Mathias Bynens

Unquoted attribute values in HTML and CSS/JS selectors

Published · tagged with CSS, HTML, JavaScript

This is one of those posts I wrote just to be able to link back to it later. I see a lot of questions on the subject, and even though I don’t mind explaining the same thing over and over again, it’s probably easier to just write it down once.

Unquoted attribute values in HTML

Most people are used to quoting all attribute values in the HTML they write. For example:

<a href="foo" class="bar">baz</a>

Single quotes can be used too:

<a href='' class='bar'>baz</a>

However, the following is valid HTML as well:

<a href=foo class=bar>baz</a>

This is nothing new — in fact, the use of unquoted attribute values has been supported since HTML 2.0 (the first HTML standard). It is, however, not allowed in XHTML. (But seriously, who uses XHTML‽)

In HTML, an attribute value can be used without the quotes on certain conditions. For example, if you try to use an attribute value with spaces in it without quoting it, stuff breaks:

<!-- This does what you’d expect: -->
<p class="foo bar">

<!-- This is something entirely different: -->
<p class=foo bar>
<!-- …since it’s equivalent to: -->
<p class="foo" bar="">

Of course, bar is not a valid HTML attribute. So, just by omitting two quotes, you end up with invalid code and a <p> element that doesn’t get the bar classname you wanted it to have. And this is just one of the many examples…

If that didn’t scare you, you’ll probably want to know what the requirements for unquoted attribute values in HTML are. Let’s find out!

The HTML specification says:

Attributes are placed inside the start tag, and consist of a name and a value, separated by an = character. The attribute value can remain unquoted if it doesn’t contain spaces or any of " ' ` = < or >. Otherwise, it has to be quoted using either single or double quotes. The value, along with the = character, can be omitted altogether if the value is the empty string.

Note that instead of “spaces”, it should really say “space characters” there (see below). It’s not clear from this explanation that the empty string isn’t a valid unquoted attribute value either. (See bug #12938 which has now been fixed.) Thankfully, this is explained elsewhere in the spec:

The attribute name, followed by zero or more space characters, followed by a single U 003D EQUALS SIGN character (=), followed by zero or more space characters, followed by the attribute value, which […] must not contain any literal space characters, any U 0022 QUOTATION MARK characters ("), U 0027 APOSTROPHE characters ('), U 003D EQUALS SIGN characters (=), U 003C LESS-THAN SIGN characters (<), U 003E GREATER-THAN SIGN characters (>), or U 0060 GRAVE ACCENT characters (`), and must not be the empty string.

Note that the term “space characters” is a microsyntax that is used throughout the spec, grouping a number of whitespace characters:

The space characters, for the purposes of this specification, are U 0020 SPACE, U 0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab), U 000A LINE FEED (LF), U 000C FORM FEED (FF), and U 000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR).

So, after cross-referencing these three different sections of the HTML spec, we can finally conclude that a valid unquoted attribute value in HTML is any string of text that is not the empty string and that doesn’t contain spaces, tabs, line feeds, form feeds, carriage returns, ", ', `, =, <, or >.

Unquoted attribute values in CSS (and JavaScript) selectors

You can use unquoted attribute values in CSS as well. However, the rules are a little different.

a[href="bar"] { /* declarations go here */ }
a[href^="http://"] { /* declarations go here */ }

Single quotes can be used too:

a[href=''] { /* declarations go here */ }
a[href^='http://'] { /* declarations go here */ }

Just like in HTML, there are cases where the quotes around the attribute value can be omitted, but doing it blindly will likely result in broken code:

/* This will work: */
a[href=bar] { /* declarations go here */ }

/* This, on the other hand, is an invalid CSS selector: */
a[href^=http://] { /* declarations go here */ }

So when is it acceptable to omit the quotes?

Both the CSS 2.1 and the CSS3 specifications say:

Attribute values must be identifiers or strings.

The spec says the following about strings:

Strings can either be written with double quotes or with single quotes.

Identifiers are defined as follows:

In CSS, identifiers (including element names, classes, and IDs in selectors) can contain only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9] and ISO 10646 characters U 00A0 and higher, plus the hyphen (-) and the underscore (_).

ISO 10646 defines the Universal Character Set, which correlates to the Unicode standard. Note that they’re actually talking about the hyphen-minus character — not the hyphen character, which is U 2010. The code point for hyphen-minus is U 002D, and for underscore (low line) it’s U 005F. The highest code point currently allowed by Unicode is U 10FFFF. So, any character matching the regular expression [-_a-zA-Z0-9\u00A0-\u10FFFF] is allowed in an identifier.

The spec continues:

[Identifiers] cannot start with a digit, two hyphens, or a hyphen followed by a digit. Identifiers can also contain escaped characters and any ISO 10646 character as a numeric code […]. For instance, the identifier B&W? may be written as B\&W\? or B\26 W\3F .

This was later relaxed to allow -- at the start of identifiers with the introduction of custom properties.

Translated into regex: any string that matches ^-?\d is not a valid CSS identifier. (I’ve explained how to escape any character in CSS before.)

The empty string isn’t a valid CSS identifier either. For example, p[class=] is an invalid CSS selector. The same goes for a single hyphen: - is not a valid identifier.

So, a valid unquoted attribute value in CSS is any string of text that is not the empty string, is not just a hyphen (-), consists of escaped characters and/or characters matching /[-_\u00A0-\u10FFFF]/ entirely, and doesn’t start with a digit or two hyphens or a hyphen followed by a digit.

Note that any valid CSS selector can also be used with the Selectors API in JavaScript. If you use an invalid unquoted attribute value, the entire CSS selector becomes invalid, and will throw a DOMException if used with querySelector or querySelectorAll. (Note that most JavaScript libraries make use of these internally.) It’s important to get it right.

