
Sassy Export is a lightweight Sass extension that allows you to export an encoded Sass map into an external JSON file.

gem install sassy-export -v 2.0.1


Sassy Export Gem Version

Sassy Export is a lightweight Sass extension that allows you to export an encoded Sass map into an external JSON file. Use it anyway you like.


  1. gem install sassy-export
  2. Add require "sassy-export" to your config.rb
  3. Import into your stylesheet with @import "";



Our file structure,

├── sass
│   ├── style.scss
├── json
└── config.rb


// sass/style.scss

@import "sassy-export";

$map: (
	hello: world,

/// Convert passed map to json and write to <path>/<filename>.<ext>
/// @param {String} $path    - Directory path and filename
/// @param {Map}    $map     - Map to convert to json
/// @param {Bool}   $pretty  - Pretty print json
/// @param {Bool}   $debug   - Print debug string with path
/// @param {Bool}   $use_env - Use ENV["PWD"] for current directory instead of Dir.pwd
/// @return {String} - Write file to path
@include sassy-export("json/test.json", $map, true, true, false);


New JSON file is created at json/hello.json ($path is relative to where your config.rb is located). Simply calling @include sassy-export("hello.json", $map) will write to your working directory.

	"hello": "world"


The sassy-export() mixin takes a \<directory\>/\<filename\>.\<ext\> $path and a Sass $map as arguments. You can export straight to a JavaScript object by using the extension .js instead of .json for the output $path.

There are also optional arguments: $pretty which defaults to false, but will print pretty JSON (nicely indented) if set to true; and $debug which will print debug information if set to true.

It converts the $map into either a JSON map or Javascript object through Ruby, then creates a new directory/file (or updates an existing directory/file), and writes the contents of the JSON string to it.

Contributions are welcome. If you believe that you could improve the small amount of code here, feel free to.
