User Privacy Policy

The Information We Collect and Purpose of Collection and Use

MetaAds collects information on behalf of its customers to help target online advertising to you based on your interests. This information may include cookie and mobile advertising identifiers, your IP host address (which we truncate if we know the user or the ad request is subject to GDPR), your browser type (e.g. Chrome or Firefox), the date and time of the ad request, advertiser pages viewed, your operating system (e.g. Macintosh, Windows, Android, OSX), the URL or App you are using, and your Internet Service Provider (e.g. Verizon or Comcast).

The MetaAds acknowledges how essential information privacy is for publishers, advertisers and networks. By using an MetaAds users also consent to this Privacy Policy.


Contact Information

We collect contact information through our technology from customers, vendors, and distributors who wish to obtain information or support or to obtain access to our platform. Contact information includes: first name, last name, email address, job title, name of the organization, country, state/region, city, and phone numbers (cell and/or landline). This contact information is used by our sales, support, and operations teams to contact our customers, vendors, and distributors. The purpose of this is to provide users with the requested information or support, communicate via email regarding our current and future offerings, and/or provide and receive feedback on our Services.



Like most organizations, we rely on automatic data collection technology to collect information such as your IP host address, Internet service provider, browser type, operating system. language, referring and exit pages, URLs, date and time, amount of time spent on particular pages, number of links you click, search terms, and other data. We use this data to analyze the use of and to improve our services.



Cookies are small packets of data that are stored on your computer’s hard drive so that your computer will “remember” information about your website visits or your viewing of ads. If you do not want us or our service providers to place cookies on your hard drive, you can turn off the feature off in your browser or device settings:

Declining of cookie saving can affect normal site operation.

For changing privacy settings on mobile devices please refer to the following instructions:


We can collect your Ip Address, day, hour, device, browser information and city for advertising purposes.

You could opt out using the button below from our use of MetaAds cookies on your device for two years.


Contact us at the following email to delete the tracker and all referral data from you: [email protected]

Please note that as part of MetaAds do not collect any information that could directly identify End Users.


Information We Receive from Third Parties

We may also receive information about you from third parties when you interact with third-party sites or apps. We may combine the information we receive from these third parties with the information we directly collect from you and use this information in accordance with our service’s privacy policy and requirements under applicable data protection and privacy laws.


Onward Transfer to Third Parties

MetaAds may share your information with its customers in connection with the offering of its Services. For example, a MetaAds customer may receive a log of all the ads they served through our platform with data about your cookie and mobile advertising identifiers that interacted with the ads, including IP host addresses and other pseudonymous information in a non-aggregated form. When we know the user or the ad request is subject to GDPR, any personal data for which a separate consent has not been received are pseudonymized (one-way hashed) before being shared with customers and are sufficiently protected as required by GDPR (see below for more information about how we handle the transfer of data outside the EEA).


Access to Personal Information

Upon receipt of a verifiable request to [email protected], we will provide you with confirmation as to whether we are processing your personal information, where we have control of such data, and we will have it communicated to you within a reasonable time. In cases where we are acting as a service provider to our customers, we are a data processor, and we do not directly control any personal data, so any changes or inaccuracies in the data we collect should be addressed to the businesses that are the controllers of such data. Please allow us a reasonable amount of time to respond to your inquiries and requests.


How We Protect Your Information

MetaAds takes very seriously the security and privacy of the personal information that it collects pursuant to this privacy policy. Accordingly, we will implement reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect your personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, and alteration and destruction. We take into account the risks involved in the processing and the nature of such data, and comply with applicable laws and regulations.


Changes to Our Policy

We may revise this policy at any time. Any changes and/or updates to the policy will be updated directly on this page. We encourage you to visit this page periodically to review our privacy policy so that you will always know what information we gather and how we may use that information.


Contacting Us

Contact us at the following email and they will be more than happy to clarify and assist you in any way possible: [email protected]