Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-11-12
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[edit]- Keep up the good work.—Ritwik Sinha
- Great resource, great idea, you've saved my 'glossary' writing hours!
- I like the porn section—Anonymous
- There are those who may feel inundated with information over flow, yet t
- italiani della rete, Svegliamoci!—marco matelli
- Information wants to be free!—Anonymous
- !!!—Anonymous
- I visit every week to search for information on a range of
- Thanks Wikipedia!—Jean Barros
- Great website, please keep it running.—Parthiban Vijayaraghavan
- Thanks for emphasizing the value of knowledge. It should be in abundance
- I've learned more from Wikipedia than all of high school and college com
- Because I love you.—Andrew Spencer
- Interesting and useful—Alexey Makarenko
- "There are no facts, only interpretations" -Nietzsche—Harry Muesse
- Stop editing my own ip page!—Anonymous
- invaluable.—John Holloman
- I use it too much not to donate !—MAX HAOT
- Thanks - Wikipedia is what the Internet should be...—Bruce MacDougall
- This site has proved to be an invaluable source of knowledge in the past
- No thanks you card or receipt necessary.—Jennifer Shannon
- Thank you—Larry Porter
- excelente enciclopedia, visita obligada. Contribuyen a la construccion c
- wikipedia is the future of information. we feel privileged to have acces
- Knowledge is power.—Tyler Higgins
- Great web site! I love its content!—Anonymous
- My favorite source of information on the net!—Anonymous
- Thanks so much. I hope to one day contribute more to this effort.
- An amazing resource.—Anonymous
- I got many knowledge form your. Thanks!—守信 張
- poop on me—Anonymous
- Jacob Berman GO DODGERSS!!!—Jake Berman
- May all be well and happy. Let no one unnecessarily suffer.—Anonymous
- Solang die dicke Frau noch singt, ist die Oper nicht zu Ende. (Kettcar -
- Viva la Wikipedia!!—Daniel Heflick
- I am always impressed with the richness of Wikipedia and with its immens
- This is a fabulous service to the world. Thank You.—Frank Verbeck
- wikipedia is what makes the internet meaningful—Oliver Cheng
- O acesso à informação tem que ser de graça e de forma livre, a wikip
- Thanks for a wonderful resource. Robert Keeley—Robert Keeley
- I reference Wikipedia so often. And, I always thing "how I wish we had t
- Remarkable. A library, school and encyclopedia in one—dan solomon
- Mario Diaz—Mario Diaz
- Gracias por tanta información. Mi ignorancia se evapora cada día...
- Wikipedia is the secks.—Anonymous
- Long live free media.—Ali Abbas
- The only thing that is able to intrigue me for hours with the informatio
- The graduate student's 'Hamburger Helper'.—Albert Zolton
- Sam Wightman Loves The Penis—Nicholas Joseph Herzig
- I love this project!—Richard Childers
- Fnord—Anonymous
- They deserve your donations. How many zillions of times have you used W
- beats buying funky waffles encyclopedia volumes at the grocery store
- May this information stream reach many new people.—Robert Keeley
- It is one of the best uses internet may have. Knowledge, collaboration a
- Every little bit counts!—Anonymous
- love the concept of user suport but don't become NPR—Anonymous
- Wonderful resource!—Anonymous
- Keep up the great work.—Chad Sikorra
- Fair is fair, pay your share.—Anonymous
- Yay Wikipedia is the best! Keep up the great work everyone!
- Für das beste Lexikon der Welt!!!—Daniel Geisler
- Thanks for all the information. "You don't have to know everything if yo
- Thank you for all the fish!—Anonymous
- To donate to Wikipedia is among the best investments one can make on the
- Because wikipedia is the internet! (And I guess by extension wikimedia)
- woot to drunk donations!—Miles O'Connor
- いつも応援しています。ありがとう。小額ですみませ
- [email protected]—Juan Jose Jimenez Portal
- I believe in give and take. Wikipidia helped me a lot. A donation is my
- Wikipedia is the most useful tool on the internet, and I applaud those w
- Keep it going!—Anonymous
-—Judson Bagley
- Sydney-Tegernsee-Innsbruck-Waldi sagt hallo—Anonymous
- I love this wonderful and seemingly endless resource! You all do a fanta
- I think, therefor I am. Thank you for all the knowledge.—Anonymous
- Great Idea ... Wonderful Website...—Anonymous
- nice—Maxim Francoeur
- I appreciate both the principle and practicality of your work. Please k
- thanks for making my life easier!—Neil Mody
- I'm glad to be part of this. Thanks for the all the info.—Bruno Souto
- Okay, so, I think I already did this, but uh, I'll go ahead and donate a
- 知識の共有、とても素晴らしい事です。—Abe Kazunao
- Thank you for exponentially expanding the amount of human knowledge avai
- i wish i could wiki your mom.—dustin davis
- Glad to be able to help this project in a small way.—Hardeep Singh
- An educated, healthy and confident nation is harder to govern. - Tony Be
- I love this website!—Anonymous
- Thanks for all the information.—Raihan Mustafiz
- It's not perfect but it's free.—Anonymous
- It isn't much but it is something—Anonymous
- 希望能够有一天在中国大陆参加维基的研讨会。
- Best source of information out there. Period.—Michael McLellan
- Tnx - well done.—Anonymous
- good luck <3 i love wikipedia—Edward Radke
- Thanks Wikies!—Anonymous
- here you go!! buy some gum—Ivan Baeza
- I love wikipedia!—Anonymous
- Great job! Thank you all folks..—Shayan Shahand
- Wikipedia helps me a lot with my scientific work.—Anonymous
- The Wikipedia is the answer for all the problems of the humanity.
