Note: After publishing, you may have to bypass your browser's cache to see the changes.
- Firefox / Safari: Hold Shift while clicking Reload, or press either Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R (⌘-R on a Mac)
- Google Chrome: Press Ctrl-Shift-R (⌘-Shift-R on a Mac)
- Edge: Hold Ctrl while clicking Refresh, or press Ctrl-F5.
* Based on a brilliant idea of user Epìdosis
* Update without justlinks.json - 20240525
/* jshint multistr: true */
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
mw.loader.using([ 'jquery.ui' ]).then(function () {
console.log('moreIdentifier gadget loading...');
importStylesheet( 'User:Bargioni/moreIdentifiers.css' );
if( typeof(moreIdentifiers_props)=="undefined" ) {
importScript( 'User:Bargioni/moreIdentifiers_defaultconf.js' );
importScript( 'User:Epìdosis/moreIdentifiers_system_regex.js' );
(function(){ // let's define a scope for this script
* Escape html chars
function escapeHtml(text) {
'use strict';
return text.replace(/[\"&<>]/g, function (a) {
return { '"': '"', '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>' }[a];
* Gather VIAF sources from Wikidata
var select_all_viaf_sources = "SELECT ?id ?cod ?regex ?url_formatter \
?uri wdt:P31 wd:Q55586529; wdt:P1793 ?regex; wdt:P1630 ?url_formatter; \
p:P1552 [ a wikibase:BestRank; ps:P1552 wd:Q26921380; pq:P3295 ?cod ]. \
BIND(REPLACE(STR(?uri), '','') AS ?id). \
var viaf_sources;
function save_viaf_sources(J) { // J is a json response from the Wikidata's sparql
var O = {}; // new Object;
var sources = J.results.bindings;
for (var i=0; i < sources.length; i ) {
var source = sources[i];
var property =;
O[property] = {}; // new Object;
O[property].code = source.cod.value;
O[property].regex = source.regex.value;
O[property].url_formatter = source.url_formatter.value;
return O;
* From code used in VIAF to property P of the ID used in Wikidata
function get_property_from_code(C) {
for (var viaf_source in viaf_sources) {
if (viaf_sources[viaf_source].code == C) {
return viaf_source;
return '';
* Filter out unwanted VIAF sources
function useful(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources) {
if (cluster_source == 'WKP') return false; // always reject Wikidata
if ( $.inArray(cluster_source, moreIdentifiers_props.unwanted_cluster_sources) >= 0 ) return false; // reject others, if any
if ( get_property_from_code(cluster_source) ) return true;
return false;
* Verify that an ID matches the regex as in the corresponding P1793
function verify_regex(id, cluster_source) {
var P = get_property_from_code(cluster_source);
var re = new RegExp('^' viaf_sources[P].regex '$');
if (re.test(id)) return id; // id matches the regex of P
return '';
* Adapt an ID used in VIAF to the form used in Wikidata
function adapt(id, cluster_source) {
if (!moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source]) return id;
var regexp, repl;
if (Array.isArray(moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source])) {
for (var q = 0; q < moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source].length; q ) {
regexp = moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source][q].regexp;
repl = moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source][q].repl;
id = id.replace(regexp, repl);
return id;
else {
regexp = moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source].regexp;
repl = moreIdentifiers_regexps[cluster_source].repl;
return id.replace(regexp, repl);
* Show identifiers from VIAF
function show_ids(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources) {
var P = get_property_from_code(cluster_source);
for (var i=0; i < cluster_sources[cluster_source].length; i ) {
var id = cluster_sources[cluster_source][i];
var id2 = adapt(id, cluster_source);
id2 = verify_regex(id2, cluster_source);
// if(!id2) {
// if(cluster_source==="BNF") {
// id2 = 'cb' id.replace("",'').replace ( /\D/g , '' ).substring(0,8); // Digits only
// var bnf_xdigits = '0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz'; // A few lines from
// var bnf_check_digit = 0;
// for (var k=0; k < id2.length; k ) {
// bnf_check_digit = bnf_xdigits.indexOf(id2[i]) * (i 1);
// }
// id2 = "" id2 bnf_xdigits[bnf_check_digit % bnf_xdigits.length]; //29 is the radix
// id2 = adapt(id2, cluster_source);
// id2 = verify_regex(id2, cluster_source);
// }
// }
if(!id2) {
if(cluster_source==="BNF") { // A few lines from
id2 = 'cb' id; // Digits only
var bnf_xdigits = '0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxz';
var bnf_check_digit = 0;
for (var i=0; i < id2.length; i ) {
bnf_check_digit = bnf_xdigits.indexOf(id2[i]) * (i 1);
id2 = id2 bnf_xdigits[bnf_check_digit % bnf_xdigits.length]; //29 is the radix
id2 = adapt(id2, 'BNF');
id2 = verify_regex(id2, 'BNF');
