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The New Research Landscape: A Research Maturity Model for User-Centric Organizations

The New Research Landscape

Learn how to progress your organization towards higher research maturity and achieve superior business results with data and expert insights from 500 professionals.

The big picture

A majority of organizations are on their way to becoming research-mature, but only 3% have reached the highest stage of research maturity to achieve superior business results—fueling future possibilities for the research industry.













Research is only used to monitor and optimize products after they’ve been released



Research is conducted on an ad hoc basis to validate design decisions and improvements to the product



Research comes into projects earlier to explore the problem space and inform roadmap and scope of decisions



Research is conducted continuously throughout the product life cycle to inform product and business decisions



Research informs strategic decisions and bets, and helps organizations set long-term goals and priorities

Survey in numbers

526 respondents

Respondents mostly include UX/user researchers (47%), product designers (32%), and product managers (10%) from all levels of seniority.

66 countries

Companies across the world took part in the study—mostly in Europe (40%) and North America (37%)—as well as remote organizations (3%).


1-10 employees


11-200 employees


201-500 employees


501 employees

20 industries

All major industries are represented including: tech (44%), financial services (13%), and creative and media (10%).

475 organizations

Companies of all sizes weighed in—mainly small companies with 11-200 employees (42%) and large companies with 500 employees (36%).

What sets research-mature organizations apart


better business outcomes

Research drives business growth, especially reduced time-to-market (4.3x), increased revenue (4.2x), and improved brand perception (3x).


more likely to conduct research frequently

Different roles across the organization are empowered to engage in research—and they do so more frequently.


more likely to conduct generative research

Research-mature organizations put customers’ needs front and center and are proactive about discovering new opportunities.


more likely to invest in research tools

User insights are collected throughout the product life cycle—from early exploratory phases to post-launch evaluations.

Reduced time-to-market

Increased revenue

Improved brand perception

High-maturity orgs

Low-maturity orgs

The Research Maturity Model

The model defines five levels of research maturity across three key dimensions: People, Process, and Impact. Learn more about each maturity level and how to progress towards higher research maturity.

The talent conducting research, research representation at a leadership level, and executive buy-in and support for research activities.

The frameworks, tools, and methods research experts and teams adopt to make their research work more efficient.

The influence of research across the organization, its role in decision-making, and its impact on critical business outcomes.

Find out your organization's research maturity level

Take the quiz to discover how research-mature your organization is and quickly identify action steps to grow your research practices.

Methodology and audience insights

Background research

We worked closely with industry experts to review existing UX and research maturity models and identify the key themes and categories that influence research maturity. Based on this research, we developed a survey to test and define a new framework for measuring an organization's research maturity.

The online survey

In April 2023, we surveyed over 500 design, research, and product professionals across organizations of all sizes, industries, and regions. The survey included self-assessment questions to calculate an organization’s research maturity score and multiple-choice questions to validate some of our hypotheses and explore the link between research maturity and business performance.

The Research Maturity Model

Following the survey results, we designed a theoretical model and framework for describing the journey towards research maturity. Our new Maze's Research Maturity Model sets out five levels of research maturity, with Level 1 being the lowest and Level 5 the highest.

Which of the following best matches your job function?

Which of the following most accurately describes your title? 

How large is your organization?

In which region is your company’s headquarters located?

In which industry does your organization operate?

Move up the research maturity ladder

Enroll in our free, on-demand course at Maze University to receive actionable steps to reach the next level of maturity and proudly claim your certificate upon completion.

About Maze

Maze is the user research platform that makes products work for people by making user insights available at the speed of product development. Built for ease of use, Maze allows designers, product managers, and researchers to collect and share user insights when needed most, putting them at the center of every decision.

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2023 Research Maturity Model Report: Taking Research Practices to the Next Level