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The folio pull-request pushback

The folio pull-request pushback

Posted Sep 14, 2021 11:05 UTC (Tue) by cpitrat (subscriber, #116459)
In reply to: The folio pull-request pushback by dvdeug
Parent article: The folio pull-request pushback

A computer is done for general purpose. Dismissing any use case that needs opening a large number of small file is a weird way to answer the concern. The kernel files are representative of what most devs would work with: small files. Is it representative of all users and all workloads? Certainly not but it represents an existing scenario and quadrupling the memory consumed is problematic.

Many files smaller than 64KiB ar me opened by the system at some point and stored in cache (all configuration files, log files ...). Only in /etc I have 2500 files smaller than 8KiB and I'm pretty sure most of them have been opened at one point and cached by the kernel. Same for files under $HOME/.config and other dotted directories.

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