var id3 = ''; if (!id2) id3 = '<span class="line-through" title="unfit ID">' id '</span>';
// if (!sources[P]) {
if (typeof sources[P] == 'undefined' || sources[P].length==0) { // sources[P].length==0 detects 'no value or 'unknown value' (2024-12-30)
var L = escapeHtml(viaf_sources[P].code);
var checkbox = '<input class="moreIdentifiers_checkbox" \
type="checkbox" name="' cluster_source '" \
data-raw="' id '" data-id="' id2 '" \
data-property="' get_property_from_code(cluster_source) '" \
data-cluster-id="' cluster_sources.viafID '"/> ';
var span1 = '<span title="' L '">';
var span2 = '</span>';
if (id2) { // add link to id2
var url_formatter = viaf_sources[P].url_formatter;
var id2_href = url_formatter.replace(/\$1/,id2);
id2 = '<a href="' id2_href '" target="_blank">' id2 '</a>';
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID)
.append('<div class="moreIdentifiers_missing_id">' checkbox span1 cluster_source span2
': ' (id2 || id3)
if (id3) $('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID).find('input:last').prop('disabled',true);
else {
var N = $('a:contains(' (id2||id) ')').filter(function(i,e){if($(e).text() == (id2||id)) return true; else return false;});
$(N).parent().append('<span class="mi_in_VIAF" style="margin-left:10px; font-size:0.8em">in VIAF cluster ' cluster_sources.viafID '</span>');
$('.wikibase-referenceview').find('span.mi_in_VIAF').remove(); // do not add to references
$('.moreIdentifiers_missing_id span.mi_in_VIAF').remove(); // do not add to missing IDs
* Show useful identifiers found in a cluster
function show_source(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources) {
if (useful(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources))
show_ids(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources);
* Given @nsid, return #text from sources
function from_source_id_to_text_id(source_id, full_cluster) {
var fcss = full_cluster.sources.source;
if (!Array.isArray(fcss))
fcss = [fcss]; // fcss force array
for (var p=0; p < fcss.length; p ) {
if (fcss[p]['@nsid'] == source_id) return fcss[p]['#text'];
return source_id; // '' sarebbe meglio?
function adapt_sid_mainHeadings_data(full_cluster) {
var datas =;
for (var p=0; p < datas.length; p ) {
var data = datas[p];
var sources = data.sources;
var ssid = sources.sid;
var sids = ssid;
if (!Array.isArray(sids)) sids = [sids]; // force array
for (var r=0; r < sids.length; r ) {
var [s, id] = sids[r].split(/\|/);
id = adapt(id, s);
sids[r] = s '|' id; // apply adaptation to cluster
return full_cluster;
* Get heading from cluster
function get_heading_from_cluster(source, source_id, full_cluster) {
source_id = from_source_id_to_text_id(source_id, full_cluster);
if (!Array.isArray( = [];
full_cluster = adapt_sid_mainHeadings_data(full_cluster);
for (var n=0; n <; n ) {
var fcmh =[n]; // force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.sid))
fcmh.sources.sid = [fcmh.sources.sid]; // fcmh.sources.sid force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.s))
fcmh.sources.s = [fcmh.sources.s]; // fcmh.sources.s force array
if ($.inArray(source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
if ($.inArray(source '|' source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
// if ($.inArray(source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
// if ($.inArray(source,fcmh.sources.s) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
for (var n=0; n <; n ) {
var fcmh =[n]; // force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.sid))
fcmh.sources.sid = [fcmh.sources.sid]; // fcmh.sources.sid force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.s))
fcmh.sources.s = [fcmh.sources.s]; // fcmh.sources.s force array
// if ($.inArray(source '|' source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
if ($.inArray(source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
// if ($.inArray(source,fcmh.sources.s) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
for (var n=0; n <; n ) {
var fcmh =[n]; // force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.sid))
fcmh.sources.sid = [fcmh.sources.sid]; // fcmh.sources.sid force array
if (!Array.isArray(fcmh.sources.s))
fcmh.sources.s = [fcmh.sources.s]; // fcmh.sources.s force array
// if ($.inArray(source '|' source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
// if ($.inArray(source_id,fcmh.sources.sid) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
if ($.inArray(source,fcmh.sources.s) > -1) return escapeHtml(fcmh.text);
return '?';
* Append heading to checkbox
function add_heading(div, full_cluster) {
var source = $(div).find('span').text();
var source_id = $(div).find('input').attr('data-id') ? $(div).find('input').attr('data-id') : $(div).find('input').attr('data-raw');
