Tekwill in Every School

Tekwill in Every School

E-Learning Providers

Chişinău, Chișinău 303 followers

About us

"Tekwill in Every School" is the most revolutionary educational project in the country, designed with the goal to offer Moldovan students equal educational opportunities driven by IT Sector Market Needs. The project allows free access to innovative digital resources, offering necessary knowledge and skills, to better prepare the beneficiaries for the professions of the future.

E-Learning Providers
Company size
2-10 employees
Chişinău, Chișinău


Employees at Tekwill in Every School


  • Education is crucial in today's ever-evolving world, molding the leaders and innovators of tomorrow. The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" competition in the Republic of Moldova provides students with a unique opportunity to showcase their talents and creativity in the tech industry. It's a chance for young minds to shine and make their mark in the fast-paced world of technology. 🚀 The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" competition has successfully engaged around 5,000 students and 600 teachers from various regions of the country through its four editions. 🔸 The final stage, held on June 8, brought together 400 students and teachers, who presented digital projects with social impact. Among the projects developed by students are Artificial Intelligence projects such as speech-to-text transcription, emotion identification using artificial intelligence, water quality prediction using AI algorithms, and diagnosing serious conditions through AI. Additionally, in the fourth edition, over 100 visual identities and 150 web pages were developed for small and medium-sized businesses in the country. Participants in the "Mobile Applications" category developed digital products for their business ideas. 🌐 We invite you to meet the competition winners by accessing the tekwill.online platform. We also thank all the partners who supported us during the event. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all. The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" competition is organized by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) and Tekwill as part of the national program Tekwill in Every School.

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  • We are happy to share the special moments from the awards ceremony of the national competition "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" 2024! 🎉 The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" initiative aims to develop students' digital and creative skills, use innovative ideas with social impact, and support talents in the Republic of Moldova. Over four editions, "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" has involved about 5,000 students and 600 teachers from across the country. They are part of the Tekwill in Every School program, which encourages and supports the creative and innovative potential of young people in the Republic of Moldova. Students have developed innovative solutions in fields like Artificial Intelligence, graphic design, web development, and mobile applications. These include voice-to-text transcription, emotion identification, water quality forecasting, diagnosing serious conditions with AI, creating visual identities and web pages for small businesses, and developing digital products for their businesses. 🚀 The list of competition winners is available at https://tekwill.online/ The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" competition is organized by the National Association of ICT Companies (ATIC) and Tekwill as part of the national Tekwill in Every School Program.

  • Mihaela Untu is a graduate of the Artificial Intelligence course implemented by Tekwill in Every School and Intel Corporation in 391 educational institutions nationwide. During her studies, Mihaela represented the Republic of Moldova at the international INTEL AI Global Impact Festival with her AI project, "Application for Preventing Defects in Solar Panels." We invite you to discover Mihaela's journey, her experiences, and her innovative project. Thank you Renergy for the publication - https://lnkd.in/d2cpbmtc

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  • In 2024, 1299 teachers from the Republic of Moldova will study and teach at least one IT course!🚀 🟣 Through the Tekwill in Every School program, teachers engage in a mentoring program led by industry experts in graphic design, web development, entrepreneurship, emotional intelligence in communication, video storytelling, mobile app design and development, algorithm programming in C/C , and artificial intelligence. 🎯 The program's objective is to equip educators with the skills needed to provide students with up-to-date and relevant education for the 21st-century job market. It also aims to inspire and prepare students for successful careers in emerging industries, giving them a competitive edge in future employment. Thanks to teachers' involvement, 78,600 students have accessed at least one IT course in schools. In the upcoming academic year 2024-2025, 98 educational institutions will join the Tekwill in Every School program, offering new learning opportunities to students in those schools. Implemented by ATIC and Tekwill in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the program receives substantial support from partners including the United States Agency for International Development (USAID Moldova), European Union in the Republic of Moldova, the Government of Sweden, UNDP Moldova, UNICEF Moldova, UN Women Moldova, and Government of Japan.

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  • Tekwill in Every School reposted this

    📚 Tekwill in Every School is shaping the future of education in Moldova by fostering entrepreneurship and bridging the ICT skills gap through national public-private collaboration. Meet Ana Chirita, Director of Tekwill and Strategic Project Director for the Moldovan Association of ICT Companies. She shares the inspiring story of Tekwill, a pioneering project in education and online learning, recognized as a 2023 WISE Awards Winner. Watch our latest WISE video and discover how Tekwill continues to make a profound impact on Moldova’s education landscape. #Tekwill #WISEAwards

