Production d’électricité solaire

Green Hydrogen and Agri-PV Solutions Green Power and Storage Solutions (GPSS) S.A.

À propos

Green hydrogen and Agri-PV, from and for Luxembourg. Planning and realization of decentralized ecosystems for the most efficient use of renewable energies. Optimization of the design and operation of power-to-gas plants through predictive models (Digital Twin).

Site web
Production d’électricité solaire
Taille de l’entreprise
2-10 employés
Siège social
Société cotée en bourse
Fondée en
renewable energies, hydrogen, Green hydrogen, electrolyzer, solar park, Agri-PV, Agrovoltaics et Battery storage


Employés chez GPSS S.A.


  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    🇱🇺 🌿 Update vun eisem éischten Agri-PV System! ☀️ Déi éischt Bauphase ass bal fäerdeg: ca. 600 Posten si schonn am Buedem gestach 💪 De nächste Schrëtt ass d'Achsen, Lager a Motoren vum Tracker ze montéieren ier d'PV-Module installéiert ginn ⚙️🔧 Mir hunn och erfollegräich een initialen Testlaf fir d'landwirtschaftlech Veraarbechtung zwëschen de Reien gemaach 🚜🌾✅ Mir gesinn Fortschrëtter! 🚀 🇬🇧🌿 Update on our first Agri-PV installation! ☀️ The first construction phase is nearly complete: Around 600 posts have been rammed in the ground. 💪 Next, we will be mounting the axes, bearings, and motors of the trackers before installing the PV modules. ⚙️🔧 We have also successfully conducted an initial test run for agricultural mowing between the rows. 🚜🌾✅ Progress is being made! 🚀

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    🇱🇺 Och dëst Joer wat d'"Foire Agricole" rëm ee vollen Erfolleg. Merci un all d'Persounen déi sech fir eise Projet interesséiert hunn. Mir hoffen datt mir verschiddener konnte fir Agri-PV begeeschteren an och nächst Joer rëm gesinn 🚜☀️   🇬🇧 This year's "Foire Agricole" was once again a complete success. Thanks to all the people who showed interest in our project. We hope that we were able to inspire various people for Agri-PV and that we will see them again next year 🚜☀️  

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    Join us at the Foire Agricole d'Ettelbruck! 🌾 From July 5-7 you can visit our own booth in Pavilion C. We’ve worked hard to set everything up and update our models with exciting new Agri-PV concepts. 🌞🌱 Come by and learn about all the possibilities and benefits of Agri-PV, as well as how to optimize PV systems in combination with storage solutions. 📈🔋 Looking forward to seeing you there! 👋 #FoireAgricole #AgriPV #Luxembourg #SolarEnergy

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    🌟 Big News! 🌟 The construction of our first Agri-PV plant has begun. Our pilot project is being realized in Kehlen, Luxembourg. 🚜🌱🌞 This concept smartly combines renewable energy production with active agricultural use. 🔑 Key Facts: - 4.6 hectares - Grassland with a system of single-axis trackers - 2 MWp installed capacity - Produced renewable electricity equivalent to 600 households Stay tuned and don't miss our updates on this pilot and our other projects! 🚀📈 #AgriPV #agrivoltaics #RenewableEnergies #Luxembourg #Sustainability

  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    At GPSS, we are proud to be part of the LuxHyVal consortium! 🇱🇺 🇪🇺 With our activities and expertise, we are among the pioneers in the production of green hydrogen in Luxembourg. 💚 Let's work together towards a sustainable industry in Luxembourg! 🤝🌍