var heading = get_heading_from_cluster(source, source_id, full_cluster);
$(div).append(' <div class="moreIdentifiers_heading">' heading '</div>');
// button to report invalid entry in cluster
var Q = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
var viaf = $(div).find('input').attr('data-cluster-id');
var p = $(div).find('input').attr('data-property');
var code = $(div).find('input').attr('name');
var id = $(div).find('input').attr('data-raw');
var F1 = '\u26a1'; // lightning, fulmine
var F2 = `/w/index.php?title=Wikidata:VIAF/cluster/conflating_specific_entries&action=edit§ion=new&preloadtitle=\{\{Q|${Q}\}\}&preload=Wikidata:VIAF/cluster/conflating specific entries/preload&preloadparams[]=${viaf}&preloadparams[]=${p}&preloadparams[]=${code}&preloadparams[]=${id}`;
var F3 = '<a target="_blank" href="' F2 '">' F1 '</a>';
$(div).append(' <span class="moreIdentifiers_lightning" title="report error in VIAF">' F3 '</span>'); // test
* Add headings
function add_headings (viafid) {
var url = '' viafid '/viaf.json';
var divs = $('.moreIdentifiers_missing_id');
for (var m=0; m < divs.length; m ) {
var div = divs[m];
var v = $(div).find('input').attr('data-cluster-id');
if (v == full_cluster.viafID) add_heading(div, full_cluster);
* Retrieve links from VIAF cluster and show IDs not yet listed in the item
function get_show_ids_from_cluster_old(viafid, sources) { // unused
var url = '' viafid '/justlinks.json'; // old justlinks † 23/05/2024
for (var cluster_source in cluster_sources) {
show_source(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources);
// click on cluster checkbox toggles source checkboxes
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID '>input').on('click',function(){
var flag = $(this).is(":checked");
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID '>div>input').not(':disabled').prop('checked',flag);
if ($('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID).find('.moreIdentifiers_missing_id').length === 0) {
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID)
.append('<div class="moreIdentifiers_no_ids">no missing identifiers from this cluster</div>');
else {
add_headings (cluster_sources.viafID);
.fail(function(){$('#viaf_cluster_' viafid).append(' <span style="color:red"> Warning: Unable to load links.</span>');});
* Add close button (x) and ⓘ
function add_close_button () {
'<div style="text-align:right"> \
<span id="moreIdentifiers_info" title="about this gadget"><a href="" target="_blank">ⓘ</a></span> \
<span id="moreIdentifiers_close" title="remove this gadget from the page">×</span> \
$('#moreIdentifiers_close').css({'cursor':'pointer', 'position':'relative', 'top':'-10px'});
$('#moreIdentifiers_info').css({'cursor':'pointer', 'position':'relative', 'top':'-10px'});
var target = $('#moreIdentifiers_fieldset');
target.hide('slow', function(){ target.remove(); });
* Add the interface which allows to quickly add claims with missing IDs
function moreIdentifiers_addinterface(qid, viaf_sources) {
// works with instances listed in moreIdentifiers_props.accepted_P31
var instance_id = moreIdentifiers_checktype(qid, moreIdentifiers_props.accepted_P31);
if (instance_id === 0) return;
// look at identifiers in the item
if ($('#identifiers').length === 0) return; // no identifiers, nothing to do
function sort_sources(a,b) {
return a['#text'].localeCompare(b['#text']);
function get_show_ids_from_cluster(viafid, sources) { // 20240524
var url = '' viafid '/viaf.json';
var cluster_sources = {}; cluster_sources.viafID = viafid;
if (!Array.isArray(cluster.sources.source))
cluster.sources.source = [cluster.sources.source]; // cluster.sources.source force array
cluster.sources.source = cluster.sources.source.sort(sort_sources);
for (var i=0; i<cluster.sources.source.length; i ) {
var [s,id] = cluster.sources.source[i]['#text'].split(/\|/);
if(s == 'DNB' || s == 'LIH' || s == 'SELIBR') id = cluster.sources.source[i]['@nsid'];
// cluster_sources[s] = [id]; // array of IDs
!Array.isArray(cluster_sources[s]) ? cluster_sources[s]=[id] : cluster_sources[s].push(id); // array of IDs
for (var cluster_source in cluster_sources) {
show_source(cluster_sources, cluster_source, sources);
// click on cluster checkbox toggles source checkboxes
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID '>input').on('click',function(){
var flag = $(this).is(":checked");
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID '>div>input').not(':disabled').prop('checked',flag);
if ($('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID).find('.moreIdentifiers_missing_id').length === 0) {
$('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID)
.append('<div class="moreIdentifiers_no_ids">no missing identifiers from this cluster</div>');
// checkbox is unuseful, disable it?
