Art Work from the city of Demacia


Bella L
My Notes


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Today I was looking at some art from League of Legends. I don’t really play the game anymore but I do enjoy their art and music from time to time. These are some art work I found today here and there.

This is Lux sitting on the edge of maybe a house or a building, overlooking the beautiful High Silvermere. It’s apparently in the Rocky Highlands of Norther Demacia.

The picture has this sort of radiant and idyllic vibe to it. Like hope is coming. Or the dawn of something great.

I certainly think sitting there like Lux with a loved one, contemplating about life is more fun than doomscrolling.

The gates to the city of Demacia are strong and formidable. Pearly white walls and towers protecting her citizens all year round.

I have heard Demacia is magic-resistant. Perhaps the materials have something not even magic can penetrate?

What about our very own gates to the outer world? Do we have our own bastion against life’s trials and tribulations?



Bella L
My Notes

👑 Your casual mathematician & story teller | BSc in Mathematics | Courageously soaring through the Galaxy | 龍 🐉