Python modul for access to yahoo! weather
import logging
from yahooweather import YahooWeather, UNIT_C
yweather = YahooWeather(91543049, UNIT_C)
if yweather.updateWeather():
print("RawData: %s" % str(yweather.RawData))
print("Units: %s" % str(yweather.Units))
print("Now: %s" % str(yweather.Now))
print("Forecast: %s" % str(yweather.Forecast))
print("Wind: %s" % str(yweather.Wind))
print("Atmosphere: %s" % str(yweather.Atmosphere))
print("Astronomy: %s" % str(yweather.Astronomy))
data = yweather.Now
print("Weather image from current: %s" %
print("The woeid from Gstaad is: %s" % get_woeid(46.475661, 7.283469))
print("Can't read data from yahoo!")
Use of the Yahoo Weather API should not exceed reasonable request volume. Access is limited to 2,000 signed calls per day.