package Game::Cribbage::Hands;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Rope;
use Rope::Autoload;
use Game::Cribbage::Player::Hand;
use Game::Cribbage::Play;
use Game::Cribbage::Error;
property number => (
initable => 1,
writeable => 0,
configurable => 0,
enumerable => 1
property [qw/starter play crib_player crib_complete player1 player2 player3 player4/] => (
initable => 1,
writeable => 1,
configurable => 0,
enumerable => 1,
property cannot_play => (
initable => 1,
writeable => 1,
configurable => 0,
enumerable => 1,
value => {}
property play_history => (
initable => 1,
writeable => 1,
configurable => 0,
enumerable => 1,
value => []
function INITIALISED => sub {
my ($self, $options) = @_;
$self->crib_player = 'player1' if (!$options->{crib_player});
for (@{$options->{_game}->players}) {
my $player = $_->player;
$self->$player = Game::Cribbage::Player::Hand->new(
player => $player
function add_starter_card => sub {
my ($self, $player, $card) = @_;
$self->starter = $card;
my $scored = 0;
if ($card->symbol =~ m/^J$/) {
$scored = Game::Cribbage::Play::Score->new(
player => $player,
card => $card,
flipped => 1
push @{$self->play->scored}, $scored;
for (qw/player1 player2 player3 player4/) {
if ($self->$_) {
$self->$_->starter = $card;
return $scored;
function find_player_card => sub {
my ($self, $card) = @_;
my $player;
for my $p (qw/player1 player2 player3 player4/) {
if ($self->$p) {
for (@{$self->$p->cards}) {
if ($_->match($card)) {
$card = $_;
$player = $p;
return ($card, $player);
function force_play_card => sub {
my ($self, $card) = @_;
my $player;
($card, $player) = $self->find_player_card($card);
$card->used = 1;
my $scored = $self->play->force_card($player, $card);
return ($scored, $player);
function play_card => sub {
my ($self, $player, $card_index) = @_;
my $hand = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
if ($self->play->next_to_play ne $hand) {
return Game::Cribbage::Error->new( message => 'It is not the turn of ' . $hand );
my $card = ref $card_index ? $card_index : $self->$hand->get($card_index);
if (!$card || $card->used) {
my $total = $self->play->total;
if ($card->value + $total > 31) {
return Game::Cribbage::Error->new( over => 1, message => 'Playing this card will make the score greater than 31');
$card->used = 1;
my $scored = $self->play->card($player, $card);
return $scored;
function cannot_play_a_card => sub {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
my $hand = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
if ($self->play->next_to_play ne $hand) {
return Game::Cribbage::Error->new( message => 'It is not the turn of ' . $hand );
my $current_total = $self->play->total;
my @can_be_played;
for (@{$self->$hand->cards}) {
next if $_->used;
if ( $current_total + $_->value < 31 ) {
push @can_be_played, $_;
return \@can_be_played if scalar @can_be_played;
$self->cannot_play->{$hand} = 1;
return 1;
function set_next_to_play => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $next = $self->parse_next_to_play($self->play->next_to_play);
$self->play->next_to_play = $next;
function parse_next_to_play => sub {
my ($self, $player_string) = @_;
$player_string =~ m/player(\d)/;
my $index = $1;
my $next = 'player' . $index;
if ($self->$next) {
return $next;
} else {
return 'player1';
function set_player_hand_id => sub {
my ($self, $player, $id) = @_;
my $hand = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
$self->$hand->id = $id;
return $id;
function get_player_hand_id => sub {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
my $hand = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
return $self->$hand->id;
function get_crib_player_hand_id => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $hand = $self->crib_player;
return $self->$hand->id;
function get_card => sub {
my ($self, $player, $card_index) = @_;
my $hand = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
my $card = $self->$hand->get($card_index);
return $card;
function play_score => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->play->total || 0;
function last_play_score => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->play_history->[-2]->total || 'This is the first play';
function new_play => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $next_to_play = $self->crib_player;
if ($self->play) {
$next_to_play = $self->parse_next_to_play(ref $self->play->cards->[-1]->player ? $self->play->cards->[-1]->player->player : $self->play->cards->[-1]->player);
$self->play = Game::Cribbage::Play->new(
next_to_play => $next_to_play
push @{$self->play_history}, $self->play;
function next_play => sub {
my ($self, $game) = @_;
# first check whether any players can play on the current 'play'
# if they can they must use those cards first.
my $current_total = $self->play->total;
my $available_cards = 0;
for my $hand (qw/player1 player2 player3 player4/) {
if ($self->$hand) {
my @can_be_played;
for (@{$self->$hand->cards}) {
next if $_->used;
$available_cards = 1;
if ( $current_total + $_->value < 31 ) {
push @can_be_played, $_;
if (scalar @can_be_played) {
return Game::Cribbage::Error->new(
message => 'Cards can be played',
player => $hand,
cards => \@can_be_played
$self->cannot_play = {};
# now we know cards can't be played confirm we have cards left to Play another 'play'.
return $game->end_hands() if !$available_cards;
my $scored;
if (!$self->play->scored->[-1] || !$self->play->scored->[-1]->go) {
$scored = $self->play->end_play();
return $scored;
function end_play => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $scored;
if (!$self->play->scored->[-1] || !$self->play->scored->[-1]->go) {
$scored = $self->play->end_play();
$self->play = undef;
return $scored;
function score_hands => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my %scored;
for (qw/player1 player2 player3 player4/) {
$scored{$_} = $self->$_->calculate_score()
if ($self->$_);
return \%scored;
function card_exists => sub {
my ($self, $player, $card) = @_;
$player = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
return $self->$player->card_exists($card);
function set_crib_complete => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->crib_complete = 1;
function best_run_play => sub {
my ($self, $player) = @_;
$player = ref $player ? $player->player : $player;
return $self->$player->best_run_play($self->play);
function next_to_play_id => sub {
my ($self, $game) = @_;
my $hand = $self->play->next_to_play;
return $hand;