Gain Back Lost Peace

If you look for it, you will find it

zizi majid
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Summer on the East Coast is short, and since I love warm weather, being outdoors, walking, sitting, and contemplating is most precious. It’s one season I look forward to with zeal. I savor each moment I can soak in the brightness and warmth of the sunshine and consider myself lucky if I get a couple of hours out and by myself. This summer has been no different, though the extreme heat makes me cautious but I still prefer to be out in nature.

Life has challenged me, and one of the challenges is time, by myself and for myself. The latter is comparatively easier; once done with my duties, I lock myself in my room and tend to self-care or rest. But the time to be by myself I question. Day in and day out, when your only company is you, you get tired of meeting and talking to yourself. I am sitting on our deck a quiet comfortable space, enjoying my cup of tea, but this strong desire to share the space and time with a loved one keeps nagging at me. There are good friends I meet sometimes, but the presence of a soul that understands you, cares, and comforts you is missed deeply.

I am finding that company in my writing and my writer friends. While enjoying the peace, I am grateful for this time that I can be by myself and do what I have begun to love beyond the want of another. I am sharing my space and…



zizi majid
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

Should retire but in no rush. Consultant Med Spas, entrepreneur, artist, writer on a spiritual journey. Zest for life, trauma & challenges are paving my path.