Fundraising 2007/comments/2007-11-02
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[edit]- Extremely grateful for making knowledge accessible at a click of a butto
- Wiki ist super—Xinyi Zhao
- I hope you know you are our greatest weopon right now in man's epic stru
- wikipedia rocks... letz keep it alive...—Lami Adabonyan
- Wikipedia is one of the best resources on the internet.—Anonymous
- I'll give more, later. This is worthwhile!—Anonymous
- Powerful idea, very grateful to have this.—Eileen Quenin
- Free knowledge = Enlightenment = Evolution. Thanks Wikipedia!
- Wikipedia is my fountain of knowledge—Anonymous
- Wiki helps me a lot, thanks.—Anonymous
- Canucci Jackson!—Andrew Goldman
- Beautiful.—Anonymous
- - Joltster, Inc.—Brian Teller
- Wikipedia makes me believe that even impossible is possible. Thank you!
- Bless your heart, Wikipedia :)—Adam Beerman
- Vous mérites beaucoup!!—Daniel Vézina
- La Maduixa Vermella agradece vuestro trabajo. The Maduixa Vermella team
- Free trustworthy information is among the best things if u find the most
- Great thing !—Anonymous
- La revolucion no sera televisada—Anonymous
- Thanks—Anonymous
- Knowledge is Power—Anonymous
- Usefull for all one tihis system, i'll pay 100yen/View reffrence
- You rock wikipedia. Continue to educate the masses and share knowledge
- Stay free and keep on defining freedom.—Shay Howell
- Interntets capabilities will only be visible when mankind sees its own..
- Thank you Wikipedia for spreading knowledge around the world, for free.
- Heaven ... Google Wikipedia ... Thank God :-)—Anonymous
- Thank you for teaching me more than any book and possibly any person.
- Wikipedia is the future! Free knowledge!—Skyler Cohen
- Wikipedia: Better than college education—Ted Tynan
- I have benefitted a lot from Wiki. Thanks a lot...—Anonymous
- a very helpful service!—Anonymous
- your the best!—norm larsen
- Continue making knowledge accessible!—Cezar Constantinescu
- Hey you, donate too!—Karen Broome
- More than worth it.—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is amazing.—Nicholas Thompson
- Stay free and independent—Anonymous
- An amazing resource—Mieko Ozeki
- Land of the Free, Home of the Brave—David Ciani
- Amazing concept, great format—Anonymous
- My online reference—Anonymous
- Heroic Undertakings, Grand Expansive Essential Fantastic Marvelous Wonde
- i herd i liek Wikipedia—Anonymous
- 更广泛,更深入,更客观。—Chenxin Li
- support Wiki—Anonymous
- Of all the great internet services of the last few years, yours is the g
- Happy Diwali Guys—Anonymous
- Appreciating all the fantastic work by authors from all over the world
- what I can give, b*sh is killn the economy ya know—Anonymous
- A fantastic public service.—Anonymous
- Free access to knowledge scares the self-anointed elite... groovy !
- one of the greatest sites on earth—Anonymous
- Loving it!—David Bischke
- It's a series of tubes?—Anonymous
- Die informativste Seite des gesamten World Wide Web!—Roger Grossmann
- my little bit of contribution—Anonymous
- Pour que chacun puisse !—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is great. I use it all the time.—Jay Van Dwingelen
- I think anyone who uses Wiki regularly needs to donate something... for
- Of all the gray things in this world, uncorrupted knowledge is the white
- It's dazzlemazing!—Anonymous
- Knowlwdge is the supreme good—Davide Conti
- Knowledge liberates—Anonymous
- Thanks for this great site. It helps me alot!—Kai Jöbstl
- for less pollution of the environment—Daniel Anthony Wang
- Thank you—Anonymous
- Wissen verbreiten bedeutet, Aufklärung zu betreiben - und das ist gut.
- Una pequeña aportación—Javier Alani Ogea
- Simple… Wikipedia is a greatest democratic knowledge info resource ava
- You deserve it—Anonymous
- Thank you for giving Malaysians the one and only free media we have acce
- Thank you all!—Cédric Hüsler
- The enlightenment of our times—Anonymous
- Education is future, Wikipedia is education.—Anonymous
- thank you—Anonymous
- Thanks, and please go on!—Anonymous
- perchè la libertà fisica e mentale passa per l'informazione libera ( g
- Knowledge is Freedom, Wikimedia is Knowledge! Thanks for your amazing wo
- God bless Wikipedia—David Foley
- Thanks for making difference in everyone's life by enhancing knowledge
- en el conocimiento se asienta la paz y la prosperidad, en la ignorancia
- A small return on wikipedia's investment—Anonymous
- Have a nice day :-)—Roland Böhme
- Marlenek—Anonymous
- Un'iniziativa utile ed encomiabile, e per me un divertimento!
- Keep it up! We can definetly change the world, sure we will!
