Most of you might know that Beethoven spent almost half of his life deaf, still continuing his career in music. However, probably fewer have heard about another famous composer, Johan Sebastian Bach, losing his sight only a couple of months before his death.

Play short musical motifs with the blind composer using only your ears to guide you.

In this game your task is to listen melodies and repeat them playing a virtual keyboard. The game will start with short musical phrases but they will increase in complexity the more you get right.

Game can be played on timer mode or without a timer. In timer mode, the game is over once certain time limit is reached. However, the player gains more time every time they correctly repeat a melody. When the timer mode is off, the game continues indefinitely and is great for practicing or for players that enjoy more relaxed experience. On default the the time mode is on, but the mode can be turned off by clicking the metronome or with by pressing P key.


The game can be played with mouse or a keyboard.

Play a note: Click piano keys OR press keyboard keys: S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L (white keys) and E,R,Y,U,I (black keys)
Listen melody again: Space / Right mouse button
Deactivate/Activate timer mode: Click the metronome / Press P
Turn lights off:  Click the candle
Start over: Q


The game is the result of an attempt to create a game that could be experienced the similarly by blind players and players with vision. After first working some time with a completely different game idea, this is the idea that I decided to use in the end. In addition to being (at least in my own opinion) more fun game, this also has another merit when accessibility is considered. Other than this description text, the game itself does not use language to provide information and therefore the game is also language independent.


Instrument sounds: LMMS

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
GenreEducational, Simulation
Made withUnity
Tagsminigames, Minimalist, Music, Short
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse
AccessibilityColor-blind friendly, Blind friendly, Textless


Bach 7.3 MB


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( 1)

Definitely my favorite game out of all because of the simplicity and intuitiveness, although in hindsight, I don't think there's really any reason for the candle to exist at all, it doesn't change the gameplay much. Also, the 'clicking on a candle instead of pressing a button' thing is cool, but probably makes in less blind-accessible. At least include a sound when you hover over it. The only other thing I'd really want to see is better graphics and more difficulty levels. 

I played it on stream (9:51:

Really fun game!! 