  • 🌟 The Tekwill in Every School project has been a game-changer for education in the Republic of Moldova! In just 4 years, we've seen a remarkable transformation in the educational system. With the development of over 300 digital resources, 9 IT courses, and the introduction of modern teaching methods, teachers have embraced the challenge of revolutionizing the teaching-learning process. The "Tekwill Junior Ambassadors" Competition has also been a huge success, showcasing the talent and innovation of students across the country. This project has not only put Moldova on the map in the education world but has also empowered teachers and students to embrace technology and creativity in the classroom. Over 4 years, the "Tekwill in Every School" initiative has made a significant impact, touching the lives of 78,000 students and 1000 teachers across 391 educational institutions in the country. Through the provision of digital laboratories, technical devices for 786 teachers, and opportunities for students to engage in creating digital products like mobile applications and websites, the program has truly transformed the educational landscape. It has not only equipped schools with the tools needed for the digital age but has also fostered a sense of community and innovation among students. 🚀 Moreover, due to its remarkable achievements, the "Tekwill in Every School" project has been awarded 5 international prizes for innovation in education. Among the international awards are: the WISE Award, the WITSA Award under the "Global Innovation and Tech Excellence" umbrella, the project was also added to the World Collection of Innovative Projects in 2023 and was awarded the title of the best ITO initiative in the Republic of Moldova at the PIN Awards. The most recent award is within the "Future of Government" Awards Gala in the category of "Digital Advocates of the Year". We want to express our heartfelt thanks to our incredible partners for their unwavering support and belief in our mission to ensure that every student has access to the same opportunities in today's digital age. Many thanks to the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, the European Union, Sweden, and UNDP Moldova for their amazing collaboration and shared goals. We are also incredibly grateful to the dedicated teachers who have gone above and beyond to embrace the world of IT and provide their students with invaluable opportunities in the digital landscape. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed, and we are truly thankful for all that you do. The Tekwill in Every School Project is implemented by Tekwill.

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  • The "Artificial Intelligence & Big Data" conference in Chisinau was a huge success, with over 700 attendees joining in on April 18-19! The event was a fantastic opportunity for networking, sharing knowledge, and exploring the endless possibilities offered by these cutting-edge technologies. During the conference, the Tekwill in Every School project showcased the impact of AI in Education, highlighting the progress made in implementing Artificial Intelligence courses in schools nationwide. Ernest Bitca, Manager of the project, shared insights on the curriculum, student projects, and the dedicated teachers and students who are representing Moldova on the international stage. 🦾 Special thanks to Corneliu Ciorici from UNICEF Moldova for steering the discussion panel and to the organizers for putting together such a valuable gathering. The Tekwill in Every School project is paving the way for a future where students are well-equipped to tackle the challenges of the digital age. ATIC, American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova, #ACTech, Tekwill, Intel AI.

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  • Programul ,,Tekwill în Fiecare Școală" se extinde! 🎉 Cu ocazia celei de-a șaptea aniversări a Centrului de Excelență TIC -Tekwill, Programul "Tekwill în Fiecare Școală" a anunțat redeschiderea înscrierilor pentru instituțiile de învățământ care nu s-au alăturat încă! 🚀 Cadre didactice din întreaga țară au participat la un eveniment informativ despre program, au aflat care sunt beneficiile și oportunitățile oferite de această inițiativă, au discutat despre modul în care tehnologia și inovația în sălile de clasă. Echipa noastră a oferit detalii și informație importantă despre resursele educaționale digitale, cursurile online și evenimentele de formare profesională concepute pentru a susține cadrele didactice în îmbunătățirea propriilor competențe digitale și a oferi elevilor o educație modernă și relevantă. Programul „Tekwill în Fiecare Școală” include 391 de instituții de învățământ din țară și oferă elevilor oportunități educaționale unice.  Din 2020 până în prezent, 78 600 de elevi din întreaga țară au urmat cursurile opționale, disponibile în cele patru module de studii: inteligență artificială, dezvoltare software, industria creativă, leadership antreprenorial, acumulând cunoștințe și dezvoltând abilități importante. Instituțiile care s-au alăturat Programului beneficiază de acces la importante resurse educaționale, mentorat, platformă de eLearning, laboratoare digitale și echipamente performante. Pentru mai multe detalii despre procesul de înscriere a instituțiilor de învățământ, accesați link-ul https://shorturl.at/aikwR Programul Tekwill în fiecare școală este implementat de Tekwill și ATIC, în parteneriat cu Ministerul Educației și Cercetării al Republicii Moldova, cu suportul partenerilor externi de dezvoltare USAID Moldova, Uniunea Europeană, Suedia, UNDP Moldova.

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  • We are extremely excited to announce that the Tekwill in Every School project has been recognized worldwide, ranking among the top 3 digital promoters at the "Future of Government" awards ceremony. This remarkable success has earned us an honorable mention in the fierce competition, where we competed alongside 118 other projects from around the world.🤩 🟣 The strong partnerships we have with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova, USAID Moldova, the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau, the European Union in the Republic of Moldova,UNDP Moldova, UNICEF Moldova, and UN Women Moldova have been essential in achieving this success. We managed to involve over 78,600 technology enthusiasts and provide them with learning opportunities in fields such as programming, artificial intelligence, the creative industry, and entrepreneurship. Currently, one out of six students in the Republic of Moldova is studying at least one of the Tekwill in Every School courses, developing essential skills for the future job market.🚀 For more details: https://lnkd.in/dBUPpjhc The program is implemented by the National Association of Companies in the IT Industry (ATIC) under the Tekwill umbrella, in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Research of the Republic of Moldova and with the remarkable support of international development partners.

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