A downloadable game for Windows

Appointed by a stranger to make a "Full-moon", you are left with no clue on how to brew it... or do you?


This game was originally made for the Fobisia Creative Coding Competition 2021 (not on itch.io). This is simply a reupload of the game. 

The theme was: Magic

Note: This is only a prototype! It is nowhere near to being a fleshed out, finished game.


[Latest] Mage Match Moon V2.1.zip 9.9 MB
Mage Match Moon v2.zip 9.9 MB
Mage Match Moon v1.zip 11 MB

Development log


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I guess I'm the comment

This was good (I don't have a proper rating for this) but I do have some questions about this

  1. Why is their a copy in the zip called "Mage Match Moon" and the another called "Mage Match Moon - Copy - Copy"?
  2. I don't get what the objective is to complete this game or if theirs an ending to it
  3. Why did you put the Genre as "Puzzle" because I don't see this as a Puzzle
  4. Will their be an mac version for this
(1 edit)

Hi RealKingGamer, thanks for playing!

Why is their a copy in the zip called "Mage Match Moon" and the another called "Mage Match Moon - Copy - Copy"?

There wasn't supposed to be, I removed it in the new version now.

I don't get what the objective is to complete this game or if theirs an ending to it

There is an objective: to make the Full-moon potion, which moves on to my next point:

Why did you put the Genre as "Puzzle" because I don't see this as a Puzzle

You need to figure out how to make that Full-moon potion, there are specific mathematical formulas to calculate what color you'll get. There is a text file in the game's folder showing how the game calculate what color you'll get, so if you're interested in that go ahead and take a look!

Will their be an mac version for this

Probably not, I don't know how to compile a python code (PyGame) into an app for mac yet. Will look into that though.

Thank you so much for playing and giving feedback again, it really means a lot! I have updated the game so that you no longer need to choose from the 4 elements the computer picked for you and the list of elements is now shown at the beginning of the game.

Oh your welcome I'm glad that you look through my review and questions. I hope this helps with future projects. I also asked those questions because I didn't understand what was the objective and that I played this for like 10 minutes and got nowhere.