Wolves, Mating, Monogamy


Bella L
My Notes


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Photo by Ilya Shishikhin on Unsplash

I like wolves. Well I have never seen one in real life. But I always resonate with them. I think they got fierce and striking eyes. They live in packs with an alpha as their leader.

Lots of fiction have also been inspired by wolves. Werewolves from Twilight. Wolverine the superhero. Or Warwick from League of Legends.

Howling at full moon. Shapeshifting into humans. Strength. Alacrity. Leadership. Unity.

I was reading today that some wolves mate for life. Every pack has their own male and female alpha, who are the only ones allowed to breed.

The reason is that protecting one mate from unwanted advances is way more efficient than trying to defend multiple partners.

That’s from the point of view of the male wolf.

That’s true monogamy. Mating with only one person for life. The ultimate bond of two beings.

Humans aren’t truly monogamous. For the most part, we practice serial monogamy, that is dating multiple partners through out one’s life time, one person at a time.

It’s essentially polygamy in disguise.

I have more to say about the social implications of this phenomenon but that would be too long for…



Bella L
My Notes

👑 Your casual mathematician & story teller | BSc in Mathematics | Courageously soaring through the Galaxy | 龍 🐉