Mothereffing unquoted attributes

Even with these simplified definitions, it’s still a pain to remember all the rules for unquoted attribute values, especially as they differ between HTML and CSS. When in doubt, it’s probably best to just use quotes. If you’re confused, it’s likely to confuse your colleagues too. If you’re using user input in an attribute value, always quote (and escape) it to prevent XSS security vulnerabilities. Note that I don’t mean to recommend the use of unquoted attribute values with this article — this is just me reading the spec so you don’t have to.

That said, if you want to find out if a certain string is a valid unquoted attribute value in HTML or CSS, you can just use

Unquoted attribute value validator

It’s a small tool that I made for Paul Irish’s TXJS presentation. It was meant as a joke, but it’s actually kind of useful. Enjoy!

About me

Hi there! I’m Mathias. I work on Chrome DevTools and the V8 JavaScript engine at Google. HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Unicode, performance, and security get me excited. Follow me on Twitter, Mastodon, and GitHub.


Ryan Grove wrote on :

Kudos for working to clarify a topic that isn’t well understood. But it’s very, very important to note that unquoted attributes introduce a significant XSS risk in any case where you’re using user input in attribute values.

In order for user input to be safe in an unquoted attribute value, a much larger set of characters needs to be escaped than for a quoted attribute value. The vast majority of HTML escaping implementations in web frameworks and JavaScript libraries do not produce output that's safe to use in unquoted attribute values.

This means that if you’re using user input in unquoted attribute values and expecting it to be safe because you’re using your favorite framework’s HTML escaper, you may have opened up a big fat XSS vector without even realizing it.

In my opinion, the benefit of not having to type (or serve) a couple of quote characters per attribute isn't worth the XSS risk that unquoted attributes introduce. While I certainly recommend understanding how unquoted attributes work, I strongly recommend against using unquoted attributes.

Diego Perini wrote on :

I agree with the need to quote attribute values for the reasons outlined above and for simplicity. I use "double" quote only for HTML attributes.

Nice explanation about the differences between ‘string’ and ‘identifier’ in CSS2.1/CSS3.

All popular frameworks have implemented this completely wrong so results from their selector engines doesn’t match those obtained using native QS API results.

Use NWMatcher if you need standard compliance with HTML/CSS specifications ;-)

Bramus! wrote on :

Headache commencing in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ...

(Now I remembered why I always use quotes – keeps the mind purdy)

Thomas Aylott wrote on :

Minimal markup FTW! Don’t be afraid of unquoted attributes, it’s perfectly safe if you know what you’re doing. If you don’t know what you’re doing, quote everything.

I also helped write a selector engine. It’s called Slick.js. Instead of being strict and limited, it’s liberal and permissive of any syntax you choose to use. I assume that if you prefer to use “invalid” syntax, you must have a good reason and it’s none of Slick.js’s business to tell you what to do. OTOH, Slick.js also doesn’t help n00bz learn which selectors are better than the others. It leaves that as an exercise for the user.

rarko wrote on :

The value, along with the = character, can be omitted altogether if the value is the empty string.

This got me wondering about the alt attribute on img tags:

<img src="" alt>

Perhaps this is the equivilent to alt="" and can be used in text/html, then.

Floris wrote on :

Not putting the values for attributes inside double quotes, is like visiting MySpace everyday and telling others how awesome it is. Consistency, security, avoid confusion, and the other benefits… Just use double quotes. Don’t be all over the place or overcomplicate things.

Craig wrote on :

Ryan Grove:

In my opinion, the benefit of not having to type (or serve) a couple of quote characters per attribute isn't worth the XSS risk that unquoted attributes introduce.

Hold on a minute. It’s an XSS risk only in the attribute values that get filled from user input. Anyone can see which these are just by taking a look at the template. You can quite easily leave off the quotes for the ones you have full control over without any worry at all.

What you are saying here is a non sequitur and sounds a lot like “ok guys, you’re not as smart as me so just follow these prescriptive rules and you can’t go wrong”.

Floris: Umm, that’s a pretty poor analogy. Since most attributes values never require much more than [a-z]*, I’m inclined to call bullshit. Not quoting is my new default. Deal with it.

mocax wrote on :

Found out after hours of hair pulling that table[cellpadding=2] > * > tr > td doesn’t work. Have to use table[cellpadding="2"] > * > tr > td instead.

The problem is the former line was generated by W3C’s CSS validator as valid CSS… Got to submit a bug report.

Edward Beckett wrote on :

It may be allowed ... but I feel a bit sloppy unquoting attributes ... akin to semi-colons in js and brackets in java ... if you're gonna write code - right code.

Morris wrote on :

  1. The range \u00A0-\u10FFFF is incorrect because it also matches Unicode non-characters.

  2. Ignoring that, in your bold summary should it say /[-_a-zA-Z0-9\u00A0-\u10FFFF]/ instead of /[-_\u00A0-\u10FFFF]/?

  3. There might be other Unicode characters that shouldn’t be matched e.g. \u2029.

  4. Maybe a warning to avoid dangerous characters such as \u201C because they could be incorrectly converted to other characters depending on editor, post processing etc.

wrote on :


  1. You’re absolutely right: Unicode non-characters should be excluded. That would make the regular expression more complex though; it would lose its summarizing effect. Instead, perhaps I’ll remove the regular expression.

  2. Good catch; thanks!

  3. Why? The spec doesn’t mention this at all.

Kishan wrote on :

This is amazing. Do you know of any minifiers which remove quotes when not required? I’d do it by hand but it breaks syntax highlighting and makes things less readable.

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