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// <nowiki>
( function ( mw, $ )
var i18n = {
'en': {
'name': 'Interwiki conflict',
'description': 'Report an interwiki conflict at [[Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts]].',
'title': 'Title',
'items': 'Items',
'comment': 'Comment',
'report': 'Report',
'close': 'Close'
'de': {
'name': 'Interwiki-Konflikt',
'description': 'Melde einen Interwiki-konflikt auf [[Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts]].',
'title': 'Titel',
'items': 'Datenobjekte',
'comment': 'Kommentar',
'report': 'Melden',
'close': 'Schließen'
var lang = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
if( !( lang in i18n ) ) {
lang = 'en';
* Returns the localized value of a message. Default lang is en.
function i18nVal( key ) {
if( i18n[ lang ][ key ] ) {
return getLinks( i18n[ lang ][ key ] );
else if( key in i18n[ 'en' ] ) {
return getLinks( i18n[ 'en' ][ key ] );
else {
return '[' key ']';
* Returns the localized value of a message and replaces all keys with the given params (in format $1, $2, ...). Default lang is en.
function i18nValP( key, params ) {
var val = i18nVal( key );
for( var i = 0; i < params.length; i ) {
val = val.replace( '$' ( i 1 ), params[ i ] );
return val;
* Returns the text where all wikilinks are replaced by html links.
function getLinks( value ) {
return value.replace( /\[\[([^\]]*)\]\]/g, '<a href="$1">$1</a>' );
* Initialises the dialog and the link. Called on ready.
function init() {
mw.loader.using( [ 'jquery.ui' ], function () {
var dialog = '<style>#iwconflict label { width:75px; float: left; text-align: right; padding-top: 0.3em; margin-right: 1.5em; } #iwconflict input { display: block; } #iwconflict a { color: #007EDF; }</style>';
dialog = '<div id="iwconflict"><fieldset id="iwconflict-form"><legend>' i18nVal( 'name' ) '</legend>';
dialog = '<p><label for="iwconflict-title">' i18nVal( 'title' ) ': </label><input type="text" id="iwconflict-title"></p>';
dialog = '<p><label for="iwconflict-items">' i18nVal( 'items' ) ': </label><input type="text" id="iwconflict-items"></p>';
dialog = '<p><label for="iwconflict-comment">' i18nVal( 'comment' ) ': </label><input type="text" id="iwconflict-comment"></p>';
dialog = '</fieldset>';
dialog = '<p>' i18nVal( 'description' ) '</p></div>';
var dialogContent = $( dialog ).appendTo( '#content' );
dialogContent.dialog( {
title: '<img src="" width="20" alt="!" title="!" style="margin-right: 1.5em;">' i18nVal( 'name' ),
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
width: 500,
buttons: [ {
id: 'iwconflict-button-report',
text: i18nVal( 'report' ),
click: function() {
$.createSpinner( {
size: 'large',
type: 'block',
id: 'iwconflict-spinner'
} ).appendTo( '#iwconflict' );
report( $( '#iwconflict-title' ).val(), $( '#iwconflict-items' ).val(), $( '#iwconflict-comment' ).val() );
}, {
id: 'iwconflict-button-close',
text: i18nVal( 'close' ),
click: function() {
$( '#iwconflict' ).dialog( 'close' );
} ]
} );
var portletLink = mw.util.addPortletLink(
i18nVal( 'name' ),
i18nVal( 'description' ),
$( portletLink ).click( show );
} );
* Shows the dialog.
function show() {
$( '#iwconflict' ).dialog( 'open' );
return false;
* Function called on success.
function success() {
$( '#iwconflict' ).dialog( 'close' );
mw.notify( 'Conflict reported' );
$( '#iwconflict-spinner' ).remove();
* Function called on an error.
* @param error The error ( should contain the error info)
function error( error ) {
$( '#iwconflict' ).dialog( 'close' );
mw.notify( 'Error: ' );
$( '#iwconflict-spinner' ).remove();
* Reports the interwikiconflict at Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts using {{interwiki conflict}}.
* @param title The title of the conflict (used for heading)
* @param items The items that are implied in the conflict (seperated by / )
* @param comment An additionally comment
function report( title, items, comment ) {
var appendtext = '\n\n=== ' title ' ===\n\n{{interwiki conflict\n| items = ' items '\n| status = not resolved\n| discussion = ' comment ' --~~~~\n}}\n';
$.ajax( {
type: 'POST',
url: mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' ),
data: {
'format': 'json',
'action': 'edit',
'title': 'Wikidata:Interwiki conflicts/Unresolved/' new Date().getFullYear(),
'summary': 'added new conflict ([[User:Bene*/iwconflict.js|IW]])',
'appendtext': appendtext,
'token': mw.user.tokens.get( 'csrfToken' )
success: function( data ) {
if( data.error && ) {
error( data.error );
else {
error: function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
// TODO: manage possible errors
} );
$( document ).ready( init );
} ( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );
// </nowiki>