I was told zines should be about thing I feel strongly about. So I made one about Pissaladière.

I have no idea if I even did this right...
It's not even a proper ode...

Made with the Electric Zine Maker, and compiled with the EZM Reader.
Images from WikiCommons, Illustrations from Canva.
Recipe from my grandma.


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I love onions, anchovies, olives, and I was born in Marseilles. Impossible for me to not love pissaladière !!

Ah bah, je suis de Nice. On est voisins :P

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Héhé, désormais j'habite à Montpellier, mais ça reste le sud ;)

En février j'espère pouvoir venir au festival du jeu de Cannes !

De quoi manger plein de pissaladière.

Je dois attendre les fêtes de fin d'année pour pouvoir en manger des locales ; _ ;
Heureusement, on trouve des onions partout :P

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This is a lovely zine! And the dish sounds delicious. I loved the layout of your zine and the color scheme. It´s very cozy •ᴗ•

thank you!!!

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Oh, this is lovely <3

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For not knowing what you're doing, you did an excellent job.

Thank you <3

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Love Pissaladière too <3

It's the best, isn't it :P

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