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There are various ways to install Lyrebird, depending whether or not you are using the Flutter framework, as well as your personal preferences and needs.

Using the Flutter CLI

The Flutter CLI tool is shipped with your Flutter installation. Make sure you have added the binaries to your PATH variable. Consult the official Flutter installation guide for more information.

As a global install

To install a flutter depenendency globally, you can use the flutter pub global CLI tool.

flutter pub global activate lyrebird

You can then run Lyrebird using the command

flutter pub global run lyrebird [ARGUMENTS]

Running globally installed packages can be simplified by adding ~/.pub-cache/bin directory to your PATH variable. See the official Dart Documentation for more information. Once you have set up your PATH, you can execute Lyrebird without a prefix:

lyrebird [ARGUMENTS]

As a development dependency

Lyrebird can be added to a Flutter project as a development dependency listed in the project's pubspec.yaml. To do this, navigate to the project's root directory and run

flutter pub add lyrebird

You can then run Lyrebird using the command

flutter pub run lyrebird [ARGUMENTS]

Using the Dart CLI

You can also use Lyrebird if you are working on a pure-Dart project that requires localizations using the intl. The Dart CLI comes shipped with the Dart SDK. See the Dart Docs for instructions on how to install Dart.

As a global install

To install a Dart depenendency globally, you can use the dart pub global CLI tool.

dart pub global activate lyrebird

You can then run Lyrebird using the command

dart pub global run lyrebird [ARGUMENTS]

Running globally installed packages can be simplified by adding ~/.pub-cache/bin directory to your PATH variable. See the official Dart Documentation for more information. Once you have set up your PATH, you can execute Lyrebird without a prefix:

lyrebird [ARGUMENTS]

As a development dependency

Lyrebird can be added to a Dart project as a development dependency listed in the project's pubspec.yaml. To do this, navigate to the project's root directory and run

dart pub add lyrebird

You can then run Lyrebird using the command

dart pub run lyrebird

Next steps

See the next guide for instructions to get started with Lyrebird.