package C::DynaLib::Parse;
# common functions for function and struct parsers.
# Using GCC::TranslationUnit (required, but does not work yet)
# and Convert::Binary::C (optional).
# Reini Urban 2010
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK);
use Exporter;# 'import';
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(pack_types process_struct process_func
declare_func declare_struct
use GCC::TranslationUnit;
use File::Temp;
use Config;
use C::DynaLib;
#sub PTR_TYPE { C::DynaLib::PTR_TYPE }
our @post;
my %records;
# at first GCC::TranslationUnit alone functions
# unused
sub GCC {
my $is_gcc = $Config{cc} =~ /gcc/i && $Config{gccversion} >= 3;
if (!$is_gcc and $Config{cc} =~ /^cc/) {
my $test = `$Config{cc} -dumpversion`;
$is_gcc = 1 if $test and $test eq $Config{gccversion}."\n";
warn "Parse needs a gcc with -fdump-translation-unit or gccxml\n"
unless $is_gcc;
sub GCC_prepare { # decl, [gcc]
# XXX looks like file => c or c
my $code = shift;
my $cc = shift || 'gcc'; # || gcc-xml
my $tmp = File::Temp->new( TEMPLATE => "tmpXXXXX",
SUFFIX => '.c' );
my $tmpname = $tmp->filename;
print $tmp "$code\n";
close $tmp;
system "$cc -c -fdump-translation-unit $tmpname";
my @tu = glob "$tmpname.*.tu" or die;
my $tu = pop @tu;
my $node = GCC::TranslationUnit::Parser->parsefile($tu)->root;
$tmpname =~ s/\.c$/.o/;
unlink $tu, $tmpname;
# XXX resolve non-basic types, only integer, real, pointer, record.
# boolean?
# on records and pointers we might need to create handy accessors per FFI.
sub type_name {
my $type = shift;
#warn $type->qual ? $type->qual." " : "";
if ($type->name and $type->name->can('name')) {
return $type->name->name->identifier;
} elsif (ref $type eq 'GCC::Node::pointer_type') {
my $node = $type->type;
if ($node->isa('GCC::Node::record_type')) {
my $struct = ref($node->name) =~ /type_decl/
? $node->name->name->identifier : $node->name->identifier;
# mark struct $name to be dumped later, with decl and fields
push @C::DynaLib::Parse::post, $node unless $records{$struct};
# prevent from recursive declarations
$records{$struct} ;
return $node->code . " $struct " . $type->thingy . type_name($node);
return $type->thingy . type_name($node);
} else {
sub process_func {
my $node = shift;
my @parms;
my $func = $node->name->identifier;
my $type = $node->type;
# type => function_type size: @12 algn: 8 retn: @85 prms: @185
if ($type->parms) {
my $parm = $type->parms;
while ($parm) {
push @parms, type_name($parm->value);
} continue {
$parm = $parm->chain;
#printf " size=%s\n", $type->size->type->name->identifier; bit_size_type
return {name => $func,
retn => type_name($type->retn),
align => $type->align,
retn_align => $type->retn->align,
parms => \@parms};
sub declare_func {
my $decl = shift;
sub declare_struct {
my $decl = shift;
Define C::DynaLib::Struct($decl->{name},
sub process_struct {
my $node = shift;
my (@types, @names, @sizes);
my $struct = (ref($node->name) =~ /type_decl/)
? $node->name->name->identifier
: $node->name->identifier;
my $root = $node;
#printf "\n%s ", $struct;
#printf " (align=%s)\n", $node->align;
#printf " {\n";
$node = $node->fields;
while ($node) {
# field_decl
push @types, type_name($node->type);
push @names, $node->name->identifier;
push @sizes, $node->align;
#print " ",type_name($node->type)," ",$node->name->identifier;
#printf " (align=%s)\n", $node->align;
} continue {
$node = $node->chain;
#printf " }\n";
return {type => $root->code,
name => $struct,
packnames => pack_types(@types),
types => \@types,
names => \@names,
sizes => \@sizes,
align => $root->align,
# common functions for both
sub pack_types {
my $types =
'' => '',
int => 'i',
double => 'd',
char => 'c',
long => 'l',
short => 's',
'signed int' => 'i',
'signed char' => 'c',
'signed long' => 'l',
'signed short' => 's',
'char*' => 'p',
'void*' => &C::DynaLib::PTR_TYPE,
'unsigned int' => 'I',
'unsigned char' => 'C',
'unsigned long' => 'L',
'unsigned short' => 'S',
'long long' => 'q',
'unsigned long long' => 'Q',
join "", map {defined $types->{$_} ? $types->{$_} : &C::DynaLib::PTR_TYPE} @_;