// $('#viaf_cluster_' cluster_sources.viafID '>input').prop('disabled',true);
else {
add_headings (cluster_sources.viafID);
.fail(function(){$('#viaf_cluster_' viafid).append(' <span style="color:red">Error: Unable to load links</span>');});
// we have section identifiers
var ids = $('.wikibase-statementgrouplistview>div').get(2); // the block containing identifiers
var div_ids = $(ids).find('>div'); // the divs of each identifier; inside each div, more identifiers can exist: .find('a.external')
div_ids = div_ids.toArray();
if (
div_ids.length === 0 ||
typeof moreIdentifiers_props === "undefined" ||
typeof moreIdentifiers_regexps === "undefined"
) {
// section identifiers not yet loaded, wait and try again
mw.moreIdentifiers_retries ;
if (mw.moreIdentifiers_retries >= mw.moreIdentifiers_max_retries) {
console.error('moreIdentifiers: end of tries, something was not loaded!');
return; // stop trying
moreIdentifiers_addinterface(qid, viaf_sources);
}, 200);
var sources = {}; // new Object;
for (var i = 0; i < div_ids.length; i ) {
var source = $(div_ids[i]);
var property = source.attr('id');
sources[property] = []; //new Array;
var as = source.find('a.external:visible'); // one or more
as = as.toArray();
for (var j=0; j < as.length; j ) {
var a = $(as[j]);
if (sources.P214) {
var $fieldset = $('<fieldset id="moreIdentifiers_fieldset"><legend>Add More Identifiers from VIAF</legend></fieldset>')
$fieldset.append('<table id="moreIdentifiers_table"><tr><td id="moreIdentifiers"></td><td id="moreIdentifiers_command"></td></tr></table>');
var button = '<div><button id="moreIdentifiers_button_add" class="moreIdentifiers_button">Add checked identifiers</button> <span id="moreIdentifiers_gear"></span></div>';
mw.claim_id = 0;
$('#moreIdentifiers_fieldset').prop('disabled',true); // disable the fieldset
$('#moreIdentifiers_button_add').css('opacity','0.4'); // dim button Add
// $('#moreIdentifiers_button_add').prop('disabled', true); // disable button Add
// $('.viaf_cluster>input[type=checkbox]').prop('disabled',true); // disable cluster checkboxes
// $('.moreIdentifiers_checkbox').prop('disabled',true) // disable any checkbox
var results = '<div id="moreIdentifiers_results"></div>';
var checkbox = '<input type="checkbox"/>';
var ranks = $('#P214 .ui-icon-rankselector');
for (var k=0; k < sources.P214.length; k ) {
var deprecated_cluster = '';
if ($(ranks[k]).hasClass('wikibase-rankselector-deprecated')) { // deprecated VIAF cluster
deprecated_cluster = '<span class="deprecated_cluster">Warning: deprecated cluster</span>';
var viafid = sources.P214[k];
$('#moreIdentifiers').append('<div class="viaf_cluster" id="viaf_cluster_' viafid '">' checkbox ' <b>VIAF cluster ' viafid '</b> ' deprecated_cluster '</div>');
* Add a formatted claim and in case of success show succtext
function moreIdentifiers_addclaim(claim, succtext) {
var api = new mw.Api();
var token = mw.user.tokens.values.csrfToken;{
action: 'wbsetclaim',
summary: "Added with [[User:Bargioni/moreIdentifiers|moreIdentifiers]]",
claim: JSON.stringify(claim),
token: token
if(aw.success == 1) {
$('#moreIdentifiers_results').append( succtext );
else { // never used?
