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Announcing Linkerd Day 2023 at Kubecon EU!

Catherine Paganini
January 20, 2023 • 3 min read

Linkerd at a Kubecon Keynote

Today we’re thrilled to announce the first-ever Linkerd Day! Linkerd Day will be held as a day zero conference at Kubecon EU in Amsterdam this April. Interested in speaking or sponsoring? Read on for details—but don’t delay, things are moving fast!

Linkerd Day comes at a fantastic time for Linkerd. In 2021, Linkerd became the first and only service mesh to achieve CNCF graduation status. Last year alone, Linkerd adoption doubled, despite being one of the most mature projects in the CNCF. Organizations all around the world, from retailers like Walmart to next-generation video game platforms like XBox Cloud to academic institutions like Penn State to next-generation banks like Lunar Bank all rely on Linkerd to power their critical production architectures.

Project momentum has never been stronger, and the Linkerd maintainers are incredibly excited to host everyone in Amsterdam.

Linkerd Day logo

Using Linkerd? Submit a talk!

There are many ways to contribute to open source, and sharing your journey and lessons learned is one of the best of them. If you’re running Linkerd, please submit a talk! The CFP closes on February 12, so time is short.

Need help coming up with the perfect pitch? Never fear, our Linkerd Community Anchor program is here. Please reach out and we’ll give you hands-on help crafting the perfect submission.

Interested in sponsoring? Act fast!

The Linkerd audience is like no other. This select group of world-class engineers have cut through the hype and noise in the cloud native space and picked the world’s fastest, lightest service mesh as part of their Kubernetes platform. They’re hungry to learn and hungry to build.

You can support the Linkerd community by sponsoring Linkerd Day. Details are on page 22 of the KubeCon sponsorship brochure, and please feel free to reach out to the CNCF directly or to email me (my first name at with any questions.

Not going to Amsterdam? Meet us at the Service Mesh Academy!

If you can’t make it to Kubecon EU this year, there are plenty of Linkerd learning opportunities at our Service Mesh Academy. We host monthly live, expert-led workshops that provide hands-on training on Linkerd and related CNCF projects. From setting up mTLS, to securing multi-cluster communication, to fine-grained network policy, you’ll learn everything you need for successfully running a service mesh in production.

Check out the upcoming workshops and register here.

Let’s do this!

Whether you’re attending, speaking, or sponsoring, we look forward to seeing you at the very first Linkerd Day. We promise this will be an event jam-packed with insightful talks, great sponsors, and plenty of opportunities to meet Linkerd maintainers and ask them all your burning Linkerd-related questions.

See you there!

Note: As of this year, all Kubecon day zero / colocated events share a ticket—if you attend Linkerd Day, you can also attend all the other colocated events. That’s great news for attendees!

Linkerd is for everyone

Linkerd is a graduated project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Linkerd is committed to open governance. If you have feature requests, questions, or comments, we’d love to have you join our rapidly-growing community! Linkerd is hosted on GitHub, and we have a thriving community on Slack, Twitter, and the mailing lists. Come and join the fun!

(Photo by @as_w on Twitter)

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