    Voir la page d’organisation pour LuxHyVal, visuel

    545  abonnés

    🚀We are thrilled to inform you about the LuxHyVal launch event! 📍Thanks to University of Luxembourg for hosting the event at Belval Campus. Anastasiia Gafiullina, LuxHyVal’s project manager, gave the opening remarks and introduced the speakers: Jens Kreisel, Rector of the University of Luxembourg, outlined the importance of research and its societal limpact. He described partnership as a key to tackle complex challenges such as #climatechange. Lex Delles, Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism, explained the value of Luxembourg’s H2 strategy as well as its connection with the🇪🇺 #EuropeanH2network. Mr. Delles congratulates the consortium on the launch of LuxHyVal and on the successful grant application "Small scale Hydrogen Valley call" organised by Clean Hydrogen Joint. Stéphanie Obertin, Minister for Digitalisation & Minister for Research and Higher Education, indicated that LuxHyVal is perfectly in line with two of the country's four priority interdisciplinary research areas🔍. Minister Obertin also stated that the close monitoring of the project's progress should not only enable the identification of potential research and #innovation needs related to H2 but also to extrapolate and apply this information to future projects. Claude Seywert, CEO of Encevo sais 👉 “We believe that hydrogen can be an additional pillar in hard to decarbonize sectors. It is vital for industry future in the region, therefore Encevo Group is working on the full value chain including decentralized production”. Sam sales, CEO of Sales-Lentz, explained how LuxHyVal symbolises Sales Lentz commitment towards sustainable mobility and reducing carbon emissions♻️ Finally, Bradley Ladewig, the project coordinator and Paul Wurth chair professor at the University of Luxembourg, closed the event giving relevance to the pioneering character of LuxHyVal. “The launch event is a #milestone, milestones mark the way on a journey, usually they were laid down many years in advance – in our project, we are pioneers, this is the first large hydrogen project in Luxembourg, and we are laying down the milestones as we go”. Thanks to all the speakers and assistants for taking part in the event!

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  • GPSS S.A. a republié ceci

    Voir la page d’organisation pour Soler - Energy from Luxembourg, visuel

    550  abonnés

    🇱🇺Zesumme mat eise Projets-Partner Patrick Witte a Michel Witte vu GPSS S.A. , och Initiateure vum Projet, hu mir läschten Dënschdeg op enger Informatiounsversammlung de Projet „Energiewiss Kielen“ virgestallt, e Multi-Phasen Energiepark dee verschidden erneierbar Energien zesummebréngt. Am Ufank gëtt de Schwéierpunkt op Solarenergie geluecht, mat der Installatioun vun engem éischten Agri-PV Park. An der zweeter Phas gëtt e Wandpark mat enger Wandkraaftanlag an den Energiepark bäigefüügt, déi am Joer ongeféier 10,5 GWh produzéiere wäert a soumat och bis zu 6825 Tonnen CO2  gespuert kënne ginn. Déi drëtt Phas gesäit d'Installatioun vun enger zweeter Agri-PV Zone vir, déi och zu der Joint-Venture gehéiert a 2 MWp (Megawatt peak) produzéiert, där hir Fäerdegstellung fir Enn 2025 geplangt ass. Matenee kreéieren dës verschidden Energiequellen en nohaltegt a stabilt Energieökosystem, an déngen als Basis fir déi lokal Produktioun vu gréngem Waasserstoff duerch en Elektrolyser, geplangt an enger véierter a leschter Phase, fir iwwerschësseg Energie ze späicheren. Iwwerdeems en Deel vum Waasserstoff fir verschidde Gebrauch ëmverdeelt gëtt (Mobilitéit, Injektioun an d'Elektrizitéitsnetz, asw.), gëtt en aneren Deel vum Waasserstoff, dee produzéiert gëtt, fir lokal Energielagerung benotzt, déi da benotz ka gi wann néideg. Mir soen nach eng Kéier all Participante vun der Versammlung Merci fir hiren Interessi un dësem innovative Projet, deen e weidere Schrëtt a Richtung Energietransitioun ze maachen erméiglecht. Méi Infoen dozou op an op #energyfromluxembourg 🇫🇷 Nous avons eu mardi dernier l’occasion de présenter le projet « Energiewiss Kehlen » lors d’une réunion d’information ensemble avec nos partenaires de projet Patrick Witte Michel Witte de GPSS S.A.. Ce projet phare d’énergie durable au Luxembourg se base sur un parc énergétique à plusieurs phases regroupant plusieurs sources d'énergie renouvelables. Ainsi de l’énergie renouvelable sera produite à travers le système Agri-PV, de l’énergie éolienne et finalement la production d’hydrogène vert. Ensemble, ces différentes sources d'énergie créent un écosystème énergétique durable et stable, l’éolienne produisant 10,5 GWh par année et les modules Agri-PV 2 MWp (Megawatt peak).  Il s’agit avant tout d'un projet local, destiné à accroître l'autosuffisance énergétique du Luxembourg et donc à atteindre les objectifs fixés par le PNEC, nous rapprochant ainsi encore plus de la transition énergétique. Nous tenons à remercier l’intérêt de tous les participants et nous apprécions votre soutien en faveur d'un avenir plus vert ! Plus d’infos sur et sur #energyfromluxembourg

