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Clarifying memory management with page folios

Clarifying memory management with page folios

Posted Mar 19, 2021 11:10 UTC (Fri) by willy (subscriber, #9762)
In reply to: Clarifying memory management with page folios by geert
Parent article: Clarifying memory management with page folios

Aigle is a French paper size: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paper_size

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Units_of_paper_quantity is also a good source of names.

Honestly, I'm 120 patches in at this point. Someone's going to have to be really convincing to have a better name than folio.

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Clarifying memory management with page folios

Posted Mar 19, 2021 11:17 UTC (Fri) by geert (subscriber, #98403) [Link]

Thanks, folio is fine! ;-)

Clarifying memory management with page folios

Posted Apr 2, 2021 11:13 UTC (Fri) by Hi-Angel (guest, #110915) [Link]

> Honestly, I'm 120 patches in at this point. Someone's going to have to be really convincing to have a better name than folio.

A little trick: doing a rename over all of the 120 patches might be done in just under a minute ;) What I'd do here is:

git format-patch -120 --stdout > 1.patch
sp folio my_better_name
git am -3 1.patch

Read `sp` as `sed`.

For the sake of completeness: sp is my alias to sed_perl, which in turn is a wrapper over perl to replace text in files https://github.com/Hi-Angel/dotfiles/blob/140c78951502754... I was at some point annoyed by discrepancies in behavior between grep, sed, awk, and what not, and migrated to using perl ack (a perl version of grep). Never looked back.

So… hopefully this will help.

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