Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
importStylesheet( 'User:MichaelSchoenitzer/quickpresets.css' );
if( typeof(quick_props)=="undefined" ) {
importScript( 'User:MichaelSchoenitzer/quickpresets_defaultconf.js' );
* Load the entityselector-plugin, try until it works
* See:
function quickpresets_loadentityselector(){
try {
$( ".quickpresetsiteminput input" ).entityselector( {
url: '',
language: mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage')
} );
catch(err) {
setTimeout(quickpresets_loadentityselector, 100);
* Add the interface wich alows to quickly add statements
function quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop) {
// compose and intert fieldset.
var $fieldset = $("<fieldset id=\"quickpresets\"><legend>Quick Presets (" ")</legend></fieldset>")
prop.defaults.forEach(function(dflt) {
if(typeof dflt.type == "undefined") {
dflt.type = "item";
var $line = $("<div><p class='addstatement'>Add " ":<span class='links'></span>"
"<span class='quickpresets" dflt.type "input'> <input/> "
"<a href=\'#\'>✔</a></span></p></div>"
if($('#P'".wikibase-snakview-value a").length !== 0) {
if(dflt.values.length === 0) {
$line.find('.quickpresets' dflt.type 'input a')
.on('click', function(e) {
if(dflt.type == "item") {
var selection = $(this).prev('input').data('entityselector').selectedEntity();
quickpresets_additemstatement(qid,,,, selection.label);
else if(dflt.type == "string") {
quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid,,, $(this).prev('input')[0].value);
// Add links for all preset-values…
dflt.values.forEach(function(val) {
$("<span> <a href=''></a> ∙</span>")
.on('click', function(e) {
if(dflt.type == "item") {
quickpresets_additemstatement(qid,,, val.qid,;
else if(dflt.type == "string") {
quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid,,, val.text);
setTimeout(quickpresets_loadentityselector, 100);
* Add a formated claim and in case of success show succtext
function quickpresets_addclaim(claim, succtext) {
var api = new mw.Api();
var token = mw.user.tokens.values.csrfToken; {
action: 'wbsetclaim',
summary: "Added with [[User:MichaelSchoenitzer/quickpresets|Quickpresets]]",
claim: JSON.stringify(claim),
token: token
if(aw.success == 1)
$('.wikibase-statementgrouplistview').first().after( succtext );
* Add a statement with datatype 'item'
* qid: the qid of the item wich should get the statment
* pid: the property to add
* pname: the name of the property for showing a success-note
* toqid: the qid of the item that is used as value
* toname: the name of the value-item property for showing a success-note
function quickpresets_additemstatement(qid, pid, pname, toqid, toname) {
var claim = {
id: (new wb.utilities.ClaimGuidGenerator("q" qid)).newGuid(),
type: "claim",
mainsnak: {
snaktype: "value",
property: "P" pid,
datavalue: {
value: {
"entity-type": "item",
"numeric-id": toqid
type: "wikibase-entityid"
datatype: "wikibase-item"
quickpresets_addclaim(claim, "<p>Added " pname " " toname "</p>");
// Check if we now support it with another element of the config
if(pid == 31) {
for( var t = 0; t<quick_props.length; t ) {
if(quick_props[t].qid == toqid) {
quickpresets_addinterface(qid, quick_props[t]);
* Add a statement with datatype 'string'
* qid: the qid of the item wich should get the statment
* pid: the property to add
* pname: the name of the property for showing a success-note
* str: the value of the statement
function quickpresets_addstringstatement(qid, pid, pname, str) {
var claim = {
id: (new wb.utilities.ClaimGuidGenerator("q" qid)).newGuid(),
type: "claim",
mainsnak: {
snaktype: "value",
property: "P" pid,
datatype: "string",
datavalue: {
value: str,
type: "string"
quickpresets_addclaim(claim, "<p>Added " pname " \"" str "\"</p>");
* check if an item is of a type, if so add options
function quickpresets_checktype(qid, prop) {
var typeqid=prop.qid;
// Search in HTML-DOM
var typefromdom=$.map($('#P31').find(".wikibase-snakview-value a"), function(value, index) {
if(typeof value.attributes.href === "undefined")
return [];
return [value.attributes.href.value.substring(6)];
if ( typefromdom.length === 0) {
if(typeqid === null)
quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
else {
if ( typeqid === 0 ) {
quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
else if ( typefromdom.includes("Q" typeqid) ) {
quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
else {
// Now check via sparql (much slower but includes subtypes)
const endpointUrl = '',
sparqlQuery = 'Ask { wd:Q' qid ' wdt:P31/wdt:P279* wd:Q' typeqid
'. hint:Prior hint:gearing "forwards" }',
fullUrl = endpointUrl '?query=' encodeURIComponent( sparqlQuery ),
headers = { 'Accept': 'application/sparql-results json' };
fetch( fullUrl, { headers } ).then( body => body.json() ).then( json => {
if ( json.boolean )
quickpresets_addinterface(qid, prop);
} );
* wait for config to be loaded, then execute func
function quickpresets_waitForConfig(func){
if(typeof quick_props !== "undefined"){
setTimeout(quickpresets_waitForConfig, 100, func);
$( function($) {
* Check if we're viewing an item
var qid = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
if ( !qid ) {
else {
qid = qid.substring(1);
* check if item is a of right kind
quickpresets_waitForConfig(function() {
for( var t = 0; t<quick_props.length; t ) {
quickpresets_checktype(qid, quick_props[t]);
} );