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Hi LostGalaxyStudio,

We're preparing a Pitch & Match event in our Discord to discover interesting projects like yours, meet other gamedevs and make networking. It's a perfect space to present your project and find new teamate for your idea. Save the date!

Discord Event for assist as spectator: 

Form to pitch your game:

We'd like to meet you and give your feedback with some of our mentors.


what are the controls? its a really cool looking game but i cant figure out how to collect the bottel thing (coz im dumb)

Are you playing with a keyboard or with a gamepad? With the keyboard is "Z" letter and with a gamepad is "B" in Xbox or "O" in Playstation.

We're working on adding some control tutorials.

Thank you for playing Nelumbo!

Ahh thank you so much! i like to see that the game is under active development :) keep it up

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Thank you for playing our prototype! Very nice walkthrough!

Great game! It is featured on my Week's Top 5!
Take a look at my video!

( 1)

What an honour to be on your top 5 of the week! Thank you for playing Nelumbo and we really hope you've enjoyed it!

Amazing game chilling music and good mechanics 

Thank you for your comment and for playing our game!


I like these types of genre

Small request... Subscribe to my Channel if you like

 See you soon!

Cool project! I like the mechanics of returning memories to characters. Seems like there will be some interesting concepts pulled from this idea. The character designs are nice as well as the art style! Hope to see more!

( 1)

Thank you for your feedback! We are very happy that you've enjoyed our prototype, and we'll be updating this site to show more about the project. Very nice walkthrough!