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  • GPSS S.A. a republié ceci

    Voir le profil de Luxembourg Agro-Environmental Systems, visuel

    Agro-Environmental Research in Luxembourg

    #Agriphotovoltaics (AGRI-PV) is one of the hottest topic in the transformation of agriculture. In collaboration with GPSS S.A., Jürgen Junk and his team from Luxembourg Agro-Environmental Systems Group at Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) is highlighting the benefits of this new technology in the new edition of the #Bauerekalenner, published by Centrale Paysanne Luxembourgeoise, recently. Also the challenges to develop a tailored approach for the agricultural sector in Luxembourg is discussed. #LISTEnvironment

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    Greetings from the Agrivoltaics Industry Forum Europe in Strasbourg! 🇪🇺🇫🇷 This event will focus on best practices of already implemented systems, business cases from various agricultural sectors and the discussion between all players in the Agri-PV value chain, from farmers to module manufacturers. 👨🌾 ☀️ We have already been able to gather many new impressions and fresh ideas from the lectures, discussions and site visits. Next year, we hope to be able to contribute to the event with our own implemented best practice model from Luxembourg. 🔝 #AgriPV #Agrivoltaics2023 #IndustryForumEurope

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    "Do we need hydrogen?" 🤔 Hydrogen has already been used in industry for many decades. And the demand is increasing: Luxembourg industry alone is predicted to consume up to 36,000 tons by 2030. 🏭 🇱🇺 Today, hydrogen is mostly produced from fossil fuels and called gray hydrogen. The big disadvantage: it emits CO2! 👎 Green hydrogen, on the other hand, is produced directly from renewable energy sources, with no CO2 at all. The switch from gray to green hydrogen reduces emissions enormously. In figures this means for the year 2030: 421,000 tons less CO2 in Luxembourg alone! 🌍 In addition to industrial processes, hydrogen is also needed to store energy. A few figures on this as well: in 2021, about 5,800 GWh of green electricity was not used in Germany alone due to grid bottlenecks. This electricity could supply 1.3 million households for a year. Without suitable storage, this number will increase in the future.... Green hydrogen is the perfect complement to batteries as the electricity storage of the future! With hydrogen, previously unused electricity from wind power and photovoltaics can be stored over a long period of time and in large quantities without losses and made usable again as green electricity. 🔋 Green hydrogen is also needed in the transport sector. Buses and trucks in particular can take advantage of hydrogen's high range and fast refueling. The potential for green hydrogen is huge! 🚌 🚚 "Do we need hydrogen?" therefore becomes "We need 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐧!" #greenhydrogen #sustainability #luxembourg

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  • Voir la page d’organisation pour GPSS S.A., visuel

    385  abonnés

    📢Today the results of the first national Agri-PV tender in Luxembourg were published. We as GPSS are proud to announce that we are directly involved in 4 of the 14 winning projects, 30 % of all awarded projects.🏆 🇱🇺 Two of these projects were initiated by GPSS and in the other two we support innovative farmers as a service provider. In total, GPSS will implement more than 10 MWp of Agri-PV in Luxembourg in the next two years. ⚡️🌾 We are pleased that our concepts have been approved by the three ministries involved: Agriculture, Energy and Environment. This shows that we managed to combine active agriculture, efficient energy production and biodiversity enhancing measures 🐝 The total volume of this tender of 52.7 MWp Agri-PV can only be a start, but it marks a milestone in the energy transition of our country. 🚀🇱🇺 Ministère de l'Énergie et de l'Aménagement du Territoire #Luxembourg #AgriPV #Tender

    14 projets retenus à l'issue du premier appel à projets pour centrales agrivoltaïques

    14 projets retenus à l'issue du premier appel à projets pour centrales agrivoltaïques

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