the most efficient flow of traffic to your service. Furthermore, because kube-proxy doesn’t need to send traffic between cluster nodes, your pods can see the real source IP address of incoming connections.

The downside of this policy is that it treats each cluster node as one “unit” of load balancing, regardless of how many of the service’s pods are running on that node. This may result in traffic imbalances to your pods.

For example, if your service has 2 pods running on node A and one pod running on node B, the Local traffic policy will send 50% of the service’s traffic to each node. Node A will split the traffic it receives evenly between its two pods, so the final per-pod load distribution is 25% for each of node A’s pods, and 50% for node B’s pod. In contrast, if you used the Cluster traffic policy, each pod would receive 33% of the overall traffic.

In general, when using the Local traffic policy, it’s recommended to finely control the mapping of your pods to nodes, for example using node anti-affinity, so that an even traffic split across nodes translates to an even traffic split across pods.

In future, MetalLB might be able to overcome the downsides of the Local traffic policy, in which case it would be unconditionally the best mode to use with BGP announcements. See issue 1 for more information.

IPv6 and dual stack services

IPv6 and dual stack services are supported in L2 mode, and in BGP mode only via the FRR mode.

In order for MetalLB to allocate IPs to a dual stack service, there must be at least one address pool having both addresses of version v4 and v6.

Note that in case of dual stack services, it is not possible to use spec.loadBalancerIP as it does not allow to request for multiple IPs, so the annotation must be used.

IP address sharing

By default, Services do not share IP addresses. If you have a need to colocate services on a single IP, you can enable selective IP sharing by adding the annotation to services.

The value of the annotation is a “sharing key.” Services can share an IP address under the following conditions:

  • They both have the same sharing key.
  • They request the use of different ports (e.g. tcp/80 for one and tcp/443 for the other).
  • They both use the Cluster external traffic policy, or they both point to the exact same set of pods (i.e. the pod selectors are identical).

If these conditions are satisfied, MetalLB may colocate the two services on the same IP, but does not have to. If you want to ensure that they share a specific address, use the spec.loadBalancerIP functionality described above.

There are two main reasons to colocate services in this fashion: to work around a Kubernetes limitation, and to work with limited IP addresses.

Here is an example configuration of two services that share the same ip address:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dns-service-tcp
  namespace: default
  annotations: "key-to-share-"
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: dnstcp
      protocol: TCP
      port: 53
      targetPort: 53
    app: dns
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: dns-service-udp
  namespace: default
  annotations: "key-to-share-"
  type: LoadBalancer
    - name: dnsudp
      protocol: UDP
      port: 53
      targetPort: 53
    app: dns

This might be useful in case you have more services than available IP addresses, and you can’t or don’t want to get more addresses, the only alternative is to colocate multiple services per IP address.