Goodbye Journalism 101; Couldn’t Be Happier

Finally landed the course I wanted to teach for 40 years

Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)
Published in
10 min readAug 4, 2024


Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

We all know teacher burnout is a reality within the profession. Among the most cited reasons are poor pay and poor benefits, lack of resources or respect by the administration. It’s even worse for adjuncts instructors on the college level.

For me, most recently it had more to do with indifferent students, but low enrollment and the continuing moribund trends facing the media business, as well as the news itself, certainly played a role in me not returning to teach that course this fall.

After a semester like I endured, some educators might have contemplated switching careers altogether. Others perhaps would swap subjects if it was possible, like I am thankfully about to do. This self-care couldn’t have come at a better time.

My last piece for EduCreate in early January lamented over what a miserable time I had with Basic Newswriting following the fall 2023 semester because all the students seemed like they wanted to be somewhere else for those four months.

I graduated high school in 1976 and All the President’s Men won multiple Oscar Awards the next year, recounting the Watergate scandal that toppled the Nixon presidency. The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein…



Lsjaffee (Writer, Educator, Over-Thinker)

Marching to the beat of a different drummer. Non-binary human. No tolerance for racism, injustice & the patriarchy. [email protected]