
A Combyne template loader plugin for AMD projects.

npm install [email protected]


Combyne AMD Template Loader

Build Status

Created by Tim Branyen @tbranyen

RequireJS, Dojo, and Curl are excellent module loaders, but through the flexibility of plugin architecture they should really be seen as resource loaders.

We've come to expect our development environments to be raw and our builds to be as optimized as possible. This plugin will fetch your Combyne templates during development and inline them in a production build.

Almost every single article and tutorial on using client side templates with AMD, will advocate the use of the RequireJS text! plugin. While this is a fine tool for loading text, it is not optimized for templates. It requires the duplicative act of compiling the templates before use in production.


This plugin has been registered with NPM & Bower, install with:

bower install combyne-amd-loader


npm install combyne-amd-loader

Alternatively you can download the loader.js file and place anywhere in your project.

Loading the plugin.

  packages: [{
    // You can change the plugin name to be whatever you want, maybe tpl?
    name: "tmpl",
    main: "loader",
    location: "path/to/combyne-amd-loader"

You must not end the path in .js unless you are providing a url.


  • vendor/libraries/loader


Inside an AMD module you can now load templates like so:

// Omit the extension and root path.
define(["tmpl!path/to/template"], function(template) {
  var contents = template({
    // Some data.

The path to your templates directory can be configured as well as the default extension to search for. More details below.

Configuring templateSettings.

There are a few default settings in place to make consumption easier.

The extension appended by default is .html. The default root path is your configuration's baseUrl. No templateSettings are configured by default.

To change these options, add the following to your configuration:

  // The Combyne loader configuration.
  combyneLoader: {
    // This is the default extension, you can change to whatever you like.
    // Setting this to "" will disable automatic extensions.
    ext: ".html",

    // The path to where your templates live relative to the `baseUrl`.
    root: "/",

    // Globally configured template settings to be applied to any templates
    // loaded.  This correlates directly to `Combyne.settings`.
    templateSettings: {}

Working with filters.

It's recommended to separate your filters into separate files and require them where needed. A good organization structure is the following:

define(function(require, exports, module) {
  "use strict";

  var myTemplate = require("tmpl!./template");
  var uppercaseFilter = require("../filters/uppercase");

  // Register the filter to the template.
  myTemplate.registerFilter("uppercase", uppercaseFilter);

If you wanted to keep all filters together in a single file and export them that'd be a good way to structure as well.

Working with partials.

Partials are interesting as well to work with, as they are not bundled with the template.

define(function(require, exports, module) {
  "use strict";

  var layout = require("tmpl!./layout");
  var child = require("tmpl!./partial");

  // Render the Combyne template as a partial for {%partial inner%}.
  layout.registerPartial("inner", child);

This allows means you can very easily mix template engines.

define(function(require, exports, module) {
  "use strict";

  var layout = require("tmpl!./layout");
  var handlebars = require("hbs!./partial");

  // Render the Handlebars template wherever {%partial hbs%} is inside the
  // layout.
  layout.registerPartial("hbs", {
    render: handlebars

Using with Dojo.

Ensure Dojo's loader is in async mode:

<script data-dojo-config="async:1" src="dojo/dojo.js"></script>

Set up your configuration:

  packages: [{
    // You can change the plugin name to be whatever you want, maybe tpl?
    name: "tmpl",
    main: "loader",
    location: "path/to/combyne-amd-loader"

And Require in your template:

require(["tmpl!path/to/template"], function(template) {
  var contents = template({
    // Some data.

Using with Curl.

Set up your configuration:

  packages: [{
    // You can change the plugin name to be whatever you want, maybe tpl?
    name: "tmpl",
    main: "loader",
    location: "path/to/combyne-amd-loader"

And Curl in your template:

curl(["tmpl!path/to/template"], function(template) {
  var contents = template({
    // Some data.

Running tests.

You will need Node.js and Grunt installed to run tests.

Clone this project, open the directory in a terminal, and execute the following commands:

# Install dependencies.
npm install

# Run the tests.

You can also run an http-server in the root and hit the tests directly. Since XHR is used, tests must be run from a server.

Release notes.


  • Everything is working woot!


  • Fixed NPM dependencies, removed bower requirement


  • Open sourced on GitHub.
  • Borrowed heavily from lodash-template-loader.