Rediscover Convenience



Date&Time is revolutionary calendar software designed to keep track of you- for you . Rediscover convenience with our state of the art event modification tools ; or tailor your experience to be as unique as you with (6) different colours to save reminders as .


📆  Keep track of the date
📌  Create and save up to 10 events !
🖍  6 unique colours to choose from !
⏱  Supports up to 3 timezones ! (feature still in construction)
📡  Automatically register all data to the Chronoco™️ data core
🗿 Mind-Boggling effects !

Please note : All information stored on the Chronoco™️ data core is property of Chronoco™️ . Personalisation settings , event names , birthday , age , surname , and usage history will be sold to Chronoco™️ advertisers to more produce more meaningful sponsored content . Do not be alarmed , our database is like , really secure .

Behind the scenes

Made in about ~40 hours because I was incredibly late to the agbic cover submission deadline . Inspired by the wonderful art by Tom Brinton

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
Made withPICO-8

Development log


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Amazing - I remember having a discussion with a mate on what would the "office" world look like if the computers we used were all based on cartridges' - and plug in various office apps nintendo/sega cartridge styles ... 

You have now realized that dream   hah

thank you so much for the kind words ! chronoco™ is proud they could realise that dream for you <3
    - Date&Time Development Branch

Oh, do I have a video for you!

You’ve done an incredible thing, by the way, Louie. The aesthetics are top notch! :)

that video is fantastic wow ! I want a workboy now hehe , definitely an unintended inspiration .

thanks you so much for your comment <3

Can we get a lexaloffle release? Also, this is awesome.

(1 edit)

In a couple of days ! I'm just gonna hold off for a bit until I update it to work with persistent memory
    - Date&Time Development Branch

(1 edit)

Should be available on the BBS now
   - Date&Time PR Team

It’s a impressive little app. I’m not sure how you get the current time. It’s magic for me 😊 Found a little bug. Don’t press x on start

Chronoco™ thanks you for your support , could you go into a little more detail about the bug ! I'd love to get that stomped out as soon as I can <3
    - Date&Time Development Branch

When hit the x-button agian and again on the startup of program the following error raises:

Will be fixed in the next update !

As President of Chronoco™ I endorse this application!

(2 edits)

We thank the president for their endorsement !
    - Date&Time Development Branch