- Vive Wikipedia, vive le Maroc !—Hassan Alami
- Spendet! Spendet! Das Ende ist nahe!—Anonymous
- la democrazia passa anche attraverso la cultura.
- When can I get the Wikipedia neural implant?—Anonymous
- Come on everyone! Donate just a little bit, and we can keep this wonder
- Danke für die Möglichkeit bei so einem Projekt hilfreich sein zu könn
- ciaooooo—Anonymous
- 知識進化人類的未來, 讓生活變得有希望—國興 林
- Esperanto—Anonymous
- It's still nothing per view.—Andreas Lundblad
- Es ist eine Selbstverständlichkeit für mich Wikipedia zu unterstützen
- "Was in der Wikipedia steht darf auch gerne da stehen bleiben..." Gegen
- Информация должна быть свободной! ЗЫ П�
- thank you!—Anonymous
- Merci pour le travail !—bertrand chaumeton
- premier don en attendant d'autres, en memeoire de mon pere charles domer
- Buen trabajo.—jorge juan
- wwwenzel—Andre Wenzel
- lernen lernen popernen—Anonymous
- I'm sorry I don't have more money to donate, but I am gladly donating wh
- Just glad you are here—Alan Hedges
- Dono perché i vostri servizi sono davvero utili a tutti—Anonymous
- long live wikipedia—Nobuhiko Ueki
- Go on with wikipedia!—niekceylan
- Wikipedia is pervasive in my life, and I owe it to the foundation to don
- I can't count what I've learned on these pages yet. I don't know how I c
- Knowledge is XXI century bread!—giorgio saracco
- You're welcome. Kim Hjelvik and Tobias Maureid—kim_hjelvik
- Thanks for the free knowledge—Anonymous
- Lo que puedo Viva el open source—Anonymous
- Should cover 50 million pageviews :-)—Frode Evensen
- half of the donation by: João Vasco Keep up the good work.
- Wikipedia gives value for free. So, it deserves to be paid.—Anonymous
- Het is een verademing om zoveel actuele kennis te kunnen vinden op deze
- I really love this resource!—Anonymous
- Awesome site... I'm donating what it costs me for a sumptuous meal! Hope
- Wikipedia is the greatest!~~ One of the great resources for a highschool
- Thank you for the information you provide—Sai Venkatakrishnan
- Keep on going.—Sindre Skartveit
- First source of information—Stefan Dannemann
- Dank iedereen!. Ik doneer iets meer dan 0,005 eurocent per pagina en als
- Mit bestem Wissen und Gewissen. Go Wikipedia!—Ralf Görlitz
- Buen trabajo. Espero que dure mucho tiempo—Juanjo S.Bayo
- Wikipedia rocks!! As a source of all kinds of information, i think it's
- I'm the man—Anonymous
- se dovesse chiudere perchè non ho donato vivrei con un rimorso
- is it possible to donate monthly by cc debit or bank draft
- keep up the good work, my kids use this site all the time for homework.
- Wikipedia is not just a website anymore! Keep it up, you're doing a grea
- Well done on a very valuable site—Anonymous
- Pour une aider la diffusion de la connaissance libre / to help the diffu
- Knowledge is power.—Santiago Crespo Castillo
- más vale de pedir que no de robar...—Anonymous
- thanks for giving me anwers! keep up the good work everyone in the world
- Wikipedia has changed my life. Keep up the great work.
