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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This bots finds the English Wikipedia counterpart of a non-English Wikipedia
page and fetches its categories. If any of those categories has a counterpart
in the origin Wikipedia, the bot then adds the page to those categories.
# (C) User:Huji, 2021
# The original version can be found at
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

import pywikibot
from pywikibot import pagegenerators
#import fa_cosmetic_changes_core as fccc
from functools import lru_cache
from import (
import re

# Show help with the parameter -help.
docuReplacements = {"&params;": pagegenerators.parameterHelp}

class CategorizeBot(
    update_options = {
        "cosmetic": False,  # Whether to run cosmetic changes script

    def __init__(self, generator, **kwargs):
        @param generator: the page generator that determines which pages
            to work on
        @type generator: generator
        super(CategorizeBot, self).__init__(site=True, **kwargs)
        self.generator = generator
        self.skip_categories = [
            "Rûpelên ku heman kategoriyê qebûl nakin",
        self.summary = (
            "[[Wikipedia:Classifying balanced articles|bot]]: Kategoriyên kêm ji en.wîkiyê lê hatin zêdekirin"
        self.allowednamespaces = [0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16]
        self.cosmetic_changes = kwargs["cosmetic"]
        self.site_fa = pywikibot.Site("ku")
        self.site_en = pywikibot.Site("en")
        self.remove_parent = False

    def list_intersection(self, list1, list2):
        list3 = [value for value in list1 if value in list2]
        return list3

    def get_existing_cats(self, page):
        """Get a list() of categories the page is in."""
        cats = list(page.categories())
        cat_titles = list()
        for c in cats:
        return cat_titles

    def check_eligibility(self, candidate):
        """Determine if the category is addable."""
        cat = pywikibot.Page(self.site_fa, "Kategorî:%s" % candidate)
        if not cat.exists():
            return False
        cat_cats = self.get_existing_cats(cat)
        ineligible_parents = [
            "Kategoriyên veşartî",
            "Kategoriyên şitilan",
            "Beralîkirinên kategoriyan",
            "Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata",
            "Kesên ji Tirkiyeyê",
            "Bajarên Tirkiyeyê",
            "Aktorên tirk",
            "Aktrîsên tirk",
            "Bêjerên tirk",
            "Derhênerên fîlman ên tirk",
            "Derhênerên tirk",
            "Dozgêrên tirk",
            "Felsefevanên tirk",
            "Fizîknasên tirk",
            "Fîlozofên tirk",
            "Helbestvanên tirk",
            "Jinên tirk",
            "Matematîknasên tirk",
            "Muzîkvanên tirk",
            "Nivîskarên tirk",
            "Parêzerên tirk",
            "Popvanên tirk",
            "Rojnamevanên tirk",
            "Senaryonivîsên tirk",
            "Siyasetmedarên tirk",
            "Stranbêjên tirk",
            "Stêrnasên tirk",
            "Wênesazên tirk",
            "Zanyarên tirk",
            "Şanogerên tirk",
            "Şoreşgerên tirk",
            "Bakurê Kurdistanê",
            "Başûrê Kurdistanê",
            "Rojavaya Kurdistanê",
            "Rojhilata Kurdistanê"
        if len(self.list_intersection(ineligible_parents, cat_cats)) > 0:
            return False
        return True

    def check_eligibility_en(self, candidate):
        """Determine if the category is addable."""
        cat = pywikibot.Page(self.site_en, "Category:%s" % candidate)
        cat_cats = self.get_existing_cats(cat)
        ineligible_parents = [
            "Hidden categories",
            "Tracking categories",
            "Stub categories",
            "Turkish people by occupation",
            "Cities in Turkey",
            "Turkish Kurdistan",
            "Iraqi Kurdistan",
            "Syrian Kurdistan",
            "Iranian Kurdistan",
            "Turkish people"

        if len(self.list_intersection(ineligible_parents, cat_cats)) > 0:
            return False
        return True

    def is_child_category_of(self, child, parent):
        child_cat = pywikibot.Page(self.site_fa, "Kategorî:%s" % child)
        child_cat_cats = self.get_existing_cats(child_cat)
        if parent in child_cat_cats:
            return True
        return False

    def treat_page(self):
        """Process the current page that the bot is working on."""
        page = self.current_page

        if page.namespace() not in self.allowednamespaces:
            pywikibot.output("Namespace not allowed!")
            return False

        langlinks = page.langlinks()
        remote_page = None

        for ll in langlinks:
            if == "en":
                remote_page = pywikibot.Page(ll)

        if remote_page is None:
            pywikibot.output("No interwiki link to enwiki; skipped.")
            return False

        if remote_page.isRedirectPage():
            pywikibot.output("Target page is a redirect; skipped.")
            return False

        current_categories = self.get_existing_cats(page)
        if len(set(self.skip_categories) & set(current_categories)) > 0:
            pywikibot.output("Page disallows this bot; skipped.")

        remote_categories = list(remote_page.categories())
        added_categories = list()
        removed_categories = list()

        for rc in remote_categories:
            if self.check_eligibility_en(rc.title(with_ns=False)) is False:
            candidate = None
            for ll in rc.langlinks():
                if == "ku":
                    candidate = ll.title
            if candidate is None:
            if candidate not in current_categories:
                if self.check_eligibility(candidate):
                    # If a child of this category is already used, don't add it
                    skip_less_specific = False
                    for cc in current_categories:
                        if self.is_child_category_of(cc, candidate):
                            skip_less_specific = True
                                "More specific category already used."

                    # Otherwise add this category
                    if skip_less_specific is False:

                    # If a parent of what you just added is used, remove it
                    if self.remove_parent is True:
                        candidate_fullname = "Kategorî:%s" % candidate
                        candidate_page = pywikibot.Page(
                        candidate_parents = self.get_existing_cats(
                        intersection = self.list_intersection(
                        if len(intersection) > 0:
                            pywikibot.output("Removing less specific parent.")

        if len(added_categories) > 0:
            text = page.text
            for ac in added_categories:
                text  = "\n[[Kategorî:%s]]" % ac

            if len(removed_categories) > 0:
                for rc in removed_categories:
                    rc_pattern = r"\n\[\[Kategorî:"   rc   r"(\|[^\]]*)?\]\]"
                    text = re.sub(rc_pattern, "", text)

            if self.cosmetic_changes is True:
                text, ver, msg = fccc.fa_cosmetic_changes(text, page)
            self.put_current(text, summary=self.summary)

def main(*args):
    Process command line arguments and invoke bot.
    @param args: command line arguments
    @type args: list of unicode
    options = {}

    # Default value for "cosmetic" option
    options["cosmetic"] = False

    # Process global arguments to determine desired site
    local_args = pywikibot.handle_args(args)

    # Process pagegenerators arguments
    gen_factory = pagegenerators.GeneratorFactory()
    local_args = gen_factory.handle_args(local_args)

    # Parse command line arguments
    for arg in local_args:
        arg, sep, value = arg.partition(":")
        option = arg[1:]
        if option in ("summary", "text"):
            if not value:
                pywikibot.input("Please enter a value for "   arg)
            options[option] = value
        # Take the remaining options as booleans.
            options[option] = True

    gen = gen_factory.getCombinedGenerator(preload=True)
    if gen:
        bot = CategorizeBot(gen, **options)
        return True
        return False

if __name__ == "__main__":