
This plugin will create a reactive animated list that you can use in Meteor. If you update or filter your collection/cursor it will be automatically reflected in the layout using animations.

License: WTFPL

Language: CoffeeScript

Reactive Animated List

What does it do ?

This plugin will create a reactive animated list that you can use in Meteor. If you update or filter your collection/cursor it will be automatically reflected in the layout using animations.

For the animations it automatically detects and uses Greensock GSAP if it is available in your project. If not it will fall back to jQuery.

Preview :



I was looking for a solution that would help me animate newly inserted templates in a list that was ordered by newest first. Using the default options of just rendering your collection in an each block made for a jarring user experience when a new item would be added or removed in this way. For example you are looking at an item and all of the sudden you see something flicker and you are looking at a different item. Using an animation makes for a more natural transition and understanding of what happend. As I could not find any easy solution yet, I started to make one myself.



meteor add smeevil:reactive-animated-list

GSAP is a fast animation library that is hardware accelerated and has a lot of easing options. You can use this to significantly speed up the animations by installing the package in your project with meteor add infinitedg:gsap

Basic usage:

The most basic option to use it in your templates is as follows :

{{> reactiveList cursor=exampleDataCursor template='exampleData')}}

You can pass options to manage the animation duration, which easing to use and which animation engine

{{> reactiveList cursor=exampleDataCursor template='exampleData' animationDuration=0.5 easing='Power0.easeInOut' engine='gsap'}}

Experimental table layout:

If you rather add items to a table, then use the new experimental options layout="table" like so :


    {{> reactiveList cursor=exampleDataCursor template='exampleData'    layout="table")}}

This will add the items in a <tbody/> holder with <tr/> elements , so your template should only have the <td/> elements

Licensed under the WTFPL License. See the LICENSE file for details.

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Gerard de Brieder

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