
Language: Clojure


This project highlights a bug in om in which the shared state is not propagated correctly when building multiple components in a for-loop (or om/build-all) and using advanced optimisation.

So, building with scripts/release the bug will appear for versions om-0.9.0

This is broken for om-0.9.0 until om-1.0.0-alpha17, and the fix seems to have appeared in 1.0.0-alpha18.

In versions prior to 1.0.0-alpha18 under advanced compilation, this renders


whereas expected output would be

0 foo
1 foo
2 foo

which is what's rendered with versions 1.0.0-alpha18 and later.

The diff between the two version:

diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
index 169aa46..e0b854f 100644
--- a/project.clj
@@ -1,4  1,4 @@
-(defproject org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha17"
 (defproject org.omcljs/om "1.0.0-alpha18-SNAPSHOT"
   :description "ClojureScript interface to Facebook's React"
   :url ""
   :license {:name "Eclipse"
diff --git a/src/devcards/om/devcards/core.cljs b/src/devcards/om/devcards/core.cljs
index b8fdbb0..b5e7c94 100644
--- a/src/devcards/om/devcards/core.cljs
@@ -211,3  211,21 @@
 (defcard test-counters-atom
   (om/app-state counters-reconciler))
 ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;; Children
 (defui Children
   (render [this]
     (dom/div nil
       (map identity
         #js [(dom/div nil "Foo")
              (dom/div nil "Bar")
              (map identity
                #js [(dom/div nil "Bar")
                     (dom/div nil "Woz")])]))))
 (def children (om/factory Children))
 (defcard test-lazy-children
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/om/dom.clj b/src/main/om/dom.clj
index 5cd1005..a3189b1 100644
--- a/src/main/om/dom.clj
@@ -130,7  130,8 @@
 (defn ^:private gen-react-dom-inline-fn [tag]
   `(defmacro ~tag [opts# & children#]
-     `(~'~(symbol "js" (str "React.DOM." (name tag))) ~opts# ~@children#)))
      `(~'~(symbol "js" (str "React.DOM." (name tag))) ~opts#
         ~@(clojure.core/map (fn [x#] `(om.util/force-children ~x#)) children#))))
 (defmacro ^:private gen-react-dom-inline-fns []
@@ -140,7  141,9 @@
 (defn ^:private gen-react-dom-fn [tag]
   `(defn ~tag [opts# & children#]
-     (.apply ~(symbol "js" (str "React.DOM." (name tag))) nil (cljs.core/into-array (cons opts# children#)))))
      (.apply ~(symbol "js" (str "React.DOM." (name tag))) nil
          (cons opts# (cljs.core/map om.util/force-children children#))))))
 (defmacro ^:private gen-react-dom-fns []
diff --git a/src/main/om/dom.cljs b/src/main/om/dom.cljs
index 143b53c..220db3a 100644
--- a/src/main/om/dom.cljs
@@ -3,6  3,7 @@
   (:require-macros [om.dom :as dom])
   (:require [cljsjs.react]
             [om.util :as util]
             [goog.object :as gobj]))
diff --git a/src/main/om/next.cljs b/src/main/om/next.cljs
index 32600ee..7b100c3 100644
--- a/src/main/om/next.cljs
@@ -8,6  8,7 @@
             [ :as p]
             [ :as parser]
             [ :as c]
             [om.util :as util]
             [ :as zip])
   (:import [goog.debug Console]))
@@ -267,7  268,7 @@
                :omcljs$shared     *shared*
                :omcljs$instrument *instrument*
                :omcljs$depth      *depth*}
-          children))))))
            (util/force-children children)))))))
 (defn ^boolean component?
   "Returns true if the argument is an Om component."
diff --git a/src/main/om/util.cljs b/src/main/om/util.cljs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7aa1a71
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0  1,5 @@
 (ns om.util)
 (defn force-children [x]
   (cond->> x
     (seq? x) (into [] (map force-children))))

To reproduce

run scripts/release and open index_release.html

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Erik Assum

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