is inspired by an active object language ABS, and has a Java-like syntax and actor-based concurrency model. In actor-based concurrency models, actors are primitives for concurrent computation. Actors can send a finite number of messages to each other, create a finite number of new actors, or alter their private states. One of the primary characteristics of actor-based concurrency models is that only one message is processed per actor, so the invariants of each actor are preserved without locks.
In addition, the language has explicit notions for logical disjunction and conjunction between the task dependencies, qualitative assessment of resources, method invocation with deadlines and time advancement. The language also supports a static cost analysis which allows the workflow analysers to estimate the effect of changes in collaborative workflows with respect to cost in terms of execution time.
Inside this repository we develop the core tools of the Rpl
Installing Dependencies
Running the RplTools requires Java (version 11 or greater) and Erlang (version 23 or greater) installed. Java can be downloaded, e.g., from https://adoptopenjdk.net. Erlang is available at https://www.erlang.org/downloads (but also check below for platform-specific instructions).
Installing dependencies on MacOS
On MacOS, the homebrew package manager can be used to install the dependencies. After installing homebrew, run the following commands in a terminal:
brew tap adoptopenjdk/openjdk
brew install erlang git adoptopenjdk11
Installing dependencies on Windows
On windows, the chocolatey package manager can be used to install the dependencies. First install chocolatey following the instructions at https://chocolatey.org/install, then run the following command in a terminal with Administrator rights:
choco install openjdk11 git erlang visualstudio2019buildtools
To compile the RplTools, make sure to run the command ./gradlew
build from a developer shell (Start -> Visual Studio 2019 -> Developer PowerShell for VS 2019).
Installing dependencies on Linux
On Linux, check if your distribution offers the necessary programs pre-packaged in the version needed (JDK11, Erlang >= 23, a C compiler); otherwise download from the distribution pages linked above.
Compiling the RplTools from source
To compile the RplTools from source, clone the git repository and run gradle (after installing the necessary dependencies):
git clone https://github.com/razi236/RplTools.git
cd RplTools
./gradlew assemble
The directory RplTools/examples
has some examples. For simplicity, please put your source file (*.rpl) in the same directory (RplTools/examples
Afterwards, move back to RplTools
directory and use the following command to run RplTools.