
those special files ;)

Language: Shell


job tool(s)
consuming luakit, firefox, feh, mpv, mupdf, youtube-dl
editing vim
emailing mutt, imapfilter
listening mpd, mpc, ncmpcpp, amixer
terminal emulating urxvt, mksh, tmux
torrenting transmission, transmission-remote
wallpapering hsetroot
xorg wrangling bspwm, sxhkd, lemonbar, xrandr, compton

file structure

directory description
bin shell tools
info os and hardware info
lib/art ascii art
lib/color color schemes
lib/font font files (bdf and psf)
lib/mpd mpd song and playlist databases
lib/systemd init scripts for systemd (I'm so sorry)
lib/wall wallpapers
lib/pattern patterns from http://www.squidfingers.com/patterns/

Project Statistics

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Repository Size 15.6 KB
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Contributors 2
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Bastien Dejean nfnty

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