- Bravo !—benjamin gras
- Keep up the good work - Tom Ho—tom h
- Quoc-Anh Do—Quoc-Anh Do
- Unterschied zwischen einem Auto und nem Kuhfladen? Setz dich rein, dann
- Habár halott a számitogép, sok haldoklót életben tudd tartani.
- vive la connaissance!—Gildas Maurin
- Get rid of the bloody banner at the top of the page—Anonymous
- Thank you for this service—Anonymous
- Find ich gut—Achim Welz
- Sometimes i'm proud to be human!—Anonymous
- Respect to all keeping wikipedia running and accurate!—Anonymous
- Money well spent!—Michael Tiller
- Qualität erhöhen u. öffentliche Diskussion auf Inhalte lenken.
- Un piccolo aiuto per un grandissimo progetto—Giuliano Sauro
- it`s worth it—Christian Kirchweger
- hope this helps a great site—Robert Taylor
- Don't have much money :D—Andrea Marina
- I hope Wikipedia users will help so that others can share information an
- I wanna help Wikipedia stay free :-)—Mithun Divakaran
- to surprise me on the Internet—Jacques Enaudeau
- Knowledge is power, and fun.—Hajime Senuma
- Danke—Volker Cammans
- Wissen hat schon oft in der Geschichte Freiheit geschaffen.
- I dont like this wiki-opplegg:(—Simon André Nilsson
- Don't listen to the haters! Wikipedia rules!—Enmanuel Rivera
- knowledge IS power!—Søren Juul
- Best money I've ever spent!—Michael Gouker
- Thank You—Anonymous
- Danke!!!—Anonymous
- Wish I could give more.—Rodney Isemann
- Wikipedia is most important site for me. Go on Wikipedia!!—Fuat Akgün
- Hack the planet!...Information belongs to the world—Florian Woegerer
- Ed Hubbard—Ed Hubbard
- weiter so!!!!!!!—Ulrike Keller
- I like. Alot.—Caspar von Wrede
- Wikipedia is the man—Isa Sardar
- Danke—Daniela Kirsch
- keep moving and spread the knowledge—Anonymous
- Wikipedia makes life worth living.—Anonymous
- I love wikipedia—Anonymous
- Ich richte meinen Dank an alle Wikipedianer dieser Welt, denn ihr habt s
- Information should be free and accessible!—Michael Minor
- i believe—Anonymous
- A small payment towards a large debt I owe to Wikipedia...thanks for all
- Ignorance and missunderstanding are the cause of war and violence.
- Faezeh—Faezeh Ensan
- Sword goes plough, Word goes Wiki—Josef Gundel
- Resistance is futile.—Anonymous
- Kostenloser Zugang zu umfassendem Wissen, einfach nur Klasse!
- Aguante the GNU Free Documentation License!!—Daniel Leonardo Gabrielli
- Bertolazzi paga!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia saved me in Law School!—Jay Cohen
- My definitive reference!!!!!!—Antonio Martino
- poor student here, not much but I really appreciate all the work!
- what did we do before wikipedia?—Anonymous
- Hope that helped...—GIA KIEN TRAN
- es werden schon genug andere spenden?? genau mit dieser einstellung komm
- Es ist zwar nicht viel aber ich hoffe es hilft...—Christopher Hurst
- To one of the best free project of the world!—Alexander Spyridakis
- gerne—Anonymous
- "Quand on utilise beaucoup, on voudrait que tous aient le même accès a
- DO my little bit—Anonymous
- J'ai peut-être donné le moins... Mais j'ai donné. Merci Wikipédia.
- Thank you—Elina Ravinova
- This is one of the greatest efforts and we really appreciate it
- It was about time that somebody pushed an idea like having all human kno
- you re greay—Anonymous
- Community knowledge gathered together!—Daniel Alamita
- Saluti—Paola Virga
- In concept and content, Wikipedia reigns supreme—Anonymous
- ¡¡¡Viva la Libertad, la Libertad de verdad!!!—Anonymous
- Todo Open Soucer é importante, ainda mais para o conhecimento humano
- Ole!—Anonymous
- Spread knowledge, not fear.—David Gibson
- Just a little bit to show my appreciation.—Liping Deng
- Información al alcance de todos—J. Enrique Alvarez
- This is the right way to save the world... T. T. ROB—Anonymous
- thx for all your helping on my assignment—Sin Yat Samuel Ho
- "It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door," he used to s
- Needs more salt though—Anonymous
- We don't need no stinkin' badges—Sean Horgan
- Yes—Anonymous
- Wikipedia tritt staatlicher Repression in den Hintern, so kann jeder zu
- Love it!—Anonymous
- bravi... continuate così!—Anonymous
- In the words of Louis Pasteur: "Science knows no country, because knowle
- Great work! I have been using this for a long time as source of accurate
- گسترش ویکی پیدیا از طریق اطلاع رسانی به
- Wikipedia has changed my life.—Anonymous
- Savoir n'est pas savoir, si personne d'autre ne sait ce que l'on sait.
