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Posted Nov 22, 2010 18:46 UTC (Mon) by wookey (guest, #5501)
In reply to: Typos by Darkmere
Parent article: Ghosts of Unix past, part 3: Unfixable designs

This is a great suggestion, but where does one put it? It's the desktop or browser config that decides what to do with mailto: links. mozilla seems to have it's own internal config with useful options like 'yahoo mail' or 'googlemail' or 'thunderbird'. I can pick 'other' and specify '/usr/bin/ssh' there but not a useful command line SFAICT. THose internal options live in some kind of internal database thing SFAIK so there is no handy text file in .mozilla/firefox/435l2hlia.default to edit (is there?)

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see gnome-default-applications-properties

Posted Nov 22, 2010 19:41 UTC (Mon) by jku (subscriber, #42379) [Link]

In GNOME gnome-default-applications-properties will let you choose the default mailto handler. You can set a custom entry like "/home/wookey/bin/mail-handler.sh %s". Mozilla products respect this, I think.

The current setup seems to allow what you want but it's pretty limited in many ways. See Bastien Noceras blog for some recent mimetype-related developments: http://www.hadess.net/2010/10/new-control-center-and-you....

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