A downloadable game for Android


Feylines is an android mobile game developed by SadStudents! Feylines is previously known as Project Swipecaster, which represents as the team's submission for Game Jam Plus' 2nd Stage Finals.

Play as a Grandcaster and lead a team of felines to connect the cities through battling and defeat the ever-growing verminemice, while amassing a team of talented casters along the way.

Originally, This game was made for SEA Game Jam 2020 partnering with Game Jam , under the theme Connections! The task was to also make a commercializable game, so we thought to ourselves: why not a GACHA game?


Feylines.apk 94 MB

Install instructions

Download and install APK

Development log


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When I do the connections that are showing, nothing happens

yeah, the animations ARE having problems. Though, you are definitely doing damage to an enemy. You are suppsed to use the 4 runes in combination to make spells based on the recipe book, but due to the lack of any tutorial, we apologize for the bad UI/UX as its not polished enough :(