debian-devel May 2018 by thread
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packages which have not been rebuild since December 2016 Holger Levsen
Bug#900438: general: fails to hibernate correctly Rolando Urquiza
Bug#900483: ITP: solvate -- arranges water molecules around protein structures Steffen Moeller
Bug#900484: ITP: r-cran-zip -- GNU R package for cross-platform zip compression Dirk Eddelbuettel
Bug#900492: ITP: golang-gopkg-olivere-elastic.v5 -- Elasticsearch client for Golang Dmitry Smirnov
Bug#900515: ITP: ruby-fileutils -- Ruby gem providing a namespace for several file utility methods for copying, moving, removing, etc. Miguel Landaeta
Processed: [bts-link] source package general Debian Bug Tracking System
Re: RFR: email about regressions [was: Dealing with ci.d.n for package regressions] peter green
Re: Bits from the DPL (May 2018) Yves-Alexis Perez
low-hanging-fruit bug user tag for new comers first contributions Thomas Goirand
Bug#900529: ITP: jsunit -- A suite to perform unit tests for JavaScript in Thunderbird and Firefox Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Bug#900531: ITP: tinyjsd -- Lightweight JavaScript Debugger for Thunderbird and Firefox Daniel Kahn Gillmor
Bug#900532: ITP: estscan -- ORF-independent detector of coding DNA sequences Steffen Moeller
The last update was on 08:16 GMT Sun Dec 01. There are 524 messages. Page 2 of 2.
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