A om-component for a websocket connection.
This component implements a google closure websocket. Get more info about their implementation here.
Please note that the default setting is for the websocket to reconnect on disconnections.
Adding hooks to configure the settings on the web socket is on my todos.
You pass om-websocket the following attributes as opts:
- connection string (usually something like
(str "ws://" js/ "/ws" )
) - an in-coord function
- this function is passed a channel, the main data cursor, and owner
- it is meant to be used to coordinate what to do when messages are received from the server to the client
- an out-coord function
- this function is passed a channel, the main data cursor, the owner, and the websocket
- it is meant to be used to coordinate messages from your app to the server
- it requires a shared state channel associated to the key :websocket->
- a child component to be rendered
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