[Foundation-l] german wikiquotes

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon Mar 28 17:31:41 UTC 2005

Aphaia wrote:

>Well we Japanese Wikiquotians have the same problem; no cite without
>context is legally allowed.
>On Sun, 27 Mar 2005 09:45:30  0100, Anthere <anthere9 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>Any suggestion to help on the topic ?
>If de.wp would like to have those quotes  survive, in my opinion, give
>them context; describe how those quotes would be esteemed, in what
>context they have been quoted, what context they had originally, and
>so on and so on.
>Perhaps they woudl get a sort of commentary and then the problem is if
>it would be what they want to have (personally I don't like it -I
>prefer a reciprocity of quotation with minimum commentary and that is
>one of reason Japanese Wikiquote hasn't chosen this way).
What EXACTLY does the law in these countries say?  Are there any 
references to how the courts in these countries have interpreted such 
laws? Someone said that books of famous quotations are sold in Germany.  
How could that be in a country with such a strict law about quotations?

Laws may very well restrict our activities, but there should be no 
obligation to interpret them in the most restrictive way.  When a 
particular law gives a ridiculous result, that is the time to see if 
there are legal arguments available for interpretations that are more 


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