$('#moreIdentifiers_results').append( '<div class="moreIdentifiers_error_msg">save failed</div>' );
.catch(function(aw) {
$('#moreIdentifiers_results').append( '<div class="moreIdentifiers_error_msg">save failed!</div>' );
* Add a reference to a claim that states info was retrieved from VIAF now
function moreIdentifiers_addreference (claim, viaf_cluster) {
var now = ' ' (new Date()).toISOString().substr(0,10) 'T00:00:00Z'; // WD doesn't handle hhmmss
var references = [
"snaks-order": ["P248", "P214", "P813"],
"snaks": {
"P248": [
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P248",
"datavalue": {
"value": {
"entity-type": "item",
"numeric-id": "54919" // VIAF Q54919
"type": "wikibase-entityid"
"P214": [
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P214", // VIAF ID
"datavalue": {
"value": viaf_cluster,
"type": "string"
"datatype": "external-id"
"P813": [
"snaktype": "value",
"property": "P813", // stated on
"datatype": "time",
"datavalue": {
"value": {
"after": 0,
"before": 0,
"calendarmodel": "",
"precision": 11,
"time": now,
"timezone": 0
"type": "time"
claim.references = references;
return claim;
* Add a statement with datatype 'string'
* qid: the qid of the item wich should get the statement
* pid: the property to add
* pname: the name of the property for showing a success-note
* str: the value of the statement
function moreIdentifiers_addstringstatement(qid, pid, pname, str, viaf_cluster) {
var claim = {
id: (new wb.utilities.ClaimGuidGenerator("q" qid)).newGuid(),
type: "claim",
mainsnak: {
snaktype: "value",
property: "P" pid,
datatype: "external-id",
datavalue: {
value: str,
type: "string"
claim = moreIdentifiers_addreference(claim, viaf_cluster);
moreIdentifiers_addclaim(claim, "<div class=\"moreIdentifiers_added_msg\">Added " pname " \"" str "\"</div>");
* Autoreload the page after adding missing identifiers
function autoreload () {
if (moreIdentifiers_props.autoreload) {
if (moreIdentifiers_props.autoreload_timeout) {
.append('<div>This page will be automatically reloaded in ' moreIdentifiers_props.autoreload_timeout ' ms.</div>');
else {
location.reload(); // param true or false? TODO
else {
// add button to reload the page
'<div><button id="moreIdentifiers_reload_button" class="moreIdentifiers_button" title="reload this page to see changes">Reload this page</button></div>'
$('#moreIdentifiers_results').find('button').on('click',function(){location.reload();}); // param true or false? TODO
* Add claims to the item in sequence, version 2
function add_ids_sequentially2 () {
if (mw.claim_id >= $('.moreIdentifiers_checkbox:checked').length) { // end of claims
$('#moreIdentifiers_button_add').prop('disabled', false); // enable button Add
$('#moreIdentifiers_button_add').css('opacity','1'); // restore opacity of button Add
$('#moreIdentifiers_fieldset').prop('disabled',false); // enable the fieldset
if ($('.moreIdentifiers_checkbox:checked').length) autoreload();
return false;
var cb = $('.moreIdentifiers_checkbox:checked')[mw.claim_id];
var qid = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' ).substring(1);
var pname = $(cb).attr('name');
var pid = get_property_from_code(pname).substring(1);
var str = $(cb).attr('data-id');
var viaf_cluster = $(cb).attr('data-cluster-id');
$('#moreIdentifiers_gear').text((mw.claim_id 1) ' of ' $('.moreIdentifiers_checkbox:checked').length);
moreIdentifiers_addstringstatement(qid, pid, pname, str, viaf_cluster);
mw.claim_id ;
* check if the item has instance in accepted instances
function moreIdentifiers_checktype(qid, prop_list) {
var instances = $('#P31').find(".wikibase-snakview-value a").toArray();
if (instances.length > 0 && moreIdentifiers_props.accepted_P31.includes('any')) return 1; // allow any instance - added 2021-04-22
for (i=0; i < instances.length;i ) {
var instance = instances[i];
if (typeof instance.attributes.href === "undefined") return false;
var instance_id = $(instance).attr('href').replace(/\/wiki\/Q/,'');
var instance_pos = $.inArray(instance_id, prop_list);
if (instance_pos !== -1) return prop_list[instance_pos];
return 0;
$( function($) {
* check if we're viewing an item
var qid = mw.config.get( 'wbEntityId' );
if ( !qid ) {
else {
qid = qid.substring(1);
// works with instances listed in moreIdentifiers_props.accepted_P31
// var instance_id = moreIdentifiers_checktype(qid, moreIdentifiers_props.accepted_P31);
// if (instance_id === 0) return;
mw.moreIdentifiers_retries = 0;
mw.moreIdentifiers_max_retries = 50;
* get properties of all VIAF sources
const endpointUrl = '',
sparqlQuery = select_all_viaf_sources,
fullUrl = endpointUrl '?query=' encodeURIComponent(sparqlQuery),
headers = { 'Accept': 'application/sparql-results json' };
fetch( fullUrl, { headers } ).then( body => body.json() ).then( json_response => {
viaf_sources = save_viaf_sources(json_response);
// moreIdentifiers_addinterface(qid, instance_id, viaf_sources);
moreIdentifiers_addinterface(qid, viaf_sources);
} );
} );
})(); // end of scope
}); // end of mw.loader.using