- The knowledge is the base of a civilized society—Anonymous
- Its even useful for a PhD student like me studying obscure subjects like
- Knowledge is power...—Anonymous
- I can't believe I ate the whole thing!—Anonymous
- Great Site—Anonymous
- Keep it going please!—Stephane Berghmans
- Keep up your good and important job!—Per Johansson
- Toadler's Birthday—Anonymous
- Not free for Nothing!—Anonymous
- Knowledge isn't free, pay or die!—Dom Beaudoin
- Wikimedia Foundation—Gilles LOHEAC
- It is one of the best projects...—Durlabh Jain
- We approach communism!—ALEXANDER MAYOROV
- Thank You Wikipedia :)—Kathleen Lind
- One of the best resources on the web...—Anonymous
- best thing in this world always free—Anonymous
- Good people make the world go round...and round...and round...
- Education is learning what you didn't even know you didn't know.Keep up
- mit kleinen schritten zum ziel—Katja Meier
- Yea, i just had to donate, i use wiki so much, even tho its only a dolla
- Thanks for the free information—Katrina Herriot
- A great source of knowledge, Wikipedia is.—Nur Hazlin Hazrin Chong
- Tengo una mano en un teta y otra en el ratón...
- Because knowledge is power, and who does not want that?
- Die Wiki ist großartig—Werner Sendker
- Yeah, yeah, me likey Wiki!—David Peebler
- Wikipedia rules. 'Nuff said.—Francis Wu
- Wiki is amazing- I love u—Zachary Scioli
- Wikipedia is my answer to everything, I owe you so much!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is the most useful source of information on the web. If you c
- Thanks for all the hard work everyone!—Anonymous
- As indispensible as pizza and beer—William Fox
- sapere libero !—FABIO ZAMPIERI
- Free as life—Tim Assmann
- A worthy cause if I ever saw one—David Foster
- The best resource for the global knowledge. G. Pitzus—Anonymous
- Wiki-Wiki-Grazie!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is my second brain.—Erick Kyogoku
- Wikipedia's best! Global knowledge for everybody - THX!—Anonymous
- Got'a love the wiki!—Anthony Carlis
- Free Knowledge for All!!—Anonymous
- Menschenrechte—Anonymous
- An inspired project. It proves co-operation is better than competition
- Free knowledge—Anonymous
- Wikipedia's existence makes me feel better about the world—Anonymous
- I use the wiki almost daily, and I can't figure out how I got by without
- Knowledge enlightens the obscurity of faith in unproven beliefs!
- Keep up the good work—Jokull Gislason
- Wikipedia is my guru in knowledge and life—Kartika Patria
- An example for the world: open doors to everyone
- I can't imagine researching my novel without it!—Martin Dowd
- Wikipedia is a world resource for all people.—Anonymous
- Its the thought that counts—Anonymous
- Greetings from Brazil, thanks for all the knowledge!
- Tarun Bandi—Tarun Bandi
- Your work is very important. Thank you!—Marcus Birkenkrahe
- The most usefull consequence of the internet :-) Free the knowledge !
- Go Cubs! Go Bears! Go Gators! GO WIKI!—Anonymous
- Wikipedia is one of the best collective efforts on the Net.—Yoko Inoue
- Hervorragende Informationsquelle—Norbert Hosche
- great job—Anonymous
- Love wikipedia.—Anonymous
- It is always nice to know that Wikimedia is there to help improve my kno
- A universal resource of knowledge in our new age—Jia Li
- Ein spuer Projekt, weiter so!—Mehmet Kartal
- El Bro!—Cesar Coll Alfeiran
- Gute Sache!—Anonymous
- Keep up the great work, Wikipedia!! - Cheers, Armin W. Schneider (Chicag
- Google always redirects me to Wikipedia, and I always get the informatio
- I support the free distribution of knowledge—Jordan Lippman
- pay when you read it, pay ´cause they need it—Anonymous
- An education is a lifetime project!—Stacy Lindblom-Dreis
- Not much but all i can afford—Richard Gerbes
- Wikipedia is the future. I use it and I believe in it!—Joseph Pritzker
- Que te vaya bonito—Nicolas Riera
- Please feats, don' fail us now ... Keep the faith—Ed Karns
- Ls meilleure source pour differents themes—Louis St-Jacques
- wikipédia vaut beaucoup plus que de l'argent...—Sylvain FISCHER
- Please use this money to include more topics on world geography, protect
- You're a revolution and you barely know it - or do you?—Daniel Petzen
- A great resourse. It needs our support.—Morley Farquar
- Her er pinlig få skandinaver med på listen !! Pelle? Tomas? Leif, Anne
- This is Important!—Tillmann Huebner
- I use Wikipedia every day.—Anonymous
- Wikiquote is awesome.—Nicolas Bosma
- Everyone should have all the knowledge they desire to seek at the tips o
- I knew I will give back one day for all the knowledge I have gained from
- I search for anything on a search engine, wiki shows in top 10 results.
- Its worth it!—Anonymous