- Henkel Dänemark—Erwin Henkel
- alex gamblin—alex gamblin
- Impeach Bush—Dan Ruley
- Great job! I use Wikipedia very often, good and fast access source of k
- More!—Geir Arne Nilsen
- "Un piccolo passo per un uomo, un grande passo per l'umanità"
- The best tool ever on the Internet!—Imad Kaddoura
-—Thomas Thrane
- ánimo—Anonymous
- It's a webnoble cause.—Marcelo Estraviz
- I use Wikipedia every day, nearly. I'm sorry my donation is so small, b
- Indispensible—Douglas Schneider
- talk hard!—Christian dänzer
- Pour le bien de la connaissance et de l'—blanc.emmanuel
- Please keep Wikipedia "policed" for objectionable &/or biased informatio
- To keep the boat floating—magnusmanske
- Knowledge, freedom of thought, priceless. Here's a small donation Wikipe
- danke für all das wiki-wissen—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is an amazing tool! It's hard to imagine life without it.
- Long live Freedom.—Maciej Michalik
- Kikusin. Dona.—Enrique Perez Martin
- Уберите этот баннер!—Kirill Batmanov
- Thanks, Wikipedia and Jimbo! You made the impossible come true...
- I love you Wikipedia. You are the greatest achievment in academics and e
- Hossa!—Bernd Schulze
- A small thing for a great resource!—Emil Grama
- Conoscenza e cultura sono gli unici, veri valori!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is the beginning of a new future, gives a real reason to the w
- Just a pensioner but pleased to help—Anonymous
- One of the most important communities on the web—Anonymous
- of course I will pay for my use of this wonderful idea.—Anonymous
- Please keep this site free and user-enhanced.—Anonymous
- 1 € from everybody...—Ralf Schatz
- Liam westlake of ocean street keyham, plymouth devon, is single and look
- いつもお世話になっています。—Anonymous
- If something is not on wikipedia, it doesn't exist!—Anonymous
- Setting information free—Rick Koelz
- El conocimiento te hace libre. La ignorancia es la felicidad. Yo he hech
- Wish I had more to give.—Anonymous
- I don't use it a lot, but I know it's there when I need to!—Anonymous
- for our knowledge—TAKASHI SHIMAZU
- Love Wikipedia! Knowledge is power and opens people's minds. Horizons no
- I know its not much but I give what I can.—Anonymous
- "Scientia Wikipedia Amat" I couldn't write that without wikipedia.
- Longue vie à Wikipedia, encyclopédie libre et bibliothèque virtuelle
- Фсем превед =)—Anonymous
- Il nostro piccolo contributo allo strumento che spesso utilizziamo.
- My 2 cents... Now it's your responsibility to use it wisely—Anonymous
- Keep it up guys.—Jonathan Kennedy
- Tut mir leid nur 2 € aber mehr hab ich nicht!—Anonymous
- An important free vehicle for information—Anonymous
- Spread knowledge around the world!—Liyan Yu
- Dim Byd Byd Heb WICIPEDIA—Stephen Rule
- When I first discovered "Wiki", I said to myself: "It's everything i wou
- Ein kleiner Beitrag für eine großartige Idee!—Thierry Ruch
- Thrifty beatnik Clothing would rather die than lose wikipedia x
- Wir stehen erst am Anfang...—Anonymous
- Coneixement lliure, com ha de ser!—Anonymous
- korzystam wiec place :)—daniel krol
- Wiki answers all the questions mom and dad avoid—Christine Villegas
- Wikipedia is one of the greatest philanthropic works of our time.
- Thanks for all the knowledge und know how! Rene J Hueppi—Anonymous
- Because Wikimedia has to sustain and to improve—Hein Kouwenhoven
- Free on-line knowledge sharing is the future,—Phillips Feng Ruan
- Couldn't live anymore without Wikipedia :-)—Jan Schuppius
- Einfach nur genial!—Andreas Adlhoch
- weiter so!!!—Matthias Pelke
- A great cause, well done—Simon White
- Another amazing use of the internet. knowledge shared from people over t
- Thank you for such a good project. The site has helped me so much!
- Its like PBS on demand. Cheers.—Aaron Boyles
- ohne Wikipedia wäre das Internet nur die Hälfte wert !—Stefan Tewes
- Freely, readily, honestly, and abundantly available Knowledge, Education
- Wiki, baby. Wiki.—Anonymous
- Keep up the good work!—Tom van den Enden
- Thanks to Wikipedia for this great public resource.—Anonymous
- Perchè è il può grande esperimento dell'umanità
- Pas une source de savoir parfaite, mais qui est un élément indispensab
- Thank you—Anonymous
- The most easily accessible source of highly accurate information I can t
- I use this resource every day. Thank you.—Anonymous
- E' poco, ma spero che possa aiutare a diffondere la conoscenza libera in
- Wikipedia is my favorite starting point when doing research. Thank you
- Vielen Dank für die Hilfe bei unzähligen Referaten und Hausarbeiten
- Wissen ist Macht—Patrick Rahbar
- Do not resist! Donate now!!!—Stig Mjoelhus
- Keep knowledge free/libre!—Torsten Grote
- Non esagero nel dire che Wiki mi ha un po' cambiato la vita, un piccolo
- The least I could do for a site that's awesome. :)—Paul Lee
- Wikipedia put me through college—Michael Schumacher
- SUPER!!—Niklas Bertling
- wikipedia is very usefull—Joern-Hinnrich Gerhard
- I use this site constantly. Its great to be able to give something back.
- I hope people in China can benefit directly from wikipedia soon.
- Weiter so!—Thorsten Gierling
- Awesome service and demonstration of the collective power of the web.
- i gave my little contribution!—Davide Giannuzzi
- El que busca la verdad, podrá encontrarla. Sigan adelante.—Anonymous
- Diplomarbeit ohne Wiki-Vorarbeit ist unmöglich.. Danke für die Hilfe u
- wer nimmt,muß auch geben....—Samir Al-Baghdadi
- The Library of Alexandria (indeed the burned libraries of all of time) i
- because i love you =)—Wiebke Doerper
- jeder Mensch brauch Hilfe—Kurt Kern
- An incredible resource.—Bryan Birn
- Wikipedia is such an invaluable resource. Keep it going!—Anonymous
- Weiter so—Uwe Trinkus
- Thanks!—G A Garcia Jimenez
- Every minute spent on Wikipedia makes you a minute wiser...
- Very special thanks from me for the many nights awake learning about dif
- Thanks for this great resource.—Raymond Gilstrap
- Couldn't live without Wikipedia... please contribute!—Steven Maul
- Keep up the good work!!—Ghanshyam Nayak
- houd het Internet vrij!—Anonymous
- Farley Mowat would say "Good Idea"—Robin Berthelet
- is goog—Anonymous
- Better than all of my university textbooks combined. Moreover, it will
- Prou Sal!—Anonymous
- A huge help with re-search as I wrote my first novel "Relocating Mia"
- Wikipedia is Awesome!—Anonymous
- Information to all concept rocks. Long live wikipedia....—Anonymous
- What would we do without Wikipedia?—Anonymous
- the best thing on the internet!thank heavens for wikipedia—Anonymous
- Dobrá práce.—Anonymous
- I use it many times everyday. It has become indispensable.—Anonymous
- Gracias a todos ":)—Miguel Angel Mondragon Ruiz
- Merci beaucoup pour tout le savoir que vous partagez librement... Votre
- the fastest way to get information on almost everything - i love/value w
- My contribution to humanity's ultimate purpose.—Anonymous
- This website has been helping many. This shud continue for ever. Wish ev
- Let the democratization of information continue without bound.
- Just thank you for everything—Michele Ciccozzi
- For all the times Wikipedia has helped me.—Rodney Hagle
- I feel obliged to donate because I use Wikipedia daily for work and pers
- Spartak - Champion!—Sergey Kuznetsov
- This is all i got in my paypal and wikipedia deserves this and more
- thank you for making information available to all.—Anonymous
- La conoscenza è la forza dei popoli—Adriano Pizzi
- If you want to know anything about anything, get on Wikipedia.
- wiki rules—Anonymous
- yorp—Anonymous
- this is all i really have to give right now, but wiki has given me many
- Can't remember how we got along in life before Wikipedia! Thank you!
- sagt Wiki danke—Ulla Zielke
- Wikipedia is mankind´s greatest creation—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is a great resource! Thanks to everyone for the hard work and
- bravo wikipedia—Anonymous
- Wiki has been an indispensable resource. -A student's token donation.
- We enthusiastically support the goals of Wikipedia. Zosia Kostyrko, Jace
- The best resource on the internet EVER!—Noah Aitoumeziane
- Give a little back.—James Turley
- please keep it free—Anonymous
- Keep up the good work.—George Cheng
- La connaissance pour tous ! Une entrée dans la sagesse !
- Wikipedia is one giant step for mankind. Dan B P, Norway—Anonymous
- It's not much, but it's all I have, and I can't think of a more worthy c
- schneidexe was here!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia è spettacolare!Complimenti a chi ha avuto la brillante idea d
- Wikipedia is an amazing source of knowledge—Horst Werner
- keep up the great work. I love Wikipedia~—Anonymous
- Wikipedia Rox!—Thomas Flowerdew
- Danke für meine ABITUR, liebes Wikipedia :)—Christian Wohlert
- I basically Live in Poverty but the wikipedia is such a great resource t