package Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir 6.032;
# ABSTRACT: gather all the files in a directory

use Moose;
with 'Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer';

use Dist::Zilla::Pragmas;

use namespace::autoclean;

use Dist::Zilla::Types qw(Path);
use Dist::Zilla::Util;

#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod This is a very, very simple L<FileGatherer|Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer>
#pod plugin.  It looks in the directory named in the L</root> attribute and adds all
#pod the files it finds there.  If the root begins with a tilde, the tilde is
#pod passed through C<glob()> first.
#pod Almost every dist will be built with one GatherDir plugin, since it's the
#pod easiest way to get files from disk into your dist.  Most users just need:
#pod   [GatherDir]
#pod   [PruneCruft]
#pod ...and this will pick up all the files from the current directory into the
#pod dist.  (L<PruneCruft|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft> is needed, here, to drop
#pod files that might present as build artifacts, but should not be shipped.)  You
#pod can use it multiple times, as you can any other plugin, by providing a plugin
#pod name.  For example, if you want to include external specification files into a
#pod subdir of your dist, you might write:
#pod   [GatherDir]
#pod   ; this plugin needs no config and gathers most of your files
#pod   [GatherDir / SpecFiles]
#pod   ; this plugin gets all the files in the root dir and adds them under ./spec
#pod   root   = ~/projects/my-project/spec
#pod   prefix = spec
#pod =cut

use File::Find::Rule;
use File::Spec;
use Path::Tiny;
use List::Util 1.33 'all';

#pod =attr root
#pod This is the directory in which to look for files.  If not given, it defaults to
#pod the dist root -- generally, the place where your F<dist.ini> or other
#pod configuration file is located.  It may begin with C<~> (or C<~user>)
#pod to mean your (or some other user's) home directory.  If a relative path,
#pod it is relative to the dist root.
#pod =cut

has root => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => Path,
  lazy => 1,
  coerce   => 1,
  required => 1,
  default  => sub { shift->zilla->root },

#pod =attr prefix
#pod This parameter can be set to place the gathered files under a particular
#pod directory.  See the L<description|DESCRIPTION> above for an example.
#pod =cut

has prefix => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Str',
  default => '',

#pod =attr include_dotfiles
#pod By default, files will not be included if they begin with a dot.  This goes
#pod both for files and for directories relative to the C<root>.
#pod In almost all cases, the default value (false) is correct.
#pod =cut

has include_dotfiles => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

#pod =attr follow_symlinks
#pod By default, symlinks pointing to directories will not be followed; set
#pod C<< follow_symlinks = 1 >> to traverse these links as if they were normal
#pod directories.
#pod In all followed directories, files which are symlinks are B<always> gathered,
#pod with the link turning into a normal file.
#pod =cut

has follow_symlinks => (
  is  => 'ro',
  isa => 'Bool',
  default => 0,

sub mvp_multivalue_args { qw(exclude_filename exclude_match prune_directory) }

#pod =attr exclude_filename
#pod To exclude certain files from being gathered, use the C<exclude_filename>
#pod option.  The filename is matched exactly, relative to C<root>.
#pod This may be used multiple times to specify multiple files to exclude.
#pod =cut

has exclude_filename => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'ArrayRef',
  default => sub { [] },

#pod =attr exclude_match
#pod This is just like C<exclude_filename> but provides a regular expression
#pod pattern.  Filenames matching the pattern (relative to C<root>)  are not
#pod gathered.  This may be used
#pod multiple times to specify multiple patterns to exclude.
#pod =cut

has exclude_match => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'ArrayRef',
  default => sub { [] },

#pod =attr prune_directory
#pod While traversing, any directory matching the regular expression pattern will
#pod not be traversed further. This may be used multiple times to specify multiple
#pod directories to skip.
#pod =cut

has prune_directory => (
  is   => 'ro',
  isa  => 'ArrayRef',
  default => sub { [] },

around dump_config => sub {
  my $orig = shift;
  my $self = shift;

  my $config = $self->$orig;

  $config->{ __PACKAGE__} = {
    prefix => $self->prefix,
    # only report relative to dist root to avoid leaking private info
    root => path($self->root)->relative($self->zilla->root),
    (map { $_ => $self->$_ ? 1 : 0 } qw(include_dotfiles follow_symlinks)),
    (map { $_ => [ sort @{ $self->$_ } ] } qw(exclude_filename exclude_match prune_directory)),

  return $config;

sub gather_files {
  my ($self) = @_;

  my $exclude_regex = qr/\000/;
  $exclude_regex = qr/(?:$exclude_regex)|$_/
    for @{ $self->exclude_match };

  my $repo_root = $self->zilla->root;
  my $root = "" . $self->root;
  $root =~ s{^~([\\/])}{ Dist::Zilla::Util->homedir . $1 }e;
  $root = path($root)->absolute($repo_root)->stringify if path($root)->is_relative;

  my $prune_regex = qr/\000/;
  $prune_regex = qr/$prune_regex|$_/
    for ( @{ $self->prune_directory },
      $self->include_dotfiles ? () : ( qr/^\.[^.]/ ) );

  # build up the rules
  my $rule = File::Find::Rule->new();
  $rule->extras({ follow => $self->follow_symlinks });

  $rule->exec(sub { $self->log_debug('considering ' . path($_[-1])->relative($repo_root)); 1 })
    if $self->zilla->logger->get_debug;

    $rule->new->directory->exec(sub { /$prune_regex/ })->prune->discard,

  if ($self->follow_symlinks) {
      $rule->new->file,     # symlinks to files still count as files
      $rule->new->symlink,  # traverse into the linked dir, but screen it out later
  } else {

  $rule->not_exec(sub { /^\.[^.]/ }) unless $self->include_dotfiles;   # exec passes basename as $_
  $rule->exec(sub {
    my $relative = path($_[-1])->relative($root);
    $relative !~ $exclude_regex &&
      all { $relative ne $_ } @{ $self->exclude_filename }

  FILE: for my $filename ($rule->in($root)) {
    next if -d $filename;

    # _file_from_filename is overloaded in GatherDir::Template
    my $fileobj = $self->_file_from_filename($filename);

    # GatherDir::Template may rename the file
    $filename = $fileobj->name;
    my $file = path($filename)->relative($root);
    $file = path($self->prefix, $file) if $self->prefix;



sub _file_from_filename {
  my ($self, $filename) = @_;

  my @stat = stat $filename or $self->log_fatal("$filename does not exist!");

  return Dist::Zilla::File::OnDisk->new({
    name => $filename,
    mode => $stat[2] & 0755, # kill world-writeability




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Dist::Zilla::Plugin::GatherDir - gather all the files in a directory

=head1 VERSION

version 6.032


This is a very, very simple L<FileGatherer|Dist::Zilla::Role::FileGatherer>
plugin.  It looks in the directory named in the L</root> attribute and adds all
the files it finds there.  If the root begins with a tilde, the tilde is
passed through C<glob()> first.

Almost every dist will be built with one GatherDir plugin, since it's the
easiest way to get files from disk into your dist.  Most users just need:


...and this will pick up all the files from the current directory into the
dist.  (L<PruneCruft|Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PruneCruft> is needed, here, to drop
files that might present as build artifacts, but should not be shipped.)  You
can use it multiple times, as you can any other plugin, by providing a plugin
name.  For example, if you want to include external specification files into a
subdir of your dist, you might write:

  ; this plugin needs no config and gathers most of your files

  [GatherDir / SpecFiles]
  ; this plugin gets all the files in the root dir and adds them under ./spec
  root   = ~/projects/my-project/spec
  prefix = spec


This module should work on any version of perl still receiving updates from
the Perl 5 Porters.  This means it should work on any version of perl
released in the last two to three years.  (That is, if the most recently
released version is v5.40, then this module should work on both v5.40 and

Although it may work on older versions of perl, no guarantee is made that the
minimum required version will not be increased.  The version may be increased
for any reason, and there is no promise that patches will be accepted to
lower the minimum required perl.


=head2 root

This is the directory in which to look for files.  If not given, it defaults to
the dist root -- generally, the place where your F<dist.ini> or other
configuration file is located.  It may begin with C<~> (or C<~user>)
to mean your (or some other user's) home directory.  If a relative path,
it is relative to the dist root.

=head2 prefix

This parameter can be set to place the gathered files under a particular
directory.  See the L<description|DESCRIPTION> above for an example.

=head2 include_dotfiles

By default, files will not be included if they begin with a dot.  This goes
both for files and for directories relative to the C<root>.

In almost all cases, the default value (false) is correct.

=head2 follow_symlinks

By default, symlinks pointing to directories will not be followed; set
C<< follow_symlinks = 1 >> to traverse these links as if they were normal

In all followed directories, files which are symlinks are B<always> gathered,
with the link turning into a normal file.

=head2 exclude_filename

To exclude certain files from being gathered, use the C<exclude_filename>
option.  The filename is matched exactly, relative to C<root>.
This may be used multiple times to specify multiple files to exclude.

=head2 exclude_match

This is just like C<exclude_filename> but provides a regular expression
pattern.  Filenames matching the pattern (relative to C<root>)  are not
gathered.  This may be used
multiple times to specify multiple patterns to exclude.

=head2 prune_directory

While traversing, any directory matching the regular expression pattern will
not be traversed further. This may be used multiple times to specify multiple
directories to skip.

=head1 AUTHOR

Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <[email protected]>


This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Ricardo SIGNES.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
