package MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester;
use strict;
use warnings;
use parent qw(MyCPAN::Indexer::Component);
use vars qw($VERSION $logger);
$VERSION = '1.282';
use Log::Log4perl;
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger( __PACKAGE__ );
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester - Do nothing components
Use this in by specifying it as the class you
want to do nothing:
# in backpan_indexer.config
worker_class MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester
This class implements all of the methods needed by all of the
component classes. Thes methods don't do anything, so they can be
useful to ignore parts of the system while you focus on developing
another. For instance, you might use this module as the
reporter_class, since it does nothing, which you work on the
=head2 Methods
=over 4
=item component_type
This is a composite component, although you don't have to use all of them
at the same time.
sub component_type
map { my $m = "${_}_type"; $_[0]->$m() }
qw(indexer queue worker dispatcher reporter interface)
=item Indexer class: get_indexer( HASH_REF )
C<get_indexer> adds a C<indexer_callback> key to HASH_REF. The value of
C<indexer_callback> is a no-op subroutine.
The C<run> subroutine is a no-op too.
sub get_indexer { $_[0]->set_note( 'indexer_callback', sub { 1 } ) }
sub run { 1 }
=item Queue class: get_queue( HASH_REF )
C<get_queue> adds a C<queue> key to HASH_REF. The value of
C<queue> is an empty
sub get_queue { $_[0]->set_note( 'queue', [] ) }
=item Worker class: get_task( HASH_REF )
C<get_task> adds a C<child_task> key to HASH_REF. The value of
C<child_task> is a code reference that returns 1 and does nothing else.
sub get_task { $_[0]->set_note( 'child_task', sub { 1 } ) }
=item Reporter class: get_reporter( HASH_REF )
C<get_reporter> adds a C<reporter> key to HASH_REF. The value of
C<reporter> is a code reference that returns 1 and does nothing else.
sub get_reporter { $_[0]->set_note( 'reporter', sub { 1 } ) }
=item Dispatcher class: get_dispatcher()
C<get_dispatcher> adds a dispatcher key to HASH_REF. The value is an
object that responds to the start and finish methods, but does
nothing. C<get_dispatcher> also sets the C<interface_callback> key to
a code reference that returns 1 and does nothing else.
package MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester::Dispatcher;
sub new { bless '', $_[0] }
sub start { 1 };
sub finish { 1 };
sub get_dispatcher
$_[0]->set_note('child_task', MyCPAN::Indexer::NullTester::Dispatcher->new );
$_[0]->set_note('interface_callback', sub { 1 } );
=item Interface class: do_interface( HASH_REF )
C<do_interface> simly returns 1.
sub do_interface { 1 }
=head1 SEE ALSO
This code is in Github:
=head1 AUTHOR
brian d foy, C<< <[email protected]> >>
Copyright © 2008-2018, brian d foy <[email protected]>. All rights reserved.
You may redistribute this under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.