Gerard de Brieder Gerard de Brieder

Tracking 629 commits to 61 open source packages

Company: Govannon

Location: Netherlands


An elixir library which helps with uploading image files or urls to cloudinary
Elixir - WTFPL - Last pushed - 70 stars - 40 forks
elixir phoenix plug that can extract locale from browser headers or paths for redirection and set...
Elixir - WTFPL - Last pushed - 50 stars - 26 forks
An Elixir function to format a number to a currency using ISO standards
Elixir - WTFPL - Last pushed - 8 stars - 8 forks
Given a collection/cursor and a template to render the items in it, this will create a reactive r...
CoffeeScript - WTFPL - Last pushed - 19 stars - 6 forks
This plugin will create a reactive animated list that you can use in Meteor. If you update or fil...
CoffeeScript - WTFPL - Last pushed - 5 stars
An Elixir library for Ecto which helps with translating database models
Elixir - WTFPL - Last pushed - 20 stars - 4 forks
See all Gerard de Brieder's repositories

Repositories Contributed To

Ruby And Rails 2010 Rumble entry of Smeevil and me
Ruby - Last pushed - 2 stars - 1 forks
Flycheck integration for Elixir Credo
Emacs Lisp - Last pushed - 6 stars - 4 forks
🎠 Because TDD is awesome
Elixir - Other - Last pushed - 909 stars - 79 forks
Easy database internationalization plugin for Ruby on Rails
Ruby - MIT - Last pushed - 19 stars - 5 forks
Maxwell is an HTTP client which support for middleware and multiple adapters.
Elixir - MIT - Last pushed - 110 stars - 17 forks
Yet another role-based authorization system for Rails
Ruby - MIT - Last pushed - 855 stars - 118 forks
See all Gerard de Brieder's contributions

Published Packages

A library that helps with uploading image files and urls to cloudinary. Also provides a helper ...
Latest release 1.4.1 - Updated - 70 stars
A Phoenix Plug to help with supporting I18n routes ( Wil...
Latest release 0.2.9 - Updated - 50 stars
EctoTranslate is a library that helps with translating Ecto data. EctoTranslate can help you with...
Latest release 1.0.0 - Updated - 20 stars
Given a cursor and a template this will create a reactive responsive block grid based on isotope
Latest release 1.0.3 - Updated - 19 stars
Display a warning modal if your app crashes due to a syntax error, auto reloads on fix
Latest release 1.0.8 - Updated - 12 stars
An Elixir library that can extract the Phoenix router paths and create a java/typescript module o...
Latest release 1.1.0 - Updated - 1 stars
See all Gerard de Brieder's packages

Most Used Packages

An incredibly fast, pure Elixir JSON library
Latest release 6.0.0 - Updated - 2.02K stars
FakeWeb is a helper for faking web requests in Ruby. It works at a global level, without modifyin...
Latest release 1.3.0 - Updated - 1.08K stars
Peace of mind from prototype to production
Latest release 1.7.13 - Updated - 21.1K stars
A toolkit for data mapping and language integrated query for Elixir
Latest release 3.12.3 - Updated - 6.13K stars
Yet Another HTTP client for Elixir powered by hackney
Latest release 2.2.1 - Updated - 2.22K stars
Internationalization and localization through gettext
Latest release 0.26.1 - Updated - 451 stars
See all Gerard de Brieder's most used packages

Last synced: 2016-12-25 15